Monday, November 05, 2012

National Enquirer Blind Item

WHICH married Hollywood couple – they’re both Oscar-nominated fought like cats and dogs recently while visiting longtime actor friends at their quiet retreat outside New York City? The 40-something couple’s constant arguing and bickering culminated with her storming out of the bed-and-breakfast and flying back to L.A. – alone!


  1. That's the rich people's version of the woman leaving the living room where the fight occurred and locking herself in the bedroom.

  2. Why would they be at a B N B? Wouldn't it make sense they would stay in a 2nd bedroom?

  3. Josh Brolin and Diane Lane? (didn't bother to confirm Oscar nods but I think they both have them - or should!)

  4. Anonymous7:25 AM

    You're right, Goober. Both Lane and Brolin have Oscar nods. This sounds like them.

  5. Hackgnar- sounds like the friends own the B&B

  6. Isn't Diane Lane still in Chicago though, for that play at the Goodman?

  7. If it's Brolin and Lane, I'm surprised he didn't drag her back in by her hair.

  8. Is this related to the same blind about the Viagara falling out of a star's pocket and his wife got angry and flew back to LA? The guess for that was Annette Bening and Beatty, although at this point, I assume she's gotten over the thought that Warren Beatty isn't a monogamy-minded guy.

    If the were visiting friends, were they staying with friends or were they at a B&B and just drove over for the day to see friends? Confusing. And who leaked the blind? The so-called friends, the B&B staff or the friends' staff, or the taxi driver who picked up the angry wife?

    So much to figure out.

  9. Has Liev Schriever been nominated for an Oscar?

  10. Diane Lane was in "Sweet Bird of Youth" in Chicago until Oct. 28. It seems improbable that she could have flown out of NY recently, because of the disruptions to air travel caused by the storm (a friend of mine had tickets to fly from NY to San Francisco on the 28th, and wasn't able to get rebooked until the 1st).

  11. richard gere owns/owned a b&b in bedford, ny.

  12. Why do so many like to hate on Diane and Josh? They were involved in a domestic dispute a long time ago, I hardly think Diane would stay with someone who abuses her when she has all the resources she has at her disposal.

  13. @Black Cat - seriously? Please explain Rihanna et al then.

  14. I don't know if Diane is abused or not, but many women who are abused and have resourses to leave...don't.
    It's called Battered Wife Syndrome.
    Walk a mile in someone else's moccasins. It is not as easy to leave as it seems.

  15. Yes, because couples never fight or go through rough patches :-/

  16. i think with celebs, they have so many PEOPLE to involve in their affairs that stuff is pretty easy to leak. if you don't want to talk to your partner and have an assistant, you have to tell them. and your makeup artist and your agent and your body guard. once you tell someone a secret, its no longer a secret. only a matter of time before lots of folks know.

  17. @katsm LOL @ #richpeopleproblems

  18. Going for different - guessing William H. Macy and Felicity.

  19. Anonymous12:17 PM

    I went to high school with Diane, and she was my cousin's girlfriend for three years during that time, so I speak somewhat from firsthand experience in having known her.

    My cousin was a bit of a partier, but Diane was usually very quiet and reserved, especially around others. While it's possible she let loose in a situation like that, I'd bet against it, or if she did, she just quietly departed rather than "storming out." It's just not my impression that she'd be histrionic, though the dispute she had with her husband would indicate she does have a fiery side.

    As for her being abused, I seriously doubt that one. I'd pity any man who mistreated her, since she's tough as nails, and grew up in NYC with most of her money locked in trust, and a ton of street smarts. I suppose it's possible she would take abuse, but the Diane I knew never would.

    That they were staying just outside of NYC would indicate that it might be her, but I actually like the other guesses a bit more.

  20. What about Catherine Zeta Jones and Michael Douglas?

  21. Richard Gere and his wife Carrie Lowell own a B&B just north of NYC and he and Diane have made at least one film together if I remember correctly.

  22. Just wanted to say, I kinda like the Diane Lane/Josh Brolin guess considering etny used the "fights like cats and dogs" line and Diane Lane was in that "must love dogs" movie... Idk just stood out to me...

  23. Richard Gere and Carrie Lowell own a B&B!? I want to go and have breakfast with them! (Does it work that way?)

  24. it's Lane /Brolin visiting Gere/Lowell B&B :it's in a french gossip mag today ( a paparazzi tells his best stories)
