Monday, November 05, 2012

Nicki Minaj Compares Herself To Jesus

Yes, that really is Nicki Minaj in her latest video comparing herself to Jesus. "They'll never thank me for opening doors / But they ain't even thank Jesus when he died on the cross." I really thought I had seen and heard it all, but comparing yourself to Jesus? Wow. Nicki thinks really highly of herself doesn't she? If she is Jesus, and she is seated at the right hand of Mariah Carey on Idol, then, yep, Mariah Carey is God.


discoflux said...

Oh my god! I've never heard of an artist comparing themselves to Jesus before!!!!!!!!

Quick, someone get the smelling salts. I have the vapors!

Gtzisshe said...

I know lots of people that thank Jesus for dying on the cross.

camembert said...

It's not a direct comparison. Get over your fake outrage.

lakeuniongirl said...

Can she please disappear?

SusanB said...

Does this mean she's planning on literally being crucified? Put that on pay-per-view and you could raise some serious money for Sandy relief.

Anonymous said...

This Enty is trying to stir the pot. And all for nothing. Nicki is saying that she gets no respect for being a pioneer in rap, but if someone can't thank Jesus for his sacrifice, then she can't really expect more than him.

You can debate whether you think Nicki is a rap pioneer, but she's hardly putting herself on the same level of Jesus. Even if she did, meh. Artists do edgy stuff. No need to clutch the pearls!

urban chaos said...

If Nicki is wanting to give due respect to female rappers breaking ground I suggest she get in line behind all those there before her.

In other words, sit your a$$ down, Ms Minaj!

OneGirlRevolution said...

Nick Minaj is a blight.

Agent**It said...

Which Entity is writing this? I did not know that Enty had such deep respect for Jesus Christ.

Jennifer H. said...

Eh, she isn't comparing herself to Jesus. Isn't there something real somewhere to get outraged about? Like what about the early voting problems in Florida? People need to get pissed about that stuff.

Anonymous said...

Much adios about nothing....

Anonymous said...


Auto correct. Tehehehehe

Agent**It said...

Ha !! we voted via absentee ballott in FL and 2 guys from the "supervisor's office" came knocking yesterday to pick up our absentee ballots. We stalled them and called police.They are investigating as part of a massive fraud ring that is targeting absentee ballotts in FL.

All about Eve said...

Agree Urban Chaos

timebob said...

as long as she isn't dressed as an American Indian warrior, i'm cool with it.

All about Eve said...

That's nuts Agent! But the sad thing is I'm not shocked, a lot of shady stuff going on in Florida. Good for you that you called the cops.

All about Eve said...


Momster said...

Opened doors? I'm far more irritated by that lyric than the one mentioning Jesus.

And Mariah is God? Blasphemy, lol! If we read about a lawyer in LA being struck by lightning, we'll know who Enty is!

Agent**It said...

I was denied the right to vote in 2000.I was moved off the polls by a Republican initiative back then. The absentee ballot fiasco this year is a Democrat initiative. So basically, both parties have tried to f' with my vote which is why I intensely dislike .. everybody !!!! I'll be catching up with AHS Tuesdy night, I figure it's an appropriate alternative to watching the election returns. With many refreshing adult beverages, of course:)

SusanB said...

I voted (in Florida) Thursday - waited about 1 1/2 hours - didn't see any problems. Mr. B voted Friday at the county election headquarters - he waited about 2 1/2 hours with no problems (other than he hates to wait). Neither of us saw anyone complaining about the process (other than their feet were getting tired). You guys gotta remember - it wasn't that long ago that unless you voted by absentee ballot, you could only vote on one day - election day. I remember standing in line for HOURS to vote then. It's what you did. Standing in line for 1 1/2 hours by comparison is great.

warmislandsun said...

This Minaj is pure plastic. Made of plastic, filled with plastic, spewing plastic. Melt it down and throw it away.

Agent**It said...

SusanB, was that not the longest ballott ??? I had to study up and it took me 3 glasses of wine to get through it . Along with a magnifying glass.

mmshukla008 said...

If nicki is jesus, and mariah is god, then 12/21/12 cant come soon enough for me!!! thanks for the laugh enty!

Maja With a J said...

"Opened doors? I'm far more irritated by that lyric than the one mentioning Jesus."

Me too!!!

Maja With a J said...

And also, trying to rhyme "doors" with "cross".

surfer said...

Agent**It and SusanB:

What is an absentee ballot? (Forgive me, I'm Canadian, lol). I know about early voting, but am not familiar with an absentee vote (is it pretty much the same thing?).

Oh, and here in Canada, when we vote, we ALL have to show ID, because how else do you prove you are who you are? Because it's the law here (if you want to vote) I've never understood why it's even an issue in the States.

nova said...

@Surfer, the Canadian voter ID laws are not as strict as what's being proposed in the USA. For example, Canadians can 'prove their ID' by having a registered voter from the same riding vouch for them in person.

Anna V. Xol said...

It seems everyone i hope goes away sticks around forever. We finally got rid of paris hilton and now there is kim k. I think when we get rid of nicki someone more horrible just pop up.

surfer said...

I've never heard of that Nova. That might work in a small town, but that would never fly in a big city.

When I got to vote, I give them my name, and first thing they ask for is ID.

SusanB said...

@Agent*it - I studied the ballot I got in the mail, found a web site that explained the amendments in English and then made myself a cheat sheet. My actual vote took about 6 minutes.

@surfer - if you believe you won't be available to vote on election day or during early voting (out of town, sick, etc) you can get an absentee ballot, fill it out and mail it in. I did it once in Georgia since I knew I would be on vacation that week and in another country. A lot of people do it now for convenience sake. I personally prefer to do my voting in person when possible.

SusanB said...

I also think some of the early voting complaints are legitimate (not as many days as 4 years ago, etc) but some of them are stupid. I read where somewhere, I believe in Broward County, got in line after 7 pm and when told he missed the cutoff time, made such a scene the cops had to be called.

If there was anything shady going on, I didn't see anything. And the lines may actually be shorter on election day, so many voted early and by absentee, plus all the precincts will be open - I think 4 years from now I may wait till election day to vote.

Mango said...

@ Agent**It - So what happened when you called the police??? I'm dyin' here...

Eeekalicious said...

I think that she is the beneficiary of far more doors that have been opened for her (eg Missy Elliott, Lil Kim, Queen Latifah), than her being the cause of opening doors for others...

Sherry said...

Yeah I wanna know too.And what are they gonna do with the ballots? If they open them they are no longer valid and it might be for the candidate they want. I'm not clear on their plan but then I'm not a devious person. What could they possibly do?

surfer said...

Thanks, SusanB.

hotchacha said...

She's not comparing herself to Jesus so just simmer down.

Mango said...

Holy CRAP! Someone just showed me a before and after pic of Nicki Minaj -- before and after her ASS IMPLANTS! I had no idea! Why oh why would someone do that to themselves???

Is Kim's cottage cheese ass real?

MrWolf said...

Wait, I'm pretty sure some people DID thank Jesus. You know, that whole 'Christianity' fad where everyone was like "Be Thankful that he died for your sins."

MrWolf said...

Praise Jesus!

Agent**It said...

@Sherry , Destroy the ballots or replace them with other absentee ballots for 'their' candidate. They target by zip code . This time I guess I'm an elderly Jewish female voter . In 2000, I was a convicted middle aged black man . All within the same zip code.(I don't know who I am anymore until I look in the mirror.)
@Mango, I had told them the ballott was in the process of being completed and would they wait? I called police, told them what was happening. Police came, asked for ID, they had none and booked them initially on tresspassing. They impounded their car, stated they will get a search warrant to search for evidence (other ballotts) etc. I called my Mayor's office, The Dem and Repub FL HQ to report the incident. The Mayor's office was the only one to call back and asked for very specific details (police report info, etc). Probably nothing will happen, just like in 2000, but at least I tried . And, I had already mailed in my ballot and it was rec'd so allegedly, I voted:)

Sunny said...

Whoa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I didn't know she had hiney help! I just saw a photo of her "before" too. She was so darling!
BTW, did you see the pap photo of Kim K in her sheer pencil skirt without pantalonies underneath? That was bananas

I can't believe you have had voting shenanigans TWICE! They need to make a special I Voted sticker for you (I Voted despite some jackasses trying to stop me)

Geebz said...

this bitch

Mango said...

@ Agent**It - That's CRAZY. I wonder how they got your name in the first place?

@ Sunny - Yes, I saw that photo of Kim, hence my nickname for her, "cottage cheese ass".

elspeth said...

Do any of you remember when Carter made regular trips to third world countries to monitor elections so they'd be conducted fairly?

I know we've had a long tradition on all sides of 'Vote Early and Often', but I really wish by this time we could pull off fair and accurate elections. I dread the thought of citizens from other countries showing up to protect our right to vote.

elspeth said...

Oh, and yeah, i think NM's opinion of herself is jacked up a tad.


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