Thursday, November 15, 2012

Don't Drink And Ride Escalators

If not for a woman pressing the stop button, I am pretty sure this businessman would still be trying to get home after a night of drinking.


  1. I don't really find this funny.

  2. Haha, tht made me laugh...didn't sit thru the whole thing though. It was nice to see that some people actually tried to help the drunken fool...


    Dlisted isn't working! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. That chic is my fuckin HERO!! I hope I'd have the balls to do the compassionate thing in a situation like that-unlike the ppl who just walked by.

    This video should go viral and she gets 150,000$ for her efforts.

    ...teehee I kinda like that my keyboard had no pound or Euro sign-so mon$y :)

  5. Back to the video, the people helping him are damn lucky he wasn't a violent drunk.

  6. This is sad. But it does give me hope in humanity (well, young people) because that girl and her friends were trying to help.

  7. Gotta give the guy credit he has a lot of determination! Just kept on going no matter what anyone tried to tell him...

  8. Haha he was making progress towards the last half. Why did they stop him? Dude had a lot of energy for being that pissed! I would have just passed out after 10 seconds! And props to that red haired lady...she was so sweet and caring. We need more people like her in the world.

  9. Obviously no one, including Enty, watched it to the end. The stop button was not pushed. In the end, a guy pulled him off.

    Thank goodness the stop button was not pushed, some of the Tube escalators are the longest/tallest I've ever seen.

  10. That red haired lady was great. I did watch it until the end. Surprised no one pushed the stop button though.

  11. I kind of feel sorry for him, glad some were willing to help instead of laughing, that looked dangerous.

  12. I think if they'd pressed the stop button he'd have fallen foward with that momentum. The escalators in the London Underground are VERY long x

  13. So who was filming?
