Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Melissa George Has A Really Bad Day

Outside of Australia you might have a little trouble identifying Melissa George. She currently stars in Hunted. She was in Mulholland Falls, In Treatment, and played Dr. Sadie Harris on Grey's Anatomy. In Australia though she is known for her role on Home And Away in which she starred in 300 plus episodes. It is also the launching pad of a guy named Simon baker and some woman named Isla Fisher. They love talking about Home And Away. Melissa George? Not so much. over the weekend,. the actress went off on a television interviewer who dared mention it. So much so that the producers of the show thought they were on Punk'd. Melissa said the press is disgusting for constantly mentioning her past and should only be talking about what she is doing now. "I don't need credibility from my country any more, I just need them all to be quiet. If they have nothing intelligent to say, please don't speak to me any more. I'd rather be having a croissant and an espresso in Paris or walking my French bulldog in New York City. I've never spoken out about it because I have to be the loyal good Aussie, who goes away and comes home. But I'm a really hard-working woman and people have to respect me for what I've done ... my next call will be to Home And Away to ask them to pay me because nobody does more promotion for that f ... ing show than me."


  1. Wow. What a biotch.

  2. Wow...she's probably going to regret that little tantrum soon enough.

  3. I want the Aussie insider scoop. What's really going on here? Über B*tch or Bad Day?

    Anyone up late?

  4. she's looking a little rough and seems like an unpleasant person. oh and simon baker, drool, usually don't like blondes but he is one exception.

  5. Angel! Didn't she really hate Dieter Brummer, who played her husband Shane, in real life. I never understood the love for that pairing but they were definitely the stars of the show.
    Hey, Enty. I think Home and Away was more popular in the UK than in Australia. Guy Pierce, Isabel Lucas, Ryan Kwanten, Julian McMahon, Tammin Sursok, Heath Ledger, and Chris Hemsworth were in it too. Damn, Home and Away should ask me to do their PR.

  6. Don't forget she did Theives with John Stamos in 2001 on ABC. It was canceled after five episodes. Becky Romaine Lettuce would not take the part, so George got it.

  7. I think she forgets what gave her a career to start with, comes across as very arrogant. Didnt realise she was still knocking around

  8. What the hell...It would be nice to see the interview clip to see what about the line of questioning set her off, or if she was just totally out of line?

  9. I remember hating Melissa George's character on Alias.

    And then when I thought it was her on 666 Park Avenue as Alexis, it turned out that was some other actress altogether. But just the thought that it could be Melissa George made the bile well up in my throat.

  10. She drives me nuts. Must have seen her on Alias (I don't remember her on there, @janele, but I watched it), also saw her in a horror movie that I really, really liked - except her.

    I, too, would like to see the tape. It probably won't change my dislike for her.

  11. Well considering i'm half Australian/half American both parts of me says: Drop off! neither country wants someone as stuck up as you!

    Do you think Sally Field loves taking about Gidget & the Flying Nun? Do you think Michelle Williams loves always being asked about Dawson's Creek? No! But it's where they got their start and they will be asked about it till the day they die. GET OVER IT.

    Home & Away is a almost 25 year old soap with is a great training ground and stepping stone for young actors. Enty mentioned Isla Fisher and Simon Baker but others who worked their also include:

    Chris Hemsworth, Naomi Watts, Julian McMahon, Ryan Kwanten & Guy Pearce. And none of them ever have a problem about talking about their acting roots.

    ANOTHER character Melissa George played was Lauren Reed in Alias. The woman Vaughn married when Sydney went missing for a few years. Alias fans know how much of a bitch that character was. I guess she didn't have to put much effort into that one eh?

    1. @dee quit trying to steal my new PR role ;-)

      She was in Friends too, I think. One or two episode appearance. The nanny, maybe?

  12. Anonymous6:50 AM

    Most Australian actors seem happy to talk about their roles from their earlier days. They're 100% cool with it. This chick seems quite pressed. Maybe she should pull the stick that's wedged up her backside. It's making her grumpy.

  13. Saw an interview with her once and she was full of herself. Really unlikeable. A bit of graciousness goes a long way Missey....

  14. She's the one with the rabbit teeth, right?

  15. @Sarah - she was the lesbian nanny, who Joey was trying to hit on.

  16. How come she never gets her major overbite fixed? She is always smacking her teeth over it.

  17. No seriously, who is she?!! I watched Friends, and Alias, but I'm drawing a blank on who she is. Hmmm. Maybe she NEEDS for them to talk about her earlier stuff.....

  18. Seriously, if Home and Away has that many hotties why aren't we watching in the US. I want to watch Hot Aussie on TV on a daily basis.

    Simon Baker, Chris Hemsworth, Ryan Kwanten, Julian McMahon!!!! Damn!!!

    @Sarah and @dee - can you PR mavens put in a call to BBC America and get that action started. I love me some Top Gear, but Jeremy Clarkson is no Chris Hemsworth. Lets make this happen!

  19. yeap, it seems to be the place for talent spotting future A listers for both tv and film...
    Mind you, they havent' yet managed to convert a car into a boat, or done the tour de vietnam on scooters, the way top gear has....

  20. I too would like an insider scoop. No one would really spew shit like this in an interview-it's not just Home and Away, she's shitting on her own country!

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. @Dee Lurker: The stuck up cow really said it all & as you can imagine a lot of "regular" people or what's that word??? oh yeah... FANS! are not amused. Here's the interview:


  23. I remember her as Angel on Home & Away but was never too fond of her. It still has a following in Ireland and is on every day I think. Some hot men in it!!

  24. Billy Bob George!! This reminds me of the time a couple of years ago when Billy Bob Thornton went off on Gian Ghomeshi (host of the CBC Arts and Entertainment radio and TV show 'Q'.

    Gian dared to ask Billy Bob a question about his acting career instead of concentrating solely on his record.

    Billy Bob totally freaked and compared himself to Tom Petty!

    This bitch doesn't realize how lucky she is. She sounds very smug. Maybe a nic fit?

  25. I didn't recognize the name, got her confused with Phyllis George (who must be in her 70s now) and thought she had some really amazing plastic surgery. After reading all the comments about what she's been in, I still don't remember or recognize her.

  26. I recognize her because Max constantly shows promos for her new show which looks blah and I won't tune in. She needs to quit being ungrateful. I for one would like to thank the casting director on that show. Thank you Aussie Angel, if only for Simon Baker and Thor.

  27. She's just a mega bitch. I swear we aren't all that bad!
    P.s the show was on seven, the channel home and away is made by and aired on. They showed a montage of her work and refered to her as ex home and away star.. then mentioned what else she has done. Most aussies know her as Angel on h&a,bso she should just nut up or shut up! :)

  28. After her deranged interview about the revolting Amityville Horror remake (I was so devastated Kathy Lutz had died.... Because now she would never see MY portrayal of her...) I've had no time for this idiot.
    Not only a middling talent, her awful caps are very distracting.

  29. Hahaha, and there was me thinking our US cousins would just remember her for humping on Russell Simmons...

  30. Talk about biting the hand that fed you....what a bitch

  31. I saw her on Grey's, I thought she was Rebecca Romain-Stamos or whatever her name is.

  32. i love 'hunted' and she's very good on it.

  33. She has a bad reputation over here in oz too. I've been a Home and Away tragic since I was 10. I used to love her. Pretty sure she won a gold logie for her role too (equivilant of a best actor Emmy). A lot of Aussie actors started out on these soaps yet she is the only one who is embarrassed by it! Chris hemsworth was on it for years, Liam had a role too. Even Heath ledger was on for a brief period.

  34. Thanks for the link @dee123, but the context of her words are a bit softer than Enty's post. Like, it may have been a very long conversation refering to a specfic thing she was upset about then it was cut up for the story.

    I might be naive tho...

  35. Dear Melissa, go f**k yourself. Sincerely, Australia.

  36. Who the f*** is this bitch. Nobody cares!

  37. She gets a pass from me thanks to Sugar & Spice. "Can you imagine, Conan's head on Keanu's body? Unstoppable."

  38. poor girl. she's trying so hard to be chic and her entire country's salting her game every step of the way! damn Aussies, get some croissants why don't you.

    she should know that you have to play the game if you want to win.. if you can't be chic, be gracious instead.

  39. Well, she's done, hopefully. What a vile creature.

  40. Someone is feeling mighty cunty today.

  41. I don't know who she is. I scanned the title really quickly and thought the post was about Melissa GORGA from RHoNJ, who apparently is a lot nicer.

  42. Can you hear that, Americans? That's the sound of raucous Australian laughter.

    Dunno any inside scoop except, as we say, she's up herself. What a twit.

  43. Is a PR spin of substance abuse and rehab coming, I wonder?

  44. Dear Melissa, stay in fucking France & choke on that croissant, cause Australia doesn't want you back.

  45. Dear Melissa, stay in fucking France & choke on that croissant, cause Australia doesn't want you back.

  46. We have pretentious bitches in Australia too, Melissa. You're not needed.

  47. Wow. Someone need to adjust their undies.

    Ms. George, in 10 years I think no one in Paris, NYC OR Australia will recall just who the hell you are. So .. sit down, enjoy the ride and try to be civil until your time in the sun ends. Then you can be as jaded and bitchy as you want.

  48. Some people should remember where they came from and be grateful. To be remembered so fondly after many years is not an insult.

    Better to be known as beloved Angel, than just another Russell Simmons piece of "what will you buy me" fluff.

  49. She is just horrible. Always has been. She had this modicum of success and it went so far to her head it was surreal. This is why she dates older men - for them her looks are enough. Someone her age would call it like is... b itch.

    The French Bulldog, Espresso call was great. I want it on a t shirt. A whole new level of pretentiousness has been achieved.

  50. She's on a roll


  51. As a non Australian living in Australia, I've always found it weird how obsessed they are with 'their' celebrities. It's all 'our Nic', 'our Kylie' etc etc. And whenever there's an interview or something it's always 'remember when you were here, with us?'

    I can't imagine how annoying it is to be on the receiving end of that crap all the time, but having said that, MUCH bigger names than her put up with it so she should, in fact, get over herself. That's how it works here, if you don't want to answer those questions don't do interviews with Australian outlets... Assuming anyone else wants to interview you (which I highly doubt).

    The thing that makes me laugh the most about this is that if she does manage to get an interview with an international (I.e. non Australian) outlet, they're going to be all 'So what's the deal with this Home and Away drama?' when previously they never would have asked her about it.

  52. Jessie called it, pretentious bitch indeed. This was a serious PR mistake for her and she should be doing damage control, tall poppy syndrome will cut her down if she doesn't. I for one won't be watching her new show even though it actually looks good.

  53. She doesn't need her undies adjusted, she needs her MEDS adjusted.

    I went to the link that Ranx posted and an interviewer asked Melissa about a movie she was in and her answer? "It's called Felony and I believe if you look it up you can get the proper synopsis.

    She couldn't spare a sentence or two about the plot?

  54. I was 8 when Shane was killed on Home and Away. The Shane and Angel storyline was what made me beg my mum to let me start watching that show and when Shannon (Isla Fisher), Selena (Tempany Deckart) and Angel left the show I stopped watching it and begged my mum to let me watch Neighbours instead.

    Melissa George should just accept that she'll never be better known for any other role. A role that gave her every other acting opportunity she has had. I'm sorry, she's an ungrateful bitch.

  55. Anonymous3:36 AM

    Don't think for a sec that this is NOT true or she does NOT think this way. She makes KK seem poised and grateful to be a star.

  56. Whenever I see Chris Hemsworth I think Sami Brady (more so when she was chubby). (Alison Sweeney)

  57. Have NEVER liked her, have NEVER been able to see her talent - so this doesn't surprise me. It's insecure people who self-inflate to the point of implosion. French bulldog on the streets of NYC? Christ, give me a break. She's just a hick made good - er... bad.
