Monday, November 05, 2012

Jenna Wolfe Is Curry'd

The Today show is a mess. They need to rid themselves of Matt Lauer and start over. Katie Couric called the show horrible and said that it was soft and that they are doing things now they never did when she was on the show. In another move showing how they have no idea what they are doing, producers demoted Sunday co-host Jenna Wolfe to news reader. She was devastated and viewers agree as NBC has been bombarded with complaints since Erica Hill took over the co-host duties yesterday. I do like Lester Holt and think they should kick Matt to the curb and bring in Lester and start from there. Your other option is just to go old school and bring Regis out of retirement and place him next to Kathie Lee Gifford and show that history does repeat itself.


  1. They always blame the woman, never the man. Lauer needs to go.

  2. How come they are letting Matt's small weinie run the show.

  3. I like her too! Sucks!!

  4. I hate all morning shows, especially NBC. they tease and tease a segment, and then spend 30 seconds on it. soooo annoying!

  5. Is it me or was Jenna Wolf hard to take?

    1. she's terrible!she should have been taken off the air.She's a big dork.

  6. I watched about 5-10 minutes of The Today Show this morning and it was awful. Extremely boring. Now Good Morning America is a party. Everyone is super friendly and you can tell they genuinely enjoy being there. Glib Matt needs the heave ho.

  7. Does he have dirt on his higher-ups? He just oozes skeezyness.

  8. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Couldn't agree more Enty and Robert: Lauer is soooo skeezy! he must have good dirt or some kind of hold on the execs. Get rid of Lauer!!!

  9. I read that Matt strong-armed top NBC officials to run the Sandy Telethon on all NBC affiliate channels the other night.

    Was wondering how he could be powerful enough to do that - makes me think maybe he has even more clout than I thought.

  10. Slightly off I the only who thinks Matt and his girls (Natalie/Savannah) were holed up in a hotel together during Sandy last week? Should we be expecting a bundle of joy in 9 mths?

  11. Lauer just seems wrong .. ya know? I always used to get the vibe that he was so proud of himself; that he was putting something over on everyone when I watched Today .. and that was was back when Katie was still on it.

    Since she left years and years ago and I lost my job, I have no reason to be up early enough to watch that tripe .. so I don't. I usually feel great .. til the Olympics come around and I am forced to watch that jack ass again. [I cannot tell you how painful the London Opening Ceremonies were to me .. ugh!]

  12. I love Kathy Lee and Hoda! It sucks, because I'm already at work when they start.

  13. I can't watch this crap early in the am. I watch Morning Joe on MSNBC - it helps getting my brain moving in the morning.

    As an aside, MSNBC always on Sept. 11 shows a rerun of the original coverage of 9/11/01. I watched it a few months ago - I had forgotten how much hair Matt Lauer used to have!

  14. That shipped sailed a while ago...

  15. Jenna was very abrasive. I'm not sorry to see her demoted.

  16. I'm torn on this one. I really like Erica Hill and I hated what they did to her at CBS. (I do not like Oprah's BFF at all.)

    Yet, NBC is obviously stuck up the crack of Lauer. They need to pry themselves out of that dark hole and face the reality that even Grandmas don't like Lauer. I feel bad for anyone - male or female - that gets blamed for Matt's low ratings and unappealing facade.

  17. Jenna was terrible, her being demoted is not a loss.

    I do love Lester and wish they would move him over.

    But as much as Matt bothers me, he is still better than Ryan Seacrest any day of the week.

  18. I love Lester Holt, ever since he was in Chicago when I lived there. But he is FAR too good to be wasting his time on that stupid show. I say, leave Matt right there and let him sink it. Promote Lester to the evening news, a full time anchor position.

  19. Lester holt fan here as well. Dont watch daytime tv, but getting lauer out of there wld be great. No one likes him. He has done the once thought impossible; become more detested than bryant gumbal. Mb sith lester as hist, i wld watch.

  20. I don't watch this show, but it seems to me that in all the problems they've been having, which I only know about bcs of this site, Lauer is the common denominator. So...he's still there, WHY?

  21. Lester is the best. I'd watch him any hour, night or day.

    I loathe Matt. Still don't see how Matt got Jenna booted. Think she did that all on her own by being unprofessional. She was coarse and tacky, in Billy Bush circles...not good enough for Lester.

    Funny how many people have dumped NBC since Ann Curry was fired. Matt's circling the drain, it will come.

  22. Lester Rocks! But Jenna really was an awful anchor--she is loud and crass--she should have done fluff pieces on the weekends, but you'd think NBC would be a little aware that doing this again so soon is a mistake image wise.

    I'd like to see Lester and Hoda as the main anchors for the prime hours--both real journalists who've earned their places....but it probably won't happen.

  23. Anonymous1:46 PM

    GMA all the way!

  24. not a Matt fan, either.

    But I do love Lester! He can do serious news, or the lighter stuff, equally well.

    Matt should be moved on somewhere he can do no harm.

  25. @warmislandsun - Erica totally got a raw deal at CBS. I really liked her and Chris Wragge, although she had much better chemistry with Jeff Glor. That being said, Charlie Rose and Norah O'Donnell are a pretty serious power couple in the AM. I always hated CBS in the AM but in the last couple of years, and especially since bringing Charlie Rose on, they have gotten MUCH better. I like news in the morning and there isn't nearly as much fluff on CBS.

  26. I like Erica Hill, but dropping into this clusterf*ck is not going to play well I'm afraid.

    They really need to ditch Lauer.

    I agree that Charlie Rose and Norah O'Donnell are about as good a team as CBS has had. Except I'm bummed Norah's chef-husband is moving to NYC with her soon.

  27. Lester Holt is a class act. Anyone who has worked with or socialized with him will tell you that.

  28. I passed through Rock Center a couple of weeks ago and there weren't many people outside the window. If you can't get more than 20 tourists to show up at a guaranteed celebrity sighting, you're in a world of hurt.

  29. Jenna is smart and funny and competent. Ann Curry was smart and funny and competent. Matt Lauer is losing his hair and who in the hell cares where he is. Lester Holt is amazing. I remember watching him on Sept 11 when the first plane hit the building. He took over and said there was no way that it was an accident. He is steady, smart, and trustworthy. Everything that Matt is not.

  30. and he can leave the baby mama and maybe she can retrieve her reputation

  31. Laueralready turned in his resignation.

  32. Terrible. Bring back Ann curry she was awesome. Matt is gross.

  33. I'm with beguessin. I can't with the morning shows. They annoy me and are too hyper & saccharin. I gets my news from the interwebs.

  34. I prefer Erica Hill anyday.

  35. @CrazyCatLady, there was a blind (can't recall if it was on CDaN) about a confrontation that took place at a prestigious elementary school between an achor's wife and his mistress, and the popular guess was Matt and Natalie. Matt has always been a cheater, and the rumor is Natalie slept her way to where she is today. I hope the same isn't true for Savannah, I really like her.

    Love Lester, but feel he's too intelligent for the show where it is now. But, since they're pandering to an E! crowd now, you're going to get interviews with Octomom and the Kardashians, instead of real news. So keep Lester to Dateline, and filling in for Brian Williams.

    The Today Show really is horrid now, but I don't see an overhaul coming.

  36. I agree Cornbread, Lester is too good to be stuck interviewing the Kardashians, Octomom and Honey BooBoo. Let Matt sink with this ship

  37. If they got rid of Lauer, Today Show Executive Producer Jim Bell, and NBC News head honcho Steve Capus, go back to the old way where the Nightly News anchor was the head of NBC News, in this situation it would be Brian Williams, have Ann Curry and Lester Holt as co-anchors, have Hoda Kotb as newsreader because she would be sober because she hasn't been on the air with Kathie Lee Gifford drinking yet during 7AM-10AM, Hoda has filled in as newsreader, keep Al Roker as weatherman, and go back to the late 1990s-early 2000s Today Show format, and problem solved.
