Friday, November 16, 2012

Drug Charges Dropped Against Jon Bon Jovi's Daughter

The District Attorney responsible for prosecuting the heroin and pot possession case of Jon Bon Jovi's daughter Stephanie, has dropped the charges against them. Because of an amendment to the penal code that was enacted back in 2011, anyone who calls for help because of a drug or alcohol emergency can't be prosecuted if police find a small amount of drugs in their possession. It is to encourage people to call and get help rather than be scared of getting help because they will end up in jail. Her boyfriend, who had also been charged, called police because Stephanie had overdosed on heroin. She was alive in her dorm room when paramedics arrived and was rushed to the hospital, where she remained as of yesterday.


  1. I get the idea, but why not order mandatory rehab instead of jail?

  2. Happy Friday CDaNers!!!

    Stay off that Heroin and have a great weekend!


  3. Hope she's learned a lesson.

  4. It will be tough, but stay off that Heroin!

  5. Happy Friday, Dia!

    @mynerva - I'm kind of wondering the same thing. Other than another OD, what's to deter someone from continuing to use??

    1. Nothing. But at least she didnt die. This time. Hope she gets clean.

  6. Hopfully this near death experience scares her straight and there is no lasting damage from the OD.

  7. Happy Friday Amber! Hugs to you!

  8. OMG!! There are two dia's now??

  9. Well Roman, you know there's only one that matters! The original and lovely me.

    Hope you have a great day!

  10. Happy Friday INDEED. How is everyone spending theirs?

  11. @Dee - work, chiro, gym, reading/wine. You?

  12. @ dia, I know it and could never mix you up with someone that has poop in their name :)!!! Just thought it was a little odd!!!
    C'mon people be original:)

    Happy Friday to you - make it count!!!

    And @ Amber I don't know if you saw my post a while back but basically it said how I love your new avi and it is so artsy fartsy which is too cool!! You almost look like some old school glamour queen!! Amber, are you ready for you close up w/ DeMille :)

  13. Awww! Thanks so much, Roman!!

  14. ITA! I love your new avi too, Amber!

    Glam and sassy!!!

    Me - I have loads of work today. Lots of patients to heal and then HH to start my birthday celebration early! I believe in the birthday week! And since mine is Turkey Day, I need to start early. You know we Sagitarri like a good party!

    1. Happiest of birthdays, my friend!! Cheers! Cheers! May u live 1000 years!!

  15. Happy Early Birthday to you!!! I hope you have something special planned that makes you happy:) I also believe in the birthday week but my husband is opposite and thinks you should get a happy birthday and be done with it.... yes, my total opposite:)

    Anywho, I hope today is filled with juicy gossip that we all can read and reread and still not know what the hell we are talking about!! Amber, I love how you put wine in your things to do today LOL!!!

  16. @Amber - why don't you just skip directly to the wine and join @dia papaya for Happy Birthday Happy Hour! Best Wishes for you birthday week, dia!

  17. Happy Birthday Dia, glad you shook it off-hope you know what I mean...

    Amber-I'm decompressing after one hellish week at work (had to handle an almost school shutdown crisis at today and my collegue up and to learn a lot about generators and fuel though :/)

    After decompression, re-establish good mama status with my DD.

    No wine for me-gotta get my Zen on, but drink a glass for me, yeah?

    p.s you guys ARE my decompression, so thank you! Carry on...

  18. Oh, I always go for the birthdy MONTH-that way, by the time the day comes, I'm over it ;p

  19. Aww, dia, your birthday is my half-birthday! Heheheh. Get started on the party NOW! :-)

    I like Amber's day except for the "gym" part. ;-)

  20. @Dee, that is an awesome idea, I just might try it next year :)

  21. Oh no, Dee! I'm sorry :/

    As much as I don't think the gym part sounds good either, and would MUCH rather start celebrating Miss Dia's bday, I'm rehabbing my stupid knee again so I gotta go. I will most definitely be indulging for those of you that can't tonight :)

    1. As a double knee replacement gal, i feel your pain!! Be well soon!

  22. Thanks for all the birthday wishes! I'm ready for a great party :)

    I believe in Birthday Month too, but my BF is also a November baby. So he gets first half of the month and I get the second half.

    Drinks all around! Fruity Papaya Dee-light! I believe cocktails are starting at 4pm PST.

    Dee - sorry about your week. Glad you made it through in one piece! Get your OM on and decompress!

    Amber - sorry about your knee :) Acupuncture really really helps. I just helped someone not have surgery (he was also getting massage and personal training to strengthen, but avoided surgery!)

  23. Off to work! Everyone stay safe, stay happy, and smile cuz it's FRIDAY!

  24. @mynerva, agreed! Heroin is not something you can just stop (at least most of the time) if you are far enough along to od (well, unless it's your first time using) you need some help. Trust.

  25. Happy birthday Dia and happy Friday all!

    I sincerely hope they get her into treatment and away from that environment so she has a fighting chance.

  26. back to the heroin..

    mandatory rehab is a waste of fucking money if the addict doesn't want to get help. how are we still wondering these things in 2012?

    addiction is NOT a choice.

  27. jax is absolutely correct in that mandatory rehab would be nothing more than a waste of money if the addict doesn't want help.

  28. Agreed Jax and WBotW but I guess society feels they want to do something to help or else what is the alternative?

    1. Thats the frustration, no one knows. Sad.

  29. Happy Birthday Dia! Are you sure you're not Australian? We love celebrating birthdays. Have a great start to your weekend northern hemisphere.

  30. OT Update: Thank you dia and Amber. Just had a monumental breakthrough with my DD making this A Fuckin AWESOME Day. I love life!!

    Oops, forgot this was a Heroin thread...well it was helpful in anyway! xx

  31. Of course all charges are dropped. She's a celebrity...or child of a celebrity actually. Same thing. Hollywood ALWAYS gets just a little slap on the wrist for bad behavior. I'm sure her roommate though, who was also involved and a non-celeb will be in courts for years to come and have to serve a 10 year jail sentence and have to go to rehab.

    1. No, he free under same law. Its called ' the good samartian law', so addicts arent afraid to call for help for fear of arrest.

  32. Wasn't there a blind a while back about a rock star or musician who led a normal family life free of drama but had a child with a recent drug problem? Someone please help recall this blind. I think the guesses were Ritchie Samboras daughter, etc.

  33. No one's made the Bad Medicine joke yet?

