Thursday, November 15, 2012

Lisa Welchel Has West Nile Virus

Yesterday Lisa Welchel Tweeted that her doctor informed her she has West Nile Virus. She does not seem all that concerned about it. There was a period about a month ago when the weather got really hot here and it seemed like the mosquitoes were back in force and the stories were everywhere that I actually had a little paranoia about getting it. Lisa says that she is just tired and that it takes a year to recover. Haven't people died from it? Maybe I didn't need to freak out about it. Being tired is not such a bad thing. I could use the sleep. She didn't get the virus while shooting Survivor. With that whole Survivor thing and now West Nile Virus, I think she has the two ingredients necessary for her to get her own reality show. Either that or she can be the new Mrs. Garrett on a re-boot of Facts of Life.


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