Thursday, November 15, 2012

DNA Test Confirms Michael Lohan Is Father Of Teen

A couple of years ago a woman came out of the woodwork to say her teen daughter was the offspring of Michael Lohan and was the result of an affair she had with Michael Lohan. Why anyone would want to admit to having voluntary sex with Michael Lohan, or want their child to know she is a Lohan is crazy to me. She should have lied to her daughter and said the teen's father was a merchant marine from some country that no longer exists because of some revolution and that any similarity in looks or thievery you have to Lindsay Lohan is a coincidence. Michael has always denied the child and said it was a money grab. Umm, yeah, because Michael is loaded. That's why he has to make a living selling tidbits about his daughter's life and hoping she can make some kind of comeback or left him in her will.

Michael went on Trisha Goddard. Trisha is the new Maury. The result of the test is that Michael is the father. Child support and Dina exploitation to follow. I love how the daughter hates the fact that Michael is her dad. I think we would all feel that way. Should have stuck with the merchant marine story.


  1. Pretty sure his paternity was confirmed a year or so ago. So I'm guessing he either got paid an appearance fee for this show, or just wanted the cameras on him, like he loves.

  2. What is wrong with people? It's one thing to have the parents go on tv to dispute paternity, but to bring the kid on is just wrong. And they even made her open the envelope. This girl already has an uphill battle, with those two nut jobs as parents.

  3. This is exactly how I imagined it would go except it would of been Maury screaming "You ARE the father!" and the crowd goes wild...

  4. I thought this was old news too. I hope they were all paid enough to be worth the public humiliation.

  5. This man is a menace to society.

  6. How embarrassing for that girl. I would never want the world knowing Michael Lohan was my dad. I'd just tell people that my dad died before I was born in an accident.

  7. I donf get it either. Now she kinows for sure this waste of life is her father, or sperm donior. Now what? I wld hv tried to keep this quiet.

  8. That hug from him was for pickpocketing purposes only.

  9. Is he going to put THIS ONE to work now, too?

    1. Acting? Selling drugs? Or sleeping with rich men for $?

  10. Michael Lohan and family are walking advertisments for forced sterilization.

    If I was that girl, I'd have the worst time forgiving my mother for sleeping with that man.

  11. That poor girl! Hopefully can can show that nurture is stronger than nature. Well crap. Her mother is cray cray too!

    Girl run away NOW! Take that fake Maury show money and RUN!!!

  12. I feel sorry for her but she does deserve the truth. Her mom didn't need to make this a public affair though.

  13. If it didn't happen on Maury it didn't happen.

  14. Love it Sugar! She needs to re-rest with Maury. Get a second opinion, girl! And maybe some mo cash ;)

  15. Auntliddy, that is bc you hv good sense!!! And you prob hv enough sense to keep The King of Trash out of your lady bits, in the first place!

  16. Lohans=white trash

  17. I saw her when she was on Dr. Phil. I don't even see how a paternity test was needed (only half kidding) as she looks exactly like him.

    I hope she puts these talk shows behind her and can live a normal life.

  18. The most shocking thing about this is that Trisha has a TV show in the US now.

  19. Oh, boy.

    "Everything in time, honey, everything in time" = just you wait till I make a meal ticket outta YOU!

  20. I think the mom's reaction says it all.

  21. Poor girl, this will not end well either.

  22. Poor kid. Sounds like both her parents are fame hounds. :(

  23. I'm with Enty, I would have stuck with the merchant marine story because anything is better than being a Lohan.

  24. The girl IS a teen and I can't help but think that she's secretly a bit thrilled at finding out that she's Lindsay Lohan's sister. She's just a kid and doesn't know any better.

  25. @Mango. Thrilled at finding out she's Lohan's sister???? Please tell me you are kidding? If I found out Kate Middleton was my sister...I'd be estatic (and not secretly)...but Lindsey? I would be openly sick to my stomach. I wouldn't want to be associated with any of that drama or mess of a family. The Lohan's are a laughing stock.

  26. I’m so shocked!!!

    **Said NO ONE**

    I loved her reaction to not wanting to hug him..

  27. So this thing is real and not one of those fake comical interstitial sketches they do on 30 ROCK?

    You're kidding?

  28. I love the look he gave after the host said "you av anuther dottur

  29. This was a set up to attempt to get feelers out there to grab a reality show. All of them **him ** the mother ** the new 1/2 sister of LL ** want nothing but a free ride. I think they all deserve each other.

  30. Umm, why is the mom crying? She looks ridiculously fake being that upset. She's the one who brought the accusations to light in the first place. This poor girl has two parents who are attention whores. Michael Lohan must have a type.
