Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Paris Hilton Is Insulting Mecca

It turns out that Paris Hilton insults the entire world with her presence and not just the English speaking world. Somehow Paris Hilton found someone dumb enough to let her open her own store. I can't imagine she put up her own money for that because even she known her bags and shoes and accessories are crap. Anyway, instead of opening one of the stores in a place we are all familiar with, Paris decided she should sell them where she felt loved. Mecca. Yes, the same place that is the holiest place in the world to all Muslims now stands a Paris Hilton store. Granted, there is an entire mall in Mecca, but still, it is Paris Hilton. Thousands of Muslims have taken to protesting this on twitter and feel that because of her sex tape, and drugs and stealing and criminal record that she is insulting Mecca. I don't think it is really limited to Mecca. I am just dumbfounded still that she actually has her own store. Seriously, have you seen the stuff she sells? It is so bad that she doesn't even wear it.


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