Monday, November 05, 2012

New Zealand Prime Minister Calls David Beckham Stupid

John Key is the Prime Minister of New Zealand. Four years ago, David Beckham traveled to New Zealand with the LA Galaxy to play a match and met the Prime Minister. Recently, the Prime Minister told someone that David Beckham is "thick as bat s**t." I don't know if anyone has ever really thought of David as a Nobel prize winner, but thick as bat s**t seems a bit much. When the Key was asked about it and given the opportunity to backtrack or clarify his remarks, he stood by them, and only said that someone overheard a private conversation he was having with someone, but did not take back anything he said. That is unusual for a politician. usually they don't want to take a chance and make anyone upset for fear of never getting their vote. A reporter even asked Key point blank by asking, "Can I clarify that you did not call David Beckham thick?" Key replied, "No."


  1. Makes me want to relocate to New Zealand.

  2. An honest politican... he's got my vote!


  4. The Motherland!

  5. I don't have anything against Beckham (just to clarify), I just long to be represented by an elected official who doesn't give a shit about homogenizing every aspect of his personality.

    1. Frufra, Oh so true . I will miss Ron Paul for that reason !

    2. Ron Paul will forever have my respect just for the simple fact that he stands by what he believes, even if his party doesn't like it.

  6. I don't think David Beckham is thick at all. He may not be a verbal person, that's all. If he were a dumbie, he wouldn't be a world-class athlete and successful businessman.

  7. Better to be a caring, involved dad than a nobel prize winner.

  8. People should keep their opinions to themselves

  9. Anonymous7:40 AM

    I don't understand the point. Let's say Beckham is dumb. He isn't hurting anyone. This seems kind of rude, IMO.

  10. It's kind of weird, isn't it? Why did it even come up? If Beckham didn't do anything bad, I don't see why anything really needed to be said.

  11. Perhaps the PM said it as a private citizen to a friend who betrayed his trust. I personally prefer a politician who gives an honest opinion to one who tries to please everyone. Beckham seems like a nice guy, but you don't have to be a MENSA member to be a nice guy.

    And exactly how thick is batshit anyway?

  12. I think beckham's a sweetie. Who cares if he isn't mensa smart. He seems like a savvy buisness man and a sweetheart. :)

  13. Anonymous7:53 AM

    If u said it, u said it. *shrug*

    Good for him.

  14. The PM is certainly entitled to his opinion, and his honesty was refreshing; I'm just not convinced this needed to be a public matter, and I suspect whoever "outed" this particular comment is basically a shit-stirrer. Becks may not be the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree, but he's intelligent enough for what he does (and does well), seems to be a good egg and a loving dad, and intellectual ability, while important, isn't always the most significant factor in someone's success careerwise or in terms of other people's willingness to put up with them. :-)

    (IIRC, scholars are now realizing that there are various types of intelligent--athletic, musical, etc.--that don't necessarily relate to academics per se, but are very important to a given job. Someone may only be a ditchdigger, but if s/he really knows their dirt, and knows all the best ways to dig ditches without risking collapse or hitting underground wires, etc. then that kind of intelligence will do him/her a lot more good than book learnin' will. Really, it's all relative.)

  15. Sounds like jealousy to me. I would guess that the prime minister's wife or staff and others had fan-girl or fan-boy moments seeing Beckham (I certainly would fan-girl) and took attention from the prime minister.

  16. Stupid is as stupid does...

    DB is apparently smart enough to parlay his (considerable) talent into loads of money and the admiration of millions, so...whatever.

  17. Anonymous8:39 AM

    It just shows how we are so used to our politicians being slimy for us to be so pleased that someone would stand by that statement. I agree that he seems like a caring and devoted father and that makes up for alot.

  18. Hello, gorgeous man in the photo (not Becks)! New Zealand is the place to be.

  19. This is a really stupid topic. Just sayin'.

  20. Some of the most intelligent people I know are also the meanest, connivingest (sp?) psychopaths.

    Becks has shown himself to be a loving dad and savvy businessman. Thats all he needs.

  21. If enty had a like button next to that title, I would have so clicked it.

  22. Those crazy kiwis

  23. Meh. Whatever. In the words of the great philosopher Eric Cartman, "Stupid people piss me off". LOL So I'd comment if I found someone to be particularly dumb too.

  24. Meh, the Prime Minister had an opinion. Everyone is entitled to their one.

  25. Their one, lol. I meant everyone is entitled to one.

  26. @Robin - it is absolutely true that people have both varying learning styles and varying types of intelligence. (That degree I have in early childhood education is coming in handy :-).) It's actually a fascinating field of educational theory, and very applicable in teaching people in a manner that suits them best.

    Some people are visual learners, some auditory, some kenisthetic (need to physically move to process). Likewise, some people may have a high IQ, but very little emotional intelligence (aka the ability to read others' emotions).

  27. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and David is a nice guy who seems to be a good dad too so who cares!

  28. Has anybody else seen David singing along to the song Hot Hot Hot? I saw it years ago before I really knew who he was and thought he was retarded.

  29. "I may have to raise taxes" would be refreshingly honest--insulting someone--not so much.

  30. Alicia that was great!

  31. Actually the PM made that comment to a classroom full of students....

    Might be true, but not nice....Becks seems like a good guy!!

    1. @gabi older college students (still bad) or kid students who probably idolize him as a great soccer player? Hell any age student makes it worse to me bc of the potential soccer fans and then it's just rude thinking the PM had to put down a nice, hardworking guy who doesn't hurt anyone except maybe his intelligence isn't up to par with the Mensa candidate PM? Or maybe he caught his wife looking at one of Becks many delicious underwear ads and he's jealous.

  32. Years ago when David still played in England, I heard an interview he gave and I was really gobsmacked at how dumb he sounded. That was the day I stopped thinking he was a good looking guy.

  33. this reminds me of a time when my girlfriend met this guy at a bar. it turns out he's mr.universe or mr. pennsylvania or something.anyway after she gets back after a long weekend, i ask her how it went.
    she said it was a very long weekend and they stayed in bed. if he started talking she just wanted to split so everytime he tried to talk, she shut him up w/sex.

  34. You never know who people really are. Their onstage and backstage personas can be quite different (depending on the audience).

    Oh, BTW, my financial advisor is brilliant; however that doesn't make me a financial whiz kid. All it means is that I found someone really good.
