Lindsay Lohan And Adoption?
Immediately if you see the words Lindsay Lohan and adoption in the same sentence you must mean either she is adopted, or her parents are trying to give her up for adoption or worst case scenario she is thinking about adopting a pet. Nope. It turns out someone was out there saying that Lindsay wanted to adopt a boy. Well, that must be total crap right? Who would give Lindsay a kid? You might as well just conference in Child Protective Services or give them a key to the house because they are going to be over there everyday. Lindsay had the chance to set the record straight and say there was going to be no adoption but instead she said, "That's no one's business." Umm, yes it is. My tax dollars will be spent on CPS coming out to your house everyday. It is my tax dollars that have paid for the prosecutors and judges to haul you into court. To house you for the 20,000 some odd minutes you have spent in jail and to investigate your thefts and car accidents. Now you want to adopt? Oh, it is my business.