Thursday, November 01, 2012

NBC Hosting Charity Benefit For Sandy Victims

NBC was the first network to announce a telethon for Sandy victims. It also gave them first dibs on the stars and hopes that the telethon can pull them out of last place. Oh sure, the telethon will be all about raising money for Sandy victims but don't think they don't want eyeballs that will stay later or come back after the telethon. It will air tomorrow night and be simulcast on every station NBC owns. Kind of like the Olympics. Matt Lauer will host and he probably jumped at the chance because now people will think he actually cares about people other than himself. NBC said other networks could join in if they would like. Christina Aguilera, Jon Bon Jovi, Billy Joel, Bruce Springsteen and Sting are all scheduled to perform and Jimmy Fallon will also be there and will hopefully push Matt out of the way early.


  1. I was thinking horrible things about drowning and Matt Lauer, but I won't say them out loud.

    Those are some great performers and they are passionate about their city / state. I may actually watch this! But how do we know NBC will really give money back to the victims and not just pocket it? Hmmmm?

  2. I think there will be some sort of account set up at a bank somewhere cause there is no way in hell my check would be made out to NBC?

  3. Yes, I won't give via that method, either. I'm researching Red Cross earmarked specifically for Sandy and other validated efforts. Validated meaning financial transparency.

  4. I'm hoping that Bruce and Bon Jovi hold a mind-blowing concert to raise money for my peeps.

    Can't stand Matt Lauer.

    Many local groups are banding together collecting items for those in need. I can post some links if any of you want to know.

    I really worry about Atlantic City. There are so many poor people who live there. Plus, tons of people in South Jersey work there. The city needs to reopen so that people can get back to work.

    President Obama visited our area yesterday with the Gov. I thought that was really cool.

    My family isn't faring too bad. My in-laws' business got severely flooded, but their home is fine. Ditto for my sister's place at the shore.

  5. For those wondering about the donations going directly to the cause, NBC is doing like it did with the 9/11 benefit concert, all money goes directly to the American Red Cross.

  6. I heard that any/all money raised will be going directly to the Red Cross, NOT NBC.

    Glad to hear your family is okay Susan.

  7. Anonymous7:16 AM

    Agreed, I can give to the Red Cross and not even have to deal with Matt Lauer.

  8. Snark is fine, but I'm glad it being done. So NBC gets some ratings---at least everyone who lost so much will get their lives back! It's win/win!

    This is NOT a comment about Brad Pitt--but about those energy efficient/super cheap to build/hurricane and flood proof houses his(?) charity are building in New Orleans---That's exactly the type of project that needs to go into that section of Queens that burnt down. Those people need affordable family houses, and those 'Make It Right' houses are really awesome!

    I'm so afraid the NYC real estate sharks will drive those families out of their longtime neighborhood. I'm imagining ugly hi-rise condos being sketched as we type.

  9. (I meant Enty's snark, not anyone else! Sorry!)

  10. jon bon jovi... yummy! i can't wait for bon jovi's tour next year!

  11. libby, you are correct re housing alternatives.There is a huge buch of folks from Fl heading up there to assist with the rebuilding plans , experienced with disasters and rebuilding. I'm following the insurance data side of it.There are unbelievable stable modular homes that are being developed. It's going to be very, very tough for awhile.

  12. @Agent - when you find out a good, legit place to donate, can you share with us? I cannot see the logic in people/organizations that hold fund raisers but pocket a portion of the donations. Locally, when we have benefits for people and such, food/liquor/music/etc is all DONATED so 100% goes to the person/group for which the benefit is being held.

  13. That would be a great line up if they were having the telethon in 1986.

  14. @Amber - The best places to donate are usually to local food and pet shelters.

  15. I already donated because I can afford a little bit.

    RedCross disclosure:
    An average of 91 cents out of every dollar that you donate goes to fulfill our humanitarian mission.

  16. Anyone who would prefer to donate directly to Red Cross, do so by check, and earmark it for Hurricane Sandy.

    If you do cash, tell them that's where you want it to go. Make sure it is on your receipt for hurricane sandy, and the money will go directly for that effort.

    If you just donate to the red cross w/out earmarking where you want it to go, it will go into the general Red Cross funds. (which isn't a bad thing either)

  17. Big NY love for the Boss and Billy Joel! I was just looking at the flooding in Hoboken, my old home. I can't believe it-looks like Venice.
    12 National Guard trucks and boats in the streets.

  18. Disco and Amber, great ideas. I am getting info from Amazon Prime about when their delivery services will be back up in affected areas so I can go on line and buy stuff that is needed (animal shelters - great idea) and have it delivered direct.There are many of us that are trying to do that - combining our funds together to assist directly . Probably Red Cross is best donation for immediate shelter and food needs.

  19. JoElla, you are correct ,thanks for that.

  20. Hmmm..I wonder if the Boss will sing "Fourth of July, Asbury Park"?

    And you can't have a telethon for Jersey without inviting Tom Waits.

  21. @Turkish - If Tom Waits is there I will definitely watch. WTH hasn't he gone on tour in the US for the new album? :(

    Thanks all for the donation suggestions!

  22. I really like that the local celebrities who love the community are the ones performing, even if Billy Joel is a massive dick.

    Sting though? Thought he was British. That's cool though, we'll take it! Who doesn't like Sting.

  23. Please don't forget the Salvation Army - they do excellent work with little publicity.

  24. Hi, neighbor Susan !

  25. Anonymous9:29 AM

    I can't WAIT for the day that Matt Lauer's philandering, womanizing, sexual harassing and casting couching are revealed to the world. How the mighty will fall. What the hell is his problem? He has a great job, a forgiving wife and kids, what more would anyone want? If you want to be single your whole life, then duh, don't get married. Does he think that he can keep his married w/ kids female fan base with all of his cheating and womanizing? Such a tool. This guy needs to be revealed for the scum he is. Giving women jobs in exchange for sexual favors. Pig.

  26. @hunter: Sting and Trudi are transplanted New Yorkers. Their kids went to school in NYC and they were very involved in their community.

    @Amber: have you seen "7 Psychopaths" yet? I can't wait to see Tom in it, but I had to see "Argo" first.

  27. @Turkish - I haven't! I don't go to movies often (not even 1x a year). I have a weird thing about theaters. As soon as it lands on Netflix I'm in!

  28. I've been researching ways to give and besides the Red Cross, CNN and other resources have suggested...

    Team Rubicon - Military vets who provide disaster relief

    American Humane

    DirectRelief - Humanitarian Medical Aid

    My favorite store ever, Uncommon Goods, out of Brooklyn, NY suggested donations to a local food bank... CityHarvest

    I also contacted the fire department in my parents town to ask them specifically what they needed (besides volunteers/donations). Good call on using Amazon Prime. I have an account and that would be a great way to send supplies.

  29. Somebody needs to do a charity telethon for NBC, what a dire network.

  30. Red cross uses their donated money as they see fit. In other words, it will do good works, but not necessally for the cause u donated for. I think this is good to know. I frankly dont think any if this money goes where its supposed to, so i dont gv more than $10 ever. I do make donation to my "regulars", habitat for humanity, heifer project, st labre indian school and paralyzed veterns org. I like to think somehow it all evens out.:)

  31. I would encourage people to give to anyone other than the Red Cross. When I worked in pathology the Blood Bank I worked at became affiliated. Any donation given to the Blood Bank, over a certain amount, a percentage went to the Red Cross. The donors were not given this information.

    The other way people can help is to continue to plan holidays to the affected areas. It is not exploitative. My husband & I went top Phuket 5 months after the tsunami, the locals were so grateful. When tourism is down everyone suffers, and in Phuket a lady we bought clothes off during our stay there hugged us when we said we were leaving. We probably fed her family for a month. My husband & I are still planning on coming next year & our itinerary has not changed - Long Island, New Jersey, New York (then Las Vegas, Seattle, Hawaii). If anyone is thinking about a holiday, and it is a couple of months or more away, think of taking your dollars to where it will really be appreciated.

  32. THANK YOU, Leilana!!! those are all incredible, and true-blue legit charities. *makes note*

  33. feraltart, are you speaking of giving blood vs money earmarked for Sandy via the Red Cross ? They supposedly give .91 of every dollar to goods specific to the ear marked charity.If that is not true then it is a huge scandal.Like United Way once was ?

  34. Agent**It, I am speaking about money. I spoke up about it at a conference & got told off for it. I thought it was immoral & said so. I expect if I donate money to a cause it helps that cause. Sorry for the late response, I'm at work.

  35. Red Cross is getting trashed in NY as nowhere to be found. Lots of folks are suggesting Salvation Army as a quicker means of assist. Apparently Staten Island still has a lot of folks in great need.

  36. Thank you agent and felt for bringing this information to light. I did so in the mugging post but didn't say it the right way in order to actually be heard.

  37. smash , that post was getting too stupid for anybody to hear anything:)

  38. Agent. Thank you for understanding that! :) I will happily share my bong with you.

  39. I couldn't on the mugging post, but thanks to all of you who shared the charities and especially the Amazon Prime idea. For those back there, what do people need in terms of things we can send in care packages? Stay warm and safe back East peeps?

  40. Clearly not supposed to end with the question mark
