Kate Stoltzfus From Breaking Amish Is Making A Huge Mistake
Reports are circulating that Kate Stoltzfus from Breaking Amish wants her own reality show and that she does not want to have anything to do with the rest of her castmates and that her people told her that she should never agree to do any more Breaking Amish episodes and hold out for her own reality show. Yeah, what they should do is ask Angela from Jersey Shore how that worked out for her. The show is not even guaranteed a renewal. Kate is still waiting tables in Florida so obviously promo fees have not been coming in which would allow her to quit that job, so if TLC comes back and says come on a second season of the show, she better say yes. The only way you are ever going to get yourself a show is to be the star of a successful one. Say hello to Snooki, Jwoww and Pauly D. At this point in her reality career, Kate is not even popular enough to land a fight in Celebrity Boxing. Do you know how low down the ladder they reach for those people and she can't even do that?