Saturday, November 17, 2012

Kim Kardashian Weighs In On Middle East Conflict

Despite the 5,000 people in London who showed up to see Kim Kardashian, she knows, and the rest of her family knows that she is struggling to find relevancy or new crowds of people to like her or buy her products. Apparently yesterday she decided that she was some kind of Middle East peace broker or thought that people around the world would care what she had to say about the situation there. She sent two tweets, the first, telling people to pray for people in Israel and then another telling people to pray for the Palestinians. When her Twitter exploded with people trashing her and telling her she didn't know what she was talking about she deleted them. Later she posted an apology to her website and said she should have explained further before Tweeting. Or she could have just stayed out of it and killed another 10 or 15 animals so she would have something to wear tomorrow. Whatever plan she and her mom hatched at the beginning of the year is clearly not working and her decline has begun. The thing is the decline has not begun for her sisters which is interesting and which probably causes her to scream and yell every night and tell them how much money she has compared to them and how she is her mom's favorite. Until she stops earning the most.


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