Kelly Preston Blames Food And Chemicals For Her Son's Autism
Kelly Preston is on The Doctors tomorrow and on the show discusses the death of her son and his autism. She says that autism is caused by chemicals in the environment and food. "I strongly believe as a mother, as does my husband, that there are certain contributing factors that lead to autism and some of it is very much the chemicals in our environment and in our food." I don't agree with her, but I also say she can have her own opinion. What makes me upset about what she said is that if autism is caused by outside factors such as food and chemicals than why did they hide it from the world? Scientology would be ok with autism if it were caused by the two factors that Kelly mentioned. The reason they hid it for so long though is because Scientology does not recognize autism. They say it does not even exist. This leads to Kelly always saying that Jett had Kawasaki Syndrome despite the fact that it does not cause seizures and Jett died of seizures. If you want to go on a show and talk about autism then do it. Tell the world your son had autism and help people deal with it. Go on the show and tell the world that your son had autism and that your religion which you promote everyday tells the world that autism does not exist and that you are breaking free of the religion because you have seen and know that your son had autism and he tragically passed way because of seizures related to his autism.