Sunday, November 11, 2012

Justin Timberlake, Timbaland & Jessica Biel Help Out Hurricane Sandy Victims

You know I always love it when celebrities help out with having a fleet of PR people there. Yesterday in Rockaway, Queens, Justin Timberlake, Jessica Biel and Timbaland all helped out at a CVS store there and passed out food and supplies and backpacks to victims of Hurricane Sandy. No one was there to document their efforts except for a couple of people who recognized them and snapped their photos with cell phone cameras. So, for one day at least, no griping about Jessica's acting ability or that with a new movie coming out that she probably hoped that people would notice. I know, I know. I said no griping. I;'m glad they helped and I know the people of Queens are glad they helped.


  1. Her bangs absorbed all the extra water.

    JK, good for them.

    1. Ingrid, my bloody mary is all over my kindle:)

  2. They need all the positive karma they can get after the wedding video incident + Justin's "apology".

  3. nice. I think at heart they are good people.

  4. Yeaaah.. This is not staged at all.. Definately not staged..

  5. Anonymous12:09 PM

    I'm w you shitler.

  6. I don't understand the hate for her bangs :/

  7. was my first thought too, they want good will after the wedding video disaster and it couldn't be a photo op that would of been worse, it had to be like it was, word of mouth, people recognize them take a cell phone pix send it around so it looks like they are just "good people trying to help"

    sorry, don't buy it, its all about trying to stay or get back to A list.

  8. If anyone follows Anson Mount of Hell on Wheels now there is someone that is doing good work becuase they know it is the right thing to do. He is acutally going to homes helping people move furniture, getting supplies and getting his hands dirty. Now that is doing good work besides handing out a chicken from a back of a truck. He should get some Enty love please.

    1. I didn't know that, he is awesome (and very nice to look at)

  9. they help so it's great

    i don't see why "the video" is a damage for their careers because they disliked it ,they never tought it was funny

  10. @timebob, I checked out Anson Mount (who was very good in the Seal Team Six movie, btw) and found this tumblr entry about his help with the Hurricane Sandy damage. Wow!

  11. Thanks @paula for posting that link. I meant to post his twitter in my previous post but you can check out what he is doing here and its not for publicity, he lives in Brooklyn and just seems like an all around good guy.

  12. I totally agree with you @timebob. I thought the same thing too.

    @FrenchGirl: the video was never a problem for them until it became a problem for everyone else. Then they had to do something about it.

  13. I know JT from growing up around the same area in Millington. He is a good guy and does a lot of things for the city of Memphis that people don't even know about.

  14. I helped in the Rockaways yesterday too -- but I was in a dark, wet basement kicking out drywall and removing sopping insulation and ceiling tiles. I'm glad they did something, but there's a LOT more strenuous work to be done.

  15. Help is help, it doesn't matter who helped or why they helped. no help is better than another and we need more of it in this world.
