Four For Friday - Every Director Has Had Her
It is Friday which means it is announcement time. I will be here all weekend blogging and will have a reveal or two for you tomorrow. For those of you who blow through this without reading, you might miss that next week sometimes will be the annual MV anniversary clue and the clue will be objective rather than subjective. Not sure what day yet next week, but I will let you know on here and on Twitter. Follow me @entylawyer.
Don't forget this weekend the time changes and fall back sucks for getting dark early, but if you go to a good bar they will let you drink an extra hour.
This actress is B list. probably the definition of B list. Even though she has been a lead actress in lots of movies, she still has to work hard to make sure she gets roles. Not as hard as some other people. If you have ever seen this very attractive actress in anything, you might have asked yourself how she got the role. She is a good actress, but she is not a great actress. She tries to make films which will get her nominated for things, but they never do and then she has to go back to doing what she does best. F**king directors for parts. The funny thing is that she never has to audition, but she is usually in the mix of two or three people who look fairly identical to her. She knows that her reputation precedes her though and that she will get the role if the director is straight and not too happily married. It started about a decade ago. She came out of nowhere really and landed a huge role in a huge movie which put her name on the map all because she made it very clear to the very married director that she would be happy to have sex with him as much as he wanted. The director who is A list is not known for his good looks and he jumped on the chance. You never saw a happier guy during filming. Our actress thought she could suffer through a few months of sex for what was turning into almost $500K a movie and letting her have a chance to make serious movies without having to have sex with directors. She has never really had a boyfriend because she just goes from one director to the next. 2 or 3 months with a director then takes a break for a year and then gets another role and a director. A decade of doing this and our actress has a very solid career and one that you scratch your head and wonder how she got the role, but now you know exactly how she got it and she won't be shy about admitting it if you ask her either.