Friday, November 30, 2012

Countdown To Rihanna Being Beaten

It's official. Previously when it came to the subject of Rihanna and Chris Brown there were no real photos of them together other than at a club. They were obviously together when they tweeted photos of themselves at what appeared to be the same place, but there was never that, "Hey look at me, I'm Rihanna and have decided to take back the guy that almost beat me to death. Next week we are double dating with Jerramy Stevens and Hope Solo so Chris can learn some tricks to avoid leaving many marks." Last night though, that all changed as Rihanna uploaded a photo of her about to have sex with Chris where he would probably call her a hoe and she would ask, "You mean like the garden tool?" He would then say, no that he always has trouble spelling the words that are two letters and prefers using only swear words because he has those memorized and makes him fell smart and if she laughs at him for spelling something wrong he will beat her. I have given up making any kind of sense in this relationship or dynamic. You know what is almost even worse? Karrueche Tran would probably hook up with him today if he called. Maybe even last night after he finished with Rihanna. I don't understand where self-esteem has gone for so many people.


  1. Fivehead looks like she's trying to download a brownload.

    1. Holy shit! That is hilarious!!!

  2. That title makes me sick...sadly, it's probably true. I hope not, for both their sake.

  3. "I have given up making any kind of sense in this relationship or dynamic."

    You might consider actually studying the psychology of domestic violence, both for the abuser and those being abused. It's not nearly as cut-and-dried as you make it with your oh-so-witty observations.

    1. Yes. Took the words out of my mouth.

    2. I can understand both viewpoints. I do therapy with victims and perps of DV. However I was also a vistim of DV from multiple ex-inlaws/exhusband. Ran when I got beaten down in front of my 11 month old son by ex MIL while my son screamed. Went to hospital 4 days. Four years later, custody still going on. And this all happened when my 31 y/o brother was dx with cancer (he passed away a year later).

      Can understand the mindset (I lived it) but also when excuses are made once the abuse is discovered by a third party or it has been a point of discussion the individual is responsible for their own decisions. Rihanna didn't ever sign up tp be a poster child for DV and didn't embrace that role but she is extremely egotistical so, I'm a lot more concerned for the woman scared to death to leave because of children, finances, ect and doesn't have millions of dollars to use in legal bills

  4. There's only one thing to say about this, and Paul McCartney first said it in about 1970:

  5. Two of the worst people in the world.

  6. And here come all the people that have been abused to insult Enty over this, because they're all experts. No one can have an opinion on this subject without being corrected and screamed at.

    1. Maybe you get corrected because you make ignorant and offensive statements like this.

  7. What the fuck is with this headline?

  8. those people are gross.

    as for your last sentence... its not as much about self esteem as it is about fame or being with someone famous. if you think about, a star-hookup would boost a normal person's self esteem.

  9. I really hope it doesn't happen again but if it does, I refuse to watch, wait and count the days til then.

    I hate the headline, the pic, and the endless stories about these two.

    Pleeeease give it a rest enty :-(

  10. Surely SOMEBODY out there could do something about Chris Brown... I think he'd look great with busted lips and a broken chin. Maybe break his cheekbones for good measure...

  11. Okay, see, this is partly why the slippery ruler that starts at the so-called bitch slap and ends with broken cheekbones troubles me so much.

    Because some of us always find words to help explain away behavior at certain points along the scale. People, especially domestic violence victims who go back, find ways to mitigate the circumstances in so many ways.

    And those of us who don't understand can't mitigate. It's clearcut to us, but not to the others.

    Rihanna has mitigated all the way back. I was going to say that I hope she knows what she's doing, but that is too grand a hope. I'll just hope she is safe.

  12. Considering what happened last time, Rihanna must really love this douche to go back to him. Although I wonder why she's so open about it now. I believe they kept it hidden and he used Karreuche as a cover, but why flaunt it all of a sudden?

  13. I would like to know who or how this photo was taken, please.

    And this girl seems to be just unstable. Can she really need constant ego stimulation so much that she runs back to this pathetic excuse for a boy/man?

  14. He doesn't look like he wants to be there. She looks desperate!!!

  15. Post-beatdown Rihanna kind of wandered from project to project, garnering ridicule. This might be her last chance at relevance.

  16. Lol enty. You mispelled feel as you were making fun of him for not knowing how to spell

  17. The problem I have with people saying them getting back together is part of the abuse cycle is that they were not in any kind of a cyclical relationship. They were broken up for what, two or more years? During which time, Chris had a consistent relationship. Its more like in the past year or so, Rihanna has actively sought him out to establish that this was eventually going to happen. Does she deserve abuse? No. But her self destruction is much like Lohan's. Obviously they both have mental issues that drive thwm to sabotage themselves, so why should I say Rihanna is blameless and Lilo is not? Chris is an asshat and karma will take care of him, but Rihanna has had supportive people in her corner, which she actively chooses to ignore to put herself back into a dangerous situation.

  18. @yodelay -- Even considering breakups, it takes the average woman SEVEN times to FINALLY leave her abuser. It sounds bizarre to those who aren't in abusive relationships, I know, but that's the statistic we use. :-/

  19. Let's not be naive about this...they were hooking up on and off for the last few years and have been laying the groundwork to come out as a couple.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. can these 2 people just LIVE? although it isn't right, there are plenty of women who go back to their abusers. we are not in their relationship, we don't even know them. if this is what they want, then let them live their lives. enty, i really don't think you read our comments, because like i've been saying for some time now, your comments about the situation are rude and just gross sometimes. i feel like your headline is hateful and unnecessary. we know what chris brown did, no need to remind us. people will not get over it or move on unless people stop bringing up the unfortunate events of what happened to Rihanna. you never go off on Charlie Sheen or any other known FAMOUS men who have abused women. These are 2 consenting adults, who clearly don't give a hell what people think about them and their relationship. despite what anyone thinks, they've been in this business since they were kids, and worked hard to get to where they are now. our opinions really don't matter much to them. If anything, why don't you go on rants about Courtney Stodden and how her creepy old husband is exploiting her and probably feeding her drugs? i think that should be getting way more attention then this never ending bashing of Rihanna and Chris Brown. Lets all get off our high horses already! I won't be reading anymore posts like this, cause its always the same thing, and i feel like i'm wasting my breath.

  22. I seriously can't make out that picture you guys. Someone tell me. I don't see him? Off to get caffeine.

    1. Lol it took me awhile to figure it out as well. I think he's sitting on the back if the couch and she has her arms arm his neck, almost in a headlock. His legs are up, hes bending over and his tatooted arm is in between his leg... if that makes any sense!

    2. Thank you!this is a wierd picture

  23. I hate commenting/reading Rihanna stories; she used to be such a sweet (albeit naive) girl.

  24. She can do what she wants. I like her, but Chris Brown is a surly little manchild and I don't want to hear about him. Ever. I think his issue is that he saw his mom get beat up and he could probably do with some mental health assistance. I used to live by these two sweet, adorable little girls. After their mom ended up with a very abusive boyfriend, those little girls personalities completely changed. They became really aggressive and were no longer sweet. Sad.

  25. Anonymous8:10 AM

    She really needs to go away. Nobody cares except Karruche who this whole campaign is about anyway.

  26. Countdown until I leave this hypocritical blog

  27. Yeah, I don't get the photo either - it looks like an optical illusion to me. I mean, I see her, and I see his head, but I can't figure out how they're configured.

    Also, she had to have someone else take this photo and then put it on Twitter - so there's another person there too? Man I wish these two would go down in a plane together.

    Oh yeah, and she is not attractive.

  28. I personally think she can do better - and Enty is entitled to his opinion, just like the rest of us, and can post whatever he wants, regardless of what the peanut gallery has to say. I just can't stand Chris Brown, he's a total fatboy but it's her choice. If anything happens, hey she wanted him back...

  29. Almost seems like part of the reason she wants him back is just so we'll talk about her, hmmm?

  30. her album just hit #1 nobody is going to tell her what to do or who to degrade herself with now.

    I was hoping people would morally hit her in the wallet but no dice.

    They are addicted to each other and addictions never have a happy ending, so good luck to them, im just sick of it all and having it rubbed in our faces, it's disgusting and sad for the young women that look up to her and see this as normal when it's not.

  31. Anonymous8:32 AM

    She wants drama in her life and media attention. That's the kind of stuff that turns her on.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. I predict Rihanna will join the 27 club

  34. I am a Rihanna fan. I love her music. And I am gonna give her some slack. Two years is a long time. People can and do change. Do I see this lasting long-term? No, but I think a part of her still loves him and it needs to play out until the end. I think these two are the Liz and Dick of our generation. A passionate volatile mix of love and drama.

  35. what ms snarky said: who took this picture?

  36. I also think a lot of what Rihanna is doing is to rub it in Karrueche's face she got her "man" back now.

  37. Is he going bald? I hope so.

    I snickered at the headline, because I get that type of humor. There have been LOTS of unsavory cracks made about celebs with issues or addictions on this blog. Don't get so offended by a Rhianna joke if you're next in line to make a "Lilo is a coke whore" joke.

  38. Enty enough is enough. Chris has apologized for like 4 years straight. Who are you to continue to persecute the guy if Rihanna has already forgiven him?

  39. How, when, why, or where , who cares! They dererve each other & what they get!

  40. I know I'm going to get flamed for it but...

    I really will not feel sympathy for this girl if it happens again. She knows what she's getting into AGAIN.

    I have not been in an abusive relationship where he has hit me, but I have been verbally abused. I left that behind me and I am getting over it. So, don't come tell me that abused women will go back to their abuser. Verbal or Physical abuse.

    Maybe it's because my mom has never been disrespected by my dad or because my MOM is likely to kill my dad if he tries to hit her, but I don't see why she can't accept the help everyone is trying to get her.

    And, her fans are as dumb as her if they let her influence how they handle relationships.

  41. @dia papaya
    exactly. It isn't for us to judge anymore. Que sera, sera.

  42. I think they deserve each other. Better this than either of them ruining someone else's life.

  43. The only ones I care about here are the young impressionable girls who follow Rihanna and will think it is okay or cool to get into an abusive relationship. Everybody knows he is a tool and he will get "props" for that if they are truly back together but her reputation will be in tatters.

  44. To me this is a "moth's to a flame"
    scenario. They clearly are drawn to each other, for love, lust, drama.

    Some people thrive on the chaos,and edginess a relationship like this brings. I'm not a fan of either of them or their choice to become a pair again.

    It may get them some headlines, but it no longer holds my interest beyond hoping for the best. Nor will it garner any sympathy for either of them should it end badly.

  45. Anonymous12:24 PM

    Oh come on!

    How many women here have ever called a man a "loser who can't get a woman" or "loser who can't get laid" when he complains about being turned down for guys like Chris Brown.

    THIS is the real tragedy:

    HIM: "I'm 25 and a virgin and I think women don't like honest, decent men. They say I'm boring. I say they just like jerks and abusers."

    HER: "You're just a bitter, whining loser who will never get a woman with that attitude."

    HIM (to himself): "How can I be more like CHRIS BROWN..."

    "Verbal abuse?" Women engage in it way more than men ever will. Many women deliberately provoke physical abuse so they can play victiom therefter and use it as leverage. Other women deliberately test men to see how they act when angry, while others just like to twist the emotional knife.

    To every "verbally abused" woman, I ask if, the first time you claim you were verbally abused, if, instead of yelling at you, insulting you, or whatever, your man said he had to leave you because he was just too angry to be around you. Most would have one word:


    Let women be honest about what they want (guys like Chris Brown) and stop misleading decent men that they then laugh at for being stupid enough to bleieve them.

    Oh and women also like violent men becuase they have a GOON who will beat up other men. How many women here have ever caused a man to be violent to another man on their behalf, either directly or indirectly, using actual or implied sex as a lure?

    If you want feminist propaganda, then let's not bother with a real discussion, or maybe let's takl about how that teenaged boy who had sex with Sarah Jones (the Bengal cheerleader) is so traumatized by what used to be a Van Halen video.

  46. Anonymous12:27 PM

    It's not difficult at all to figure out why women hook up with and return to abusers:


    Every nonviolent man knows this, from the moment he watches as a woman runs back to her abuser, while telling him to go kill himself because he's a "bitter, whining loser who can't get laid."

    Abusers don't "change." Some men never hit women in the first place. Some never drive drunk. Some never kill. Etc. Women just don't have morals or ethics, and jerk-groupies prove this.

    Abusers are also easy to spot, if one recognizes them as a red flag. Then again, women find them with such efficiency that they seem to be easy for women to spot as well.

    Rihanna is just an ugly mirror on the female gender.

    Women, you are what you fuck. End of story.

  47. Anonymous1:50 PM

    ive always wondered WHY they both couldnt move on rich, good looks, talented and aside from karreuche and matt kemp NOTHIN..nothing at all. thats alof of years maybe wishing they could turn back on night. idk..i will say that HER BODY LOOKS AMAZING in this pic. a part me loves LOVE and roots for it, believe that alot went on in that car. but the other side of me believes his career tethering and this is his salvation, and her crazy ass loves him and its a win win for him

  48. Anonymous1:51 PM

    mayb they just want a different ending to their story.

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. BettorOffSingle:

    Wow. The insight I got into your psyche, by reading what you just wrote, is disturbing and alarming.

    You are indeed a very bitter man, and you are not being logical nor rational. If more or less every "him," "he," and "man," was changed to "I," and "me," and more or less every "women," and "her," was changed to "ex-girlfriend," and "girl I liked," I think we pretty much have your personal story - and reason for lashing out.

    The rejection you must have experienced by women, has certainly caused a deep, unhealthy anger towards them. "How can I be more like Chris Brown?" - Chris Brown has a deep and dangerous hatred for women, and judging by what you just wrote, you're not that far from being like him.

    It's very interesting how you seem to blame your experienced rejection on women's alleged attraction to "jerks and abusers" over "honest, decent men," instead of taking a hard look at yourself and see if, in reality, there's just something about you that turns them off? Because the man you present yourself as in your rant, is someone I would say was a wise choice for those women to stay away from.

    Most of what you've written, are personal opinions stated as facts. According to your "logic," close to everything is the women's fault. If you're abusive, they made you do it with their cunning, manipulative ways. If you're rejected, it's because you're not abusive, and that makes you a loser and boring in their eyes. If they like you, it's because you're abusive and a jerk, and then they can also use you to abuse other men for them.

    So, to sum it all up: women are puppet masters who engage in victim playing, when in reality, men are the true victims. Ergo, women are "the root of all evil." - No person with a rational mind, would ever think that makes any sense.

    I genuinely think you should get some help to sort out your issues with women, before you get your wish and become like Chris Brown - and end up doing something stupid.

    NB: You should look up "feminism," as you seem to confuse it with misandry - a lot of people do.

  51. 85134943. That was an insightful summation, and spot on IMO

    humorous side note, when I see your CDaN "name" in my head I keep hearing 8675309 Jenny I've got your number......

  52. If you know anything about abusive relationships or battered women/men then this makes good sense or at least is not unexpected. We all know she was beaten and abused but we do not know if she received any form of counselling. I would say that she didn't. Her going back to her abuser is not all that uncommon. Not at all. It is not something you can explain. I can't write something that you'll read and immediately understand and think "that makes perfectly good sense. All I can tell you is that people who are abused find it hard to leave their abusers.

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  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. If she wants to be with hin its her choice and their business. Halle, Gabriel and Olivier business is theirs too. Reporting is one thing, but obsessing is another. IDGAF what these people do, you shouldn't either.

  56. @betteroffsingle, wow I'm SHOCKED that you're single! Shocked! I don't know how women can't see through that creepy guy exterior to see your real heart!

  57. I think the reason the pic looks so weird is because he weighs 85 pounds now. It looks to me like the weird blade-like protuberance at the top left is his shoulder?

    Do not feed the trolls... Do not feed the trolls... Do not feed the trolls...

    These two never completely broke up. There were very strong rumors that they were hooking up in secret within a few weeks of the beating.

  58. This comment has been removed by the author.

  59. Do not feed the troll. Trust me. Step away.

  60. I will judge away. These people put themselves in the public eye and post pictures like I will judge.

    He is a misogynist, abusive, little-dicked, woman beating asshole.

    She is an idiot who is sending a horrible message to young girls and women (and don't give me the bullshit about she didn't ASK to be a role model. Bullshit. She wanted to be famous, ergo...role model). Honestly, I can't be bothered to summon an iota of sympathy for her now. She has made her bed and chooses to sleep in it every night.

  61. exactly. thanks Lola...

  62. Better off Single- I'm a woman and I agree with you, but I have to tell you that you're wasting your breath. The vast majority of women will never, EVER be able to see that they might have some responsibility in a relationship. It's much easier, and much more fashionable in today's "everyone's a victim" world to blame everyone else. Don't you read the posts on this blog? If not, you should start and you'll see what I mean. You probably are better off single because the vast majority of women are this way. You can console yourself with the thought that at least you aren't a woman. You think women are shitty to men, you wouldn't BELIEVE how they treat other women, especially if they have opinions that contradict the hivemind.

    Of course, I can already picture the comments about this post. They'll say I'm not actually a woman, I'm trolling, I'm stupid, brainwashed, ignorant, sexist, racist, you know how it goes. And that's cool, it is what it is.

  63. interesting... i used to lurk 3-5 years ago and my has this blog changed... whats with the name calling and extreme rudeness? sadly reminds me of perez hilton's blog back in the day which was just one screamer blasting another with almost total disregard to the post... i really lurked because ya'll had intelligent and creative input... and you were amazing celeb csi agents... Enty cant you just erase posters that dont contribute, but instead lash out personally at other bloggers? how tragic the change that has occurred in just a couple of years!

  64. Every time I have seen him on tv he looks pissed-jaw clenched and angry brows.

    1. Anonymous9:09 AM

      Yep - always! He is a spoiled and angry little brat that I can't For the life of me understand why any woman like

  65. They deserve each other.

  66. 888:

    Oh, I have no problem believing you're a woman. There are plenty of women out there with your mindset, who would and do support sexist men like BettorOffSingle - ergo, you're most likely not trolling. Which, ironically enough, would seem more sensible than actually being serious about what you just wrote.

    Are you stupid? Well, there's a saying that goes, "stupid is as stupid does," and what you wrote was indeed stupid - but I wouldn't actually go so far as to call you stupid. But mind you, I wouldn't call you particularly intelligent either.

    Are you brainwashed? By whom? Perhaps. Perhaps not. Are you racist? Nothing you just wrote has anything to do with ethnicity, so based on that, how can we possibly know whether you're racist or not? Are you ignorant? Yes. Are you sexist? Yes.

    You should look up the definition of both "sexist" and "ignorant." Because if you did know the definition of both words, you would know that stating that you're both sexist and ignorant, is not a subjective opinion - it's a fact.

    "You think women are shitty to men, you wouldn't BELIEVE how they treat other women (...)" - Well, if there was anyone out there who didn't believe it before, after reading what you just wrote, they certainly believe it now.

  67. Wow, look at the MRA troll and the woman with some serious internalized misogyny... pathetic.



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