Make Sure You Tip Your Pizza Delivery Person
Chloe Teply decided that when she ordered a pizza from Pizza Hut that she was not going to tip her delivery driver. Apparently the driver was not happy about that turn of events and as can be seen in the video below took matters into his own hands so to speak and peed all over her doorstep. Teply says she did not tip because she does not have the money. But she has the money to have Pizza Hut to be delivered to her house? The guy did something horrible and wrong and was fired for it and even came back and cleaned up his mess, but Chloe's excuse seems wrong. If you can order Pizza Hut to be delivered you can spare a buck. It is not like you were driving to Little Caesars and getting a $5 pizza to go or going to the grocery store and getting three pizzas for $5.