Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Gary Dourdan Files For Bankruptcy

You would think being on a show for nine years on a hit network show would provide you with some type of financial stability, but not if you are the legally and personally challenged Gary Dourdan. The former CSI actor has filed for bankruptcy and says that he only has $321 in disposable income despite a monthly salary of $15,000. The actor says he is filing for bankruptcy to try and save his home from foreclosure. If you are wondering where all of his money went, it presumably went up his nose. When you are on a show for nine years and have only $3K in your bank account, you did something with the money. He chose to do drugs with his money.


  1. One of the biggest disappointments for me. I remember having such a huge boner for him, and then he started making the news, time and time again. I re-christen him, "Bad News Bear".

  2. So stupid a show like that sets you up for life and gives you the freedom to be independent with your choices.
    He's an ass.

  3. He was pretty hot back when CSI started, with those amazing eyes. His eyes just look dead now. Sad. But he seems to get very abusive when he's high, so it's hard to feel bad for him.

  4. So gross. Hopefully he gets his ish together, and can stop hurting himself and the people around him. Looking back at all the stupid crap I did when I was younger, you realize what a waste of money it is. Back like...10 years ago, it was what? $60 for a GOOD 1/8? Now, $60 is groceries or a couple utility bills. #PRIORITIES!

  5. The details are at : http://www.tmz.com/2012/11/10/csi-gary-dourdan-bankruptcy/

    Entwood, if you don't want your readers to leave your site, AT LEAST include a few more details in your post.

  6. Anonymous6:35 AM

    What a waste. Such a good looking guy, and with a gig that most actors would give an arm for. I think he's always had issues, but they've gotten worse over the past few years. Maybe he'll get it together. Maybe.

  7. CSI Gary Dourdan Bankruptcy

    I can be your little helper, Agent! :)

    1. Amber ,Entwood needs a new "helper", methinks:)

  8. I too was so disappointed to find out he is a douche. He was so hot and had such a great voice and he SEEMED like a cool guy. Oh well. I still have have Chris Hemsworth.

  9. According to an article I read last night about it, his expenses are right around $14k per month, too, just like his income. Not sure that means he snorts it all, although IIRC he did have drug issues in the past. My point, is it's not always salacious. Sometimes there are certain economics that come into play. WTF does he have $14k in expenses is my first question....

  10. ITA Em Cu Em. Did you see those pics of him on a yacht with...Mayer? awhile back, getting ready to get their drunken gang-bang on. Sooo gross.

    I think he has a shitload of child support as well.

  11. Another Halle Berry ex-boyfriend. She can really pick 'em.

    1. I think u are confusing Eric Benet for him who Halle was married to.

  12. HALLE BERRY ex?!?! I didn't know that!! He's totally off my 'down and dirty' list!! Not to be confused with the laminated 5 list.

  13. $15,000/month is $180,000 a year. Sounds like a lot, but that's more of an upper middle class/entry-mid level professional (i.e., dr, lawyer,etc) annual salary. It is certainly not what one would expect a Hollywood TV star to make. He was probably used to making bigger bucks & never cut back his lifestyle/housing, expenses once the $$ started to dwindle. Even if he dropped his drug/bad habits, he can't maintain the lifestyle he once had.

  14. how the mighty have fallen. Pick yourself up man, and move on. I rooting for ya!

  15. Drug abuse and its consequences. Never a pretty story.

    Drink beer and smoke marijuana, if you want to use substances -- stay away from heroin and meth and MDMA and KK and GHB. He was so beautiful.

  16. Good Lord! How hard is it to proof read something before its posted!? $3k in your bank account is a huge difference from $321.00.

  17. Halle was not married to Gary, but they dated for a long period in the 1980s.


  18. $60 for an 1/8? you need a new dealer who isn't ripping you off. It should cost you no more than $40. And I pay that for a 1/4 of organic.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Those yachts he was always hanging out on with the tarts couldn't have been cheap either.

    AgentShit, for the love of god, can you stop beating the dead horse? No one cares. Get over it.

  21. Dourdan on a yacht? Was he being "paid" to be there? hmmmmmm, just a thought.

  22. Some of these actors/celebs fool themselves into thinking their salaries will be rolling in forever.

  23. Add me to the "disappointed, because he was so, SO hot those first few years on CSI, before I lost interest in the show" club.

    It'd be nice if he could turn it around (especially in the not-being-a-douche department,) but I sure don't see it happening. Sad.

    (Laura, that IS a thought....)

  24. don't do drugs.

    In other news, $15k/month is a pretty good salary. Should h'wood tv actors be making millions? I think his salary is very comfortable when used properly.

    Also, the money in some parts of this industry is drying up.... harder and harder to find paying work, let alone lottery-level work.

  25. @Jax - it really does depend on what part of the country you're in. My dad has deep roots in the growth community here in KY, and $50-$60 is the going rate for an eighth of strain-with-a-name kind. As I said, my dad has roots and runs his own operation, so things are a bit different for me, but really. It's unrealistic to think that in a place where it's hard to even find dank that you will get a quarter for $40. That will get you a quarter of regs here, maybe mids if you get super lucky.

  26. Somehow I support myself and my 2 children (one has special needs) on $1600 a month. We'd live in the lap of luxury on 15k a month! This guy's broke? GIMME A BREAK!!!

  27. @Sadie, it's all relative. We live off around the same as you, but my niece and nephew? WAY different standard of living. They go to private schools, each child has an 'expense' account, complete with credit cards, etc. Off the charts. The really sad thing is that my relation doesn't have custody, their dad does. He's crazy rich and spoils them rotten. We, this side of the family, are considered 'wrong side of the tracks', which I can assure you, in this case means middle class, not WT (no offense here...). So, it's all relative.

  28. I think Amber was saying that was the price for a good 1/8 ten years ago; that would be consistent with Bay Area prices for some true chronic. Prices have come down a lot in Nor Cal cause everyone knows how to grow or has a connection, but fifty is still the norm for a decent 1/8...or so I've heard...
