Monday, November 05, 2012

National Enquirer Blind Item

WHAT TV host got a little too hot under the collar and threw a major hissy-fit in front of a live audience? The former child actor-turned-television personality blamed his crew for purposely keeping the hot lights pointed at him when the cameras weren’t rolling!


Jamie B said...

I agree; Mario Lopez

Karen said...

Agree with Mario Lopez; I wonder if the crew did it on purpose because he's a douche.

Alex said...

Fun fact, mario lopez and I go to the same gym. I've never spoken to him but he's supposed to be a douche that loves attention but gets "mad" when you give it to him. Not my words.

FSP said...

AC Slater

Anonymous said...

This man whore needs to learn to keep it in his pants. He probably pissed someone off and I'm sure the lighting guys did this on purpose for some reason. People behind the scenes have ways of getting even.

Patty Mayonnaise said...

Mario Lopez ftw! He is a douchebag!

warmislandsun said...

Slime begets slime.

Bluevelvet said...

I can understand why he got mad.

Amber said...

Ugh. Does anyone ever have any GOOD stories about him? We just got caught up on X Factor last night, and his whole vibe is prickish. Even my BF thought so and he is OBSESSED with SBTB.

Jules345 said...

He is gross and I hope the crew 'accidentally' does this again

Karen said...

@Amber, I'm obsessed with SBTB, too, but I can't stand Mario. I'm so glad that Zack won Kelly.

urban chaos said...

hehehe- good for them!

Cathy said...

Wow - who would've guessed that between him and a Kardashian, he'd be the bigger diva? I read this morning that Khloe was pissed at him for reading a bunch of her lines from the teleprompter and throwing her off. He's probably using the "hot lights" as an excuse for that.

Bit dams said...

well, so much for my mario lopez guess on the other BI, lol.

Onyx Loathes Hydrangeas said...

Lol just imagined him huffing and puffing and calling everyone "preppy" while flipping out.

car54 said...

whoa...I heard Demi Lovato also threw one because production changed some things with her acts.

Must be fun backstage at the X-Factor.....

Margaux said...

Lol Slater. The hosts on X Factor are the WORST. Mario isn't very personable and I think he lacks warmth to be a host. He looks as if he hisses stuff at the contestants during breaks like "get the fuck out of my light" or "I'll see to it that you never work in this business again". The Kardashian woman is annoying and I really wish she wasn't there but at least she's doesn't seem like a total mole. The flirting with Simon was really gross though.

bunnymother said...

Mario Lopez is the worst! Can't he just go away already! The other night on X-Factor Simon asked to announce which act was staying, instead of going home, and Mario said no. I was all, um who the hell are you, let Simon do his thing! No one watches the show for Mario! He's the least likeable part of any show he's on. Gross.

Ella Bee said...

I heard a story from a co-worker quite a few years back (like when he was with Ali Landry) that he was a slimy tool who tried to slip her his room key. When she refused, he got all huffy and pulled the celeb card. When that didn't tickle her fancy he stormed off like a toddler. He is an idiot and I have no idea how he continues to get reputable work.


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