Heidi Klum Has Seen "The Bodyguard"
I think Ellen asked Heidi Klum the question everyone wanted to know yesterday. Has Heidi seen the movie The Bodyguard. Turns out she has. Turns out she likes dating her own bodyguard too, even though she told Ellen her love life was like a roller coaster. or she could have just been talking about sex. Hand signals can get lost in translation. Oooh, now I have mentioned two movies in the same paragraph. Heidi says that her kids don't see a lot of the news so don't know much about what is going on with the divorce or her love life. Heidi might be able to shield them at home, but some of the kids go to school, and they have friends and those friends read the news or their parents do and Heidi's kids probably know a whole lot more than Heidi thinks they know.