Friday, November 16, 2012

Jason Aldean Says Everything Is Fine Again

Yesterday, Jason Aldean and Jessica Aldean appeared on CBS together and Jason said that despite the fact that he cheated on his wife that everything is good. Whenever Jessica would start to say anything, Jason would cut her off and make sure she did not say anything that would embarrass him or hurt his chances with the ladies in the future. This interview just made him look even more like an a-hole than we already know he is.


  1. you know, in marriage i think women in general take the idea of "good times and bad" in a way that is REALLY extreme. you want to honor your vows, and when the other person (who you loved with all your heart and planned a future with) is saying what you WANT to hear; the leap to HELL NO is so difficult. no one goes into marriage thinking, "well, if it desn't work out we'll get divorced". and the moment when you realize "my marriage is not going to make it", that moment, is like a punch in the face. you have to make such a leap; my marriage is over, my plans for the future are all uncertain now, my children (if there are any) will come from a broken home my family and friends will be dissapointed/saying i tld you so. its harde than it seems.

    1. Very well said... It is harder than it seems.

  2. No effing idea who this is, god I'm old:(

  3. I don't know who this is either.

  4. He is just this year's country flavor. He will be gone in a year or so. And so will his wife...

  5. He's a country singer who had a hit duet with Kelly Clarkson a couple of years back. He was photographed making out with some former American Idol contestant and it (obviously) humiliated his wife, who was at home with the kids. He appears to be a major-league d-bag.

    (Is it sad that all I know about Jason Aldean, I learned from this blog? Nah...)

  6. My 15 year old daughter blasts his music all over the house. And I agree with what "Me" said, above. It's like a punch when you realize it's over because they cheated. It is life changing in every way. Not everyone is strong enough to go through that. It is worth it but it's really hard.

  7. Exactly @me
    I learned the hard way feeling like that. Never again, and my new husband knows this too.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Did we watch the same video? Because I didn't see him cut her off at all, Enty. The segment was mostly on how he raises money for breast cancer and you are just pulling assumptions out of your ass.
    I hate cheaters as much as the next person but you are really reaching on this one.

  10. I saw the interview and her expression says it all. She'll be taking him to the cleaners and will be on the cover of Kneepads soon enough.
