No Shawn Hunter On Girl Meets World
Rider Strong took to his website to announce that as far as he knows there will be no Shawn Hunter on the Boy Meets World sequel, Girl Meets World which features Cory and Topanga raising their daughter. If you are at all a Boy Meets World fan, you really need to read what he wrote. It is really moving and shows how many fans there are across the world who loved that show. "For more than two-thirds of my life, I’ve had the good fortune to experience the incredible support of Boy Meets World fans. Complete strangers hug me on the street. I’ve been mobbed by school children on the subway. I’ve had tow-truck drivers recognize me and refuse to let me pay. I’ve had people buy me drinks in Louisville, in Hyderabad, in Accra…"
You really should read all of what he wrote and can do so by clicking here. There will be Mr. Feeny though right?