NBC Is Mad At Jenna Wolfe Because She Can't Pretend To Be Nice To Erica Hill
Apparently if you get demoted and still have to go out on national television and share the stage with your replacement, you are supposed to be super nice to them and be bff. At least this is what NBC staffers believe. Of course NBC staffers also believed Animal Practice would be a huge hit for years to come on the network. NBC bosses reprimanded Jenna Wolfe because they say she was openly hostile and just not very nice to Erica Hill who replaced her as co-host of the weekend Today show. I don't blame her. It is kind of like being fired and having to train your replacement. The thing is, Jenna's job pays a whole lot more so she has to do it, while the rest of us would probably just say forget it. Can you imagine having to train your replacement after being fired but then being called into your bosses' office and being yelled at because you were not Christmas nice to your replacement?