Four For Friday
It is Friday so it is announcement day. Not much today except that as usual I will be here all weekend and will have a reveal or two tomorrow. If you want, you can follow me on Twitter. I am @entylawyer and often talk about things there that I don't here. Plus, if I am drunk, I am more likely to post there because I can do it half blind. A traditional Four For Friday today.
#1 - This former A list all television actor from a hit show has finally found some work after his show had finished its run. He needed to find something because he said spending time with his wife after being gone so long was killing him and he couldn't wait to what kind of extras were going to be hired.
#2 - This former A list actor who has always been on television had some serious butt kissing to do as he hit the bottle really hard, but this time instead of passing out, got violent with his much younger girlfriend. She is sticking with him, but got him to start paying her every month because she quit her job to be with him full-time.
#3 - This former almost A list actress who is still B and always has been all movies is back on the bottle again and got hammered at a club out of the country the other night. Took off her shirt and bra and wandered around the club topless. Her boyfriend was so hammered, he didn't care at all.
#4 - This B- list all movie actress who used to be in television had planned on quitting acting because she was not getting any roles that were not repeats of what she has previously done. Unfortunately her husband has spent all their money on stupid get rich quick schemes and her businesses are doing well, but need more cash. Rumor has it the only part she can get which will pay enough will require her to strip for the first time ever.