DNA Test Confirms Michael Lohan Is Father Of Teen
A couple of years ago a woman came out of the woodwork to say her teen daughter was the offspring of Michael Lohan and was the result of an affair she had with Michael Lohan. Why anyone would want to admit to having voluntary sex with Michael Lohan, or want their child to know she is a Lohan is crazy to me. She should have lied to her daughter and said the teen's father was a merchant marine from some country that no longer exists because of some revolution and that any similarity in looks or thievery you have to Lindsay Lohan is a coincidence. Michael has always denied the child and said it was a money grab. Umm, yeah, because Michael is loaded. That's why he has to make a living selling tidbits about his daughter's life and hoping she can make some kind of comeback or left him in her will.
Michael went on Trisha Goddard. Trisha is the new Maury. The result of the test is that Michael is the father. Child support and Dina exploitation to follow. I love how the daughter hates the fact that Michael is her dad. I think we would all feel that way. Should have stuck with the merchant marine story.