Friday, November 30, 2012

Four For Friday - She Is Close To Giving Up

Friday today and it is a very rainy and gloomy Friday and not what I expect out of the weather here. I am disappointed in the weather and wish I could ground it, but maybe it will learn a life lesson. Anyway, if you have not done so already and would like to be in the reader photos that will start being posted Monday and continuing through Reveal Day, send it to There have already been lots received. I post them in the order I get them, so do not fret if yours does not show up right away. I would love for you to follow me on Twitter. I try and keep things a little different over there so if you would like to follow me I am @entylawyer

This actress is almost A list. Always movies. She was at a party the other night and started talking about how she is thinking of leaving her A list actor significant other. She can't handle him anymore. What he says are just tricks and games and don't mean anything, starts to look a whole lot like cheating when he comes home with panties in his pocket or rushes to the shower as soon as he walks in the door or has just showered right before coming home. The nights where he refuses to answer his cell phone or has it turned off. How he is always interviewing models. He has appeared at parties they have thrown together completely naked. He had one party and insisted everyone bow to him each time before they spoke. The actress says times can be great but that over the past few years the fun times have been replaced by someone who she longer recognizes. His temper has increased dramatically and anything will get him to lose it and scream and she said that when he screams he is a spitter and she is terrified and scared, but then he says it is all a game. She said the games were fun a long time ago, but now it is time to grow up.


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