Thursday, November 08, 2012

Jennifer Aniston Is Still Not Pregnant

No matter how much tabloids want it to be so, Jennifer Aniston just refuses to cooperate and get pregnant. I will admit that it has been a few months since there has been a nice Jennifer Aniston is pregnant story. The tabloids have been so caught up in her engagement and wedding plans and debut of her ring and the infrequent sightings of Jennifer and Justin together that they have not really brought out the pregnancy stories. This week Star did bring one out and it has been denied by Jennifer's people. Considering the heavy use of surrogates in Hollywood and the fact that Brad Pitt wanted a lot of babies and Jen didn't, do we think Jen even wants kids? I know she has said in the past she does want kids, but, you would think she has had lots of opportunity and has not done so. Maybe she really doesn't, but just has not figured out how to broach that subject with her fans yet. Maybe she is waiting until she gets married.


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