Sunday, November 04, 2012

Joe Simpson Doesn't Want To Talk About Coming Out

I think at this point everyone believes Joe Simpson is gay and has just not publicly come out. You have escorts and boyfriends who have been tested on lie detector tests and you don't have Joe Simpson out there saying he is not or threatening to sue, so I don't really get when TMZ has a little report that says Joe has been telling friends and family that the speculation is absurd. That is not a denial. That is just saying that speculating about it is absurd. There are just too many people who have spoken about this for Joe to just plead with TMZ to help make it go away. Be out and be proud. Sure, you have been homophobic in the past and said it was a horrible sin and that people would go to hell if they were homosexual, but now is your chance to help change all of that. Plus, everyone wants to know where you got your new hairstyle done.


  1. Anonymous9:08 AM

    It's my experience, that those who are the most homophobic tend to either have their own self loathing tendencies towards homosexuality, or they have their own darker skeletons in the closet.

  2. I think his haircut is making the announcement for him. I don't care if he comes out to the world. he is a has been manager of two has been reality stars. He seems to be dealing with it wit his family. He doesn't a People cover.

  3. it's official Enty is not gay and doesn't know some gays(cloeted or not) or it's the Enty totally stupid writing Jessica Simpson was fat like a whale who is writing today

  4. @christina, as much as i'd like to believe that every homophobe is actually gay, i think in cases like joe simpson, he was raised christian and had it instilled in him from a young age. There are so many people who are born and raised homophobic and will never think differently because of it.

    That being said, enty got it right when he said that coming out can help change some of those attitudes. WHY CAN'T WE ALL JUST LOVE MORE.

  5. If he's gay, I just hope he's being honest with all around him, especially his wife. If anyone deserves to be happy, she does.

  6. Yeah, FrenchGirl, this entry doesn't jibe at all with Enty's past positions (repeatedly stated here) re: outing in general, for one thing.

  7. @Amy & FrenchGirl
    Enty's not outing Joe Simpson.
    That's already been done by the sex workers who saw an opportunity for a quick paycheck.
    All Enty is doing is a quick 10 line blurb for his blog based on opinion and evidence.
    It's not outing.

  8. I swear, dude looks like my Aunt Jean.

  9. He will come out when he is ready, i believe he is gay, but he needs counselling himself before he can be honest with the world

  10. Just LOOK at him. There is no way in hell he isn't gay.

    By the way, I love gay people, have plenty of gay friends. I think he should just accept who he is.

  11. I'll never understand why people care if a man chooses to sleep with another man.

  12. Replies
    1. I mean I could care less if a man sleeps with a man or a woman or both. Wasn't a comment on whether people are born gay or not.

  13. He wants to stay trapped in his glass closet with broken hinges. Fine with me. He owes no one but his wife and family a explanation. That picture alone is enough confirmation to the world so there is no need for a press conference.

  14. Why does Joe need to come out to the world? What is important is he came out to Tina, Jessica, Ashley and immediate family members. Joe's new look says two snaps up to me. Unless he says otherwise, I'll continue to believe he's gay but not ready to share his sexuality which is totally fine with me.

  15. Joe's waiting for an offer for his own "reality" show , come on, this is The Simpson Family !!

  16. Why did he get this makeover right after all this came out?

  17. he's here he's queer get used to it! sadly, his daughters are still idiots

  18. Amen, Timebob, amen. Yeah he only has to discuss this with his family and not the world. And I always seriously wonder if every "straight" homophobe is gay. Hate all you want just don't go about making laws against it. So hipocritical.

  19. Joe has a reality show on MTV coming out in a few months, wonder if he'll break his silence then.

    1. January! That answers my question!

  20. Whoa! I wasn't aware that just because someone is gay they have to shout it out loud and proud to the world and the upstanding press that is TMZ. Maybe he doesn't want to be the poster child for publicly outed homophobes. And when exactly did Enty decide it was ok to shame someone into admitting their sexuality? This is no one's business and it is rather sad that it was done through one of the gossip rags at the checkout stand at the grocery store.

  21. Enty didn't "out" Joe--really, is he even "in" at this point? The only thing standing between Joe and his being completely "out" is his actually 'fessing up and admitting that he's gay, and frankly, I'm not going to hold my hand on my ass waiting for that one to happen, because I have a life and need both my may well look, walk, and quack like a duck, but he's still jumping up and down and insisting that it's a swan, or a goose, or anything other kind of aquatic bird, but definitely not a duck, damn it...*sigh* *shakes head*

    Back when I was still working at the University of Georgia in the early-to-mid '90s, Dr. Henry Adams of the UGA psych dept. (where I worked, but not with him) did some rather interesting research about homophobia. I'm not going to write up all his research and methodology here (that's what Google is for, kids!), but suffice to say that yes, those young men exhibiting the highest levels of homophobia as determined by their answers to a set of survey questions showed the highest levels of arousal/response to gay porn, as determined by monitors designed to measure penile blood flow (read: boners). I do believe the research speaks for itself, don't you? ;-)

    Joe, IMNSHO, just wants to be able to have his cake and eat it, too--he wants all the advantage of being a Straight White Christian Male in a society where being a member of these groups is very likely to lead to to the kind of career success and social status to which he craves, but he also wants to be able to play "daddy" to as many twinks as he wants, and get as much man sex as he can stand. As far as I'm concerned, any given closeted LGBT person who's basically a decent human being just living their life should be allowed to make their coming-out journey at their own speed; however, if you're going to play Joe's/Roy Cohn's/any number of people's game of publicly bashing LGBT folk and deliberately trying to make their lives miserable, only to be sneaking around on the down low yourself, you deserve to have your lying, hypocritical dragged out of your closet and into the bright light of day, where we can all see what kind of person you really are. Hint: it's not going to be pretty, and it's not going to because you're gay, but because you're a crusty, pus-filled douchnozzle, that's why.

    1. Robin, Roy Cohn! Crap, I remember him.

  22. That Caesar haircut is so cool! In 1995.

  23. That's "lying, hypocritical ass"--clearly, I got a wee bit carried away there and forgot to mention the particular body part in question.

    I still maintain that rampant homophobes who push agendas guaranteed to make other LGBT people's lives miserable, but who sneak around on the down low themselves, deserve to be outed, and I refuse to back down from that stance. This applies to issues other than homosexuality, too--yes, we're all human and fallible, but if you're a blatant asshole towards a group to which you secretly belong, and which you persecute at any opportunity, then you deserve to have your hypocrisy exposed to the world. *steps off soapbox*

  24. "Two snaps up!" Haven't heard that one for a while!

  25. Anonymous11:13 AM

    At Robyn the Mad Photog: I LOVE that UGA study and ALWAYS tell everyone about it whenever the subject of homophobia comes up. In a scientific study the most homophobic men got boners while watching gay porn! Homophobia scientifically equals homosexuality. Sorry to put it that way folks, but Dr. Adams proved it. It's not a choice, because who would choose to be hated, beaten and have your life be in danger? Come ON. It's not a choice. It's not even a big deal. I don't care what you do as long as you're kind to other people and don't hurt anyone while making yourself happy. I agree that he deserves to come out at his own pace. Sure we all know he's gay as a two dollar bill, but obviously he's not ready yet. It's his life, let him do it his way. It's not for us to decide how others should live.

  26. Anonymous11:14 AM


  27. Totally agree with you, Robin. I think coming out is a highly personal matter, and no one can say whether someone else is gay, bi or otherwise, until that person has come to his or her own conclusions. But, when hypocrisy is involved, all bets are off. That said, I know Joe talked a lot about conservative Christian values in the past, but was he ever actually outspoken against homosexuality? I never paid enough attention to know for sure.

  28. There is no way I could defend a man like Simpson who leads a double life of having affairs, while married to a woman who does not know his true sexual identity. Cowardly men like this have the potential to hurt and endanger the physical and emotional health of their wives. I don't feel sympathy for men who choose to have it both ways.

  29. Am I the only one who thinks that Joe Simpson could stand to go fall in an open volcano? Who the hell cares if he's gay. NO ONE ASKED, JOE. Please go away, forever and ever. (And take Asslee with you.)

  30. He does look sassy! Anyway, I can't tell anyone how to be gay or how to come out. I don't think anyone should be forced to speak for the gay community, or for any community.

  31. Joe Simpson owes no one an explanation of his sexuality, except to those he's actually having sex with. Since that won't ever be me, I don't care.
    But every time I see this pic, I'm like "Oh, what did Elton John do to land on Enty's radar today?"

  32. Joe is famous for pimping out his daughters and preaching about conservative Christian beliefs, yet now he wants privacy. He should of thought about that when he was off hiring 20 something femme looking boys behind his wife's back. What a hypocrite.

  33. He had his daughter Jessica brag about being a virgin and he bragged about his solid marriage. Therefore, his sexuality, lies and infidelity are up for public consumption.

  34. Sometimes, you let your clothes speak for you.

  35. He looks like Letterman dressed as Perez Hilton.

  36. LOL, Vicki! I was thinking he looks like somewhere between David Johanssen and Elton John, but you nailed it.

  37. I also thought the highlights were the only confirmation I needed. On the bright side, he will unleash no more Simpsons on the world!

  38. @Robin GO DAAWGS! :-)


  40. Who cares! As long as Asslee doesn't sing ever again!!
