Monday, November 12, 2012

Heidi Klum And Psy At EMA's


  1. Can a Chinese pop star invade so this effing song can die already?!

    1. Vicki, you said Chinese, therefore, I get to say "Free Tibet" !

  2. I love the extreme goof ball oddity of this song! It always makes me smile and laugh out loud!

    I have a strange little crush on little Psy and his crazy legs!

  3. Is there anything heidi cant do?

  4. I thought that after the Ghostbusters mashup that Gangnam Style had finally run its course.

    That said, Heidi never looks bad.

  5. LOL, Agent! I realized after I posted it that I should have said North Korean. Dammit!

  6. I must officially be the last person on the planet who has not seen nor heard this song in its entirety.

    I caught it in an SNL skit; I saw a cartoon explaining the differences between what North Koreans and South Koreans yell at (oppressed people vs. lady butts), and now I've seen this clip.

    Suffice to say, this is adequate for me.

  7. Why can't I force myself to like Heidi? She is beautiful but I just can't get there with her.

    Oh well...

  8. I'm with you cornbread. I see anything associated with this song and I avoid it. Or try to.

  9. I swear whenever I'm out and this song comes on it sounds like "open condom style" and it's all I can hear. I hate it. Lol.

  10. Anonymous10:18 AM

    Calm down, everyone. The craze will be over by New Year's 2013. Or the Mayan day of reckoning, whichever comes first. :-D

  11. In the words of Ann Romney: "Just stop it!"

  12. The craze around this song is so played but I admit to thinking Heidi was great and I loved how she smacked his ass at the end. :)

  13. If you saw my four year old boy do the dance, you would love the song. He is pretty awesome.

  14. I still like how goofy Heidi can be sometimes.

  15. I'm tired of hearing about Heidi Klum.

  16. @artemis: I am feeling the same way. For some reason I always find her a try hard: trying too hard to be sexy, funny, smart etc. Started for me when she always in your face with talking about her happy marriage, her perfect man and kids etc. If people need to talk about it so much, what are they trying to prove?

    I don't know, just don't like her. She has a Gwyneth Paltrow vibe; all for show.
