Monday, November 05, 2012

Kristen Bell Is Pregnant

According to a new report in US Weekly, Kristen Bell is pregnant. Apparently Dax Shepard is the person who impregnated her. I still don't know what she sees in the guy. I'm thinking love potion. Possibly blackmail or extortion. You would think that after that horrible movie he convinced her to do which may go down as the worst movie in the history of movies that she would get a divorce from the guy. Yeah, I know, they say they are boyfriend and girlfriend. It must be true love though if she was willing to get pregnant after that movie. If I am a studio, I don't ever let him produce another movie again. It was truly and spectacularly awful. Congratulations on the baby though.


  1. She is so doggone cute. Sloths!

  2. I don't know much about him, but I do like her, especially in Veronica Mars-she needs to work with Enrico again, incredible chemistry. Congratulations.

  3. I believe it...her face has looked fuller in the last couple photos that I've seen of her on here. And I like them together a lot!

  4. Which movie is enty referring to? Their last one? Its so weird - I thought he had praised 'Hit and Run', but I cant find the reference now that Im searching through the site.

    1. He did. Write about it, and praised it.

  5. I am not a huge fan of either of their work but do love then together, they always seem so happy.

  6. Love love love him on the show 'Parenthood"

  7. @cindy:
    if Enty wrote on "hit&run",he needs glasses:it's not awful !

  8. I think he's great on Parenthood.

  9. Didn't see the movie but it looked good in the commercials.

  10. Wasn't it a guest movie review? I am pretty sure this is the site I read it on...

  11. Enty didn't praise it he posted a review from a CDAN reader that loved it. Haven't seen it but Dax got Bradley Cooper do it for basically nothing and so he isn't that dumb. He was pretty adamant promoting the movie he and Kristen aren't married and is waiting for all gay couples to be married. He explained it as having his gay friends sit in the back of the bus while he gets married in the front, it's not fair.

    From all accounts they are a very happy non fame whoring couple that just love each other and live their lives. I'm happy for them, Kristen is a smart, gorgeous, funny woman and I am happy for her blessing. They will be the "fun parents" on the block no doubt.

  12. @jules, u r correct. it was a guest post

  13. They look cute even though he does not look appealing to me. Hopefully they will have a good marriage (if they marry).

  14. Is this an answer to a blind? It sure sounds like it.

  15. @lostathome, he posted a review from a CDAN reader not Enty praising it, so semantics but you're wrong.

  16. "I still don't know what she sees in the guy."

    I thought he's supposed to be super-well-endowed.

  17. I love, love, love Kristen Bell.

  18. I literally bumped into her 2 weeks ago coming out of an elevator and she is teeeeeny weenie tiny. I'm 5'0 and 110 lbs (curvy and muscular) and I swear I could bench press her. Also, I adore Dax. I think he's a great actor (everyone on Parenthood makes me cry, but he can keep up with his critically exceptional co-workers) and clearly very driven. Coming from PUNKD with Ashton back in the day, he's done a great job of evolving into a respectable actor and the two of them are clearly very in love. Enty, already annoyed you haven't texted me back, but you're wrong about Dax. Adorable, funny and devoted is exactly why she's with him.

  19. More and more Enty is coming off as bitter, especially in this post. They are both lovely people, and I'm sure will be amazing parents.

  20. I have seen a few interviews now where they refer to each other as husband and wife, and I saw one with him where he talks about his proposal and their casual wedding. They may not have announced their marriage but it's not like they're keeping it a secret anymore.

    Either way, I like these two together, they just seem kind of normal to me *L*. And of course, there was the whole sloth thing!

  21. I wish them luck and hope they stay together.

  22. When you live with someone a long time you call each other husband and wife because it's the most accurate description even without the paper. Boyfriend is wrong, anyway that's what my husband and I did before we got married, which was 15 years in.

  23. Uhhh...he's hot, that's what she sees in him. (And apparently has a large piece of equipment).

  24. Would love to see the nursery - I bet it's full of stuffed animals, all sloths!

    I think they're an adorable couple. They seem very cute together.

  25. They are very cute together and I wish them the best, but wtf is Kristen wearing in that photo?

  26. Where did everyone hear about his member? I missed this apparently.

  27. I used to really love her until she went nuts on twitter over that Kony 2012 video, being a bitch to anyone who said anything negative about it, then deleting the tweets.

  28. aww i think these two are adorable. i've seen how they are around each other, and it's nothing but sweetness. they were recently on NPR and they were so funny and so smitten with each other - it's refreshing! i say congrats to the two of them.

    i also saw Hit and Run and i thought it was cute!!! no, it's not going to win an Oscar, but i laughed several times. i mean... it was a double feature night and the other film was The Campaign, which i thought was sooooo-Will-Ferrel-overdone-dreadful... anyways... i don't think it was THAT bad... Christmas with the Kranks was freaking horrible. and so was Man of the Year... Hit and Run? eh not that bad!!!

  29. Loved when they were both on "Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me"--they sounded like an adorable couple in the interview.

  30. I like these two. She's incredible on "House of Lies" (That striptease episode...YOWZA!) and he's great on "Parenthood." "Hit And Run" was not 'one the worst movie in the history of movies.' It was a pretty good modern day "True Romance." Yeah it died at the box office but it was still good. Love ya Ent, but sometimes you can oversnark.

  31. I want them to name their kid "Sloth" and reboot The Goonies.

  32. Oh Enty - they're a cute couple. They've been together for a while. I wish them luck.

  33. Whenever I see or hear Dax Sheppard's name, all I can think of is him as a mindless tool in Idiocracy lol

  34. I JUST watched her sloth video today. I've never cared for her, but now I have to love her. Anyone who breaks down over animals just like I do is my kind of person lol

  35. I liked Hit & Run! And yeah, they're both awesome. Uh...since they've been together for something like six years and are engaged (and rumoured to already be married), why would Enty be so surprised that he is the one who impregnated her?

  36. Had always been cool on Dax but started coming around to him with Parenthood. When he filled in for Chelsea Handler one night, I was astounded at how great he was. If he had a Chelsea like show, I would absolutely watch it.

    He was so present with the roundtable and was great with Jeff Daniels. At some point, Dax mentioned his wife and Daniels pounced..."I thought you said earlier she was your fiance?"

    Shepard somewhat sheepishly admitted they were married but wanted marriage to be available for all people, not just a man and a woman.

    Love Jeff Daniels, now love Dax Shepard. Hope he gets a talk show.

  37. They seem like a sweet couple, so mazel tov, you crazy kids!

  38. Love them! And he is awesome on Parenthood, I totally agree with the above commenter who notes that he came from Punk'd--this is a huge evolution to an actor who can pull off both comedy and drama. This would be adorable news!

    And a huge wang never hurt anyone either.

  39. I could have sworn they had admitted they were married but maybe it's like Brad/Angie?

    I can totally see what she sees in him! He is hilarious and seems sweet.

  40. Whenever they do interviews together (i.e. Jimmy Kimmel) I want to die at how cute they are! I've loved Kristen Bell since Veronica Mars, and I never really noticed Dax until Parenthood, in which he is outstanding. Congrats to the wonderful couple!
