Monday, November 12, 2012

Liza Minelli Too Drunk To Sing

At some point in your life, I think that you just need to give up partying every night, especially if it affects your job. Liza Minelli was supposed to perform Thursday night, but couldn't because she was hammered. Now, if you are too drunk to perform, here is a piece of advice. Do not get up on stage and try to perform. Do not even go to the event. Just call in sick. If you show up and get on stage and can't remember the words to new York New York which you have sung thousands of times and can't even stand up without the aid of something or someone and the crowd starts to boo, then perhaps Liza will not be doing this again for quite sometime. Another note to performers. Try and ban people from bringing cell phone cameras.


  1. Poor Liza she must be so very unhappy..

  2. This behavior is all she knows, regardless of age. I mean her brain must be so hardwired to expect booze and prob pills every day she has little control over herself. As exasperating as an addict is, i feel for her and wish her recovery. I mean amazing things happen everyday. She cld get clean.

  3. She knows and understands what happened to her mother, right? I know it's a difficult choice that needs to be made every day for the rest of your life, but come on.

  4. "Another note to performers. Try and ban people from bringing cell phone cameras" Good luck with that one, in this day and age, everyone has one or can sneak one in. The hard part is when you get drunk at the event which she did in her dressing room. Heavy is the head of the Diva who wears her crown

  5. During a trip to NYC years ago with the Mum, Liza was performing and I wanted to see her so badly. The Mum said "I'm not paying to see that drunk, dope head." That's one argument I'm glad she won.

    The crowd's reaction is beyond embarrassing.

  6. she performed all fucked up for years and got away with it. but when you do that, you just don't recognize when you've crossed a line where it's very obvious to the audience that you're smashed and you're just making a fool of yourself.

    i don't know if she's ever really been clean. if she isn't willing to get that way, she should just stay home. personally, i wouldn't walk outside to see her perform on my sidewalk.

  7. Wow, that was embarassing! What the hell?

  8. Anonymous10:24 AM

    Yikes! But I'm with Nancers. She's ALWAYS seemed very drunk and or pilled up. She doesn't seem like she's ever gotten sober or gotten in to recovery. Just another one of the horrifying ways that fame and money ruin people. Someone needs to do an intervention. How sad.

  9. I felt sad that no one stepped in and took her gently off stage, and into a limo to Promises or wherever. So talented and so sad.

  10. Very, very sad. I just watched the 2010 PBS movie on the late Jim Morrison. Just when the sad was going away I see this.

  11. That was very distressing. I really wonder if she just doesn't have anyone in her life that cares enough about her to help her.

  12. I know someone who was in the same room with Liza in FL, at rehab...

  13. Super sad to see - a legend fall so hard. Her handles should have never let this happen. PERIOD

  14. Anonymous1:29 PM

    That was painful to watch..yikesssss

  15. Anonymous1:29 PM

    That was painful to watch..yikesssss

  16. Why didn't the band start playing until after she stopped singing?
