Monday, November 12, 2012

Michael Jackson Was Bigger Star Than Mark Wahlberg

A new book claims that after the 9/11 attacks, both Michael Jackson and Mark Wahlberg were in New York and wanted to get out of the city. Both celebrities wanted to use the Sony jet and it was up to Sony to decide which man got to use it. Michael won as he was considered the biggest star. The thing is, Michael did not even end up using the jet and took a bus back to LA so it was just his entourage that used the jet. Mark says this is all lies and that he had a jet of his own. I don't think so. I think he wanted that jet. I'm not actually sure that Michael was the bigger star at that point but certainly had way more money for Sony than Mark had.


  1. I'll take Things That Nobody Cares About for $400, Alex.

  2. @Vicki - I was just coming to ask if someone could explain to me why this is a thing.

  3. Ha ha ha ha ha ha....!!
    @Vicki Cupper

  4. Something tells me today will be a great day of Vicki Cupper zingers. And I like it!

  5. I recall that his last all star concert was Monday, the bombing was Tuesday. Sony did everything in their power to get Michael and Liz out of NYC since he was their first priority.

  6. So has the Daily Mail admitted to purchasing CDAN yet? :)

  7. I thought Marky Mark came out the other day and said this was all BS, that he didn't need Sony's plane because he had his own and stuff like that?

  8. Corey Feldman was really pissed at MJ for picking up Elizabeth Taylor in a car on Sept. 11 and not him.
    Or so Corey Feldman claimed.
    This is the end of my Michael Jackson On September 11 knowledge.

  9. Didn't they ground ALL flights after 9/11 for a few days?

  10. I always thought Mark Wahlberg had said he was supposed to be on one of the 4 planes but that he decided to go to TIFF like the day before instead and that saved him...

  11. LOL! 1.) Why does this matter? and 2.) On what planet is Marky Mark a bigger star than Michael Jackson in death, talk less of after 9/11?

  12. I would give my kingdom of video of MJ and Marky Mark bitch fighting over a private plane.

    Marky Mark already came out and said the story is a lie he had "his own plane" back in 2001 hmmmm. Sadly, I think the story is bullshit but I don't think Marky had his own plane either.

  13. @spascat: thought the same thing. How could ANYONE use a plane when they were all grounded for days??

    Stupid article!

  14. Do you think Theresa Giudice is jealous of MJ's hairline?

  15. I came here to register my "meh" about this non story. Now if MJ and Marky Mark were caught in a lovers quarrell or in a cage fight, then you'd have my full attention!

  16. Michael Jackson traveled by bus? Greyhound? Or a charter? Either way, I just don't see him on a bus.

  17. Can you imagine the celebs fighting over the plain? "Hey, I'm more famous than you." Wasn't there a story about MJ being in a car with celebs trying to go cross country? It was a pretty funny store about travel post-9/11.

  18. Does Mark Wahlberg remind anyone else of that compulsive liar we all knew in high school? You know, the one who somehow had a relevant story about how they were personally involved in EVERYTHING.

  19. All private & commercial flights were grounded for days after 9/11 except for the mysterious planes that picked up Saudi royals & removed them from the country.
    For some reason, the Obama administration is continuing the coverup of this Bush act!

  20. @Cathy - yes, just like the Dilbert character "Topper"!

    Alice: "I ran six miles even though I was sore."
    Topper: "I broke my leg and hopped all the way into work this morning."
    Alice: "You hopped 40 miles on your good leg?"
    Topper: "On the broken one."

  21. Anonymous9:18 AM

    This just shows what a lieing self important asshat Wahlberg is. He just became a favorite in my mind for that blind regarding the evil cheating husband that made his wife cook naked at 3am for him and his friends.

  22. What good would a plane do either one of them? No planes flew in the US for several days after 9/11.

  23. Why are we hearing about this now? Slow news day?

  24. @ Sherry - This is what we call "filler".

  25. @spascat, nicksauntie. There were several planes allowed to fly in the immediate aftermath. One of which was evacuating the US-based Bin Ladens (they didn't share the ideology of OBL).

    1. SingBlue , several of BinLaden's children were at Harvard and exited in the days BEFORE 9/11.

  26. I agree with the above poster that mentioned marky mark was in Toronto at TIFF.

  27. Anonymous11:53 AM

    Who gives two shits. OF COURSE Michael Jackson, internationally famous for most of his life is the bigger star.

    PS The ads on this site ruin it (take your ad block and shove it up your ass) and the mobile capability is a fucking joke that resembles shit from 2002. Step up.

    1. On your PC or Lap Top use

  28. Was there even any flights operating on the 11th? Heather Graham and several others drove back to the U.S. from Toronto.

  29. And . . . we care because?

  30. Am I the only one who read the comment regarding the Daily Mail purchasing CDAN? Is that a joke, real, or rumour?

  31. Marky Mark is a tool.

    MJ is the King of Pop.

    Nobody will remember Marky Mark in 20 years.

  32. TMZ has a follow-up story and Mark W. rep said the story is not true. And wasn't there a no-fly zone order at that time after 9/11?

  33. Good point re the no fly zone. Civil aviation was grounded for days after 9/11, but immediately following the attachs there were civil (GTFO) flightes, mostly leaving the country.

  34. I haven't been to this site in a while. Clearly, I'm not missing much. One pointless story after another.

  35. Steppy!!!! Miss you sweet pea!

  36. Artemis, it's a joke, because Enty writes about a lot of the Daily Mail stories.
