Monday, November 05, 2012

Chelsea Handler Is Having Sex With Andre Balazs Again

For the third time, Chelsea Handler and Andre Balazs have got back together. The first two didn't work, but just like when you convince yourself that you didn't really get sick from that restaurant with the C grade in the window and go back again, you are sure to be disappointed and spend a lot of time feeling the cool tiles of your bathroom floor. This is also one of the reasons why you should never have carpeting in your bathroom. Sometimes you really need those cool tiles. Chelsea has said before that she is madly in love with Andre. For his part, Andre has never said that publicly and seems to go out with Chelsea when he has no one else in his life at the moment.


  1. she's just not funny. I have never laughed at her or her talk show ever. that is all.

    1. I used to like her. the more popular she became, the crueler her humor on her show became.

  2. he must have poor self esteem to be dating her.

  3. He sure has a taste for questionably attractive women

  4. Should I know who he is?

  5. I'm getting tired of her.

  6. Eh, whatever. She talks about having no desire to get married, so if she's just out looking for fun, then more power to her.

  7. She bores me. Never heard of him.

    As for a carpeted bathroom, I rented a place once that had wall to wall carpeting in the bathroom. I loved it.

  8. I recognize the name more than the face...?

    Sometimes I am amazed by how much I don't care about SO MANY of people/ stories on here-then I realize that is exactly why I'm reading this. It's something to not care about-which is very valuable in this crazy world.

    Anyhow, I thankfully don't give a shit. ;p

  9. Don't think she's very funny either, but I do have to say this is probably the best picture I've ever seen of her. She looks really pretty here.

  10. Anonymous7:23 AM

    Good for her. Perhaps he's back with her because she's a good time. Maybe other women don't make him laugh.

  11. Her hair in this picture makes me feel better about my own hair. So, thanks, Chelsea! Other than that, I have zero opinion about this particular story.

  12. Her face hurts my eyes!

  13. He likes to be seen with famous blondes. He dated Courtney Love a couple of years ago

  14. @Lola - He's a hotel genius bzillionaire. I can't remember who all he has dated, but Uma Thurman is on the list. There was also the blind where it was believed he flew Pippa Middleton to go on a "date" with him for quite a bit of cash.

  15. I think Andre is in love with Andre....

  16. Except for his money he leaves me cold, and truth is I've never been that money hungry.

  17. she says she doesn't want to get married, but get back with some one for the third time seems like she is really trying. otherwise she could just have sex with him and leave, or be friends with benefits. every day she seems less interesting to me.

  18. I dunno, going back again and again to a guy who dumped you doesn't seem to infer self-respect..

  19. Anonymous8:03 AM

    Fame whore, the end.

  20. I just don't get her attraction..I don't find her attractive at all and didn't she allegedly sleep her way to the top?

  21. His cash makes him attractive I suppose. Yes, he dated Uma and just about any other blonde hanging around. Chelsea is not funny or charming at all.

  22. She has enough money to not need him for that, she dated 50cent FFS and he's nearly or is a billionaire. So maybe she really does love him. But this is the guy that "rented" Pippa Middleton last month, no? He's probably the 'I'm rich and can have anyone I want at anytime I want' type, so would probably never be faithful.

  23. Don't get the hate for her. Ok, you don't like her style of comedy, but geez. You would think she slapped your grandmother or something. Supposedly she's one of the nicest people in the industry. She set up college funds for every kid of every employee on her show. She just donated 100k to the Sandy disaster, and she wants other women to succeed. I guess since she doesn't worship Angelina Jolie it turns of the Brangaloons, but whatever.

  24. @Jessica
    It's a gossip site---get over it! If Chelsea is your best friend, sorry about that. Maybe she will share her coke and vodka with you.

    I thought Handler was funny in the beginning, but I read her first book and was shocked at how bad it was. There was no reflection or anything in it. It was very vapid and not interesting.

    I thought her digs at Joan Rivers were classless and hypercritical. For someone who is all for women succeeding, she showed a real lack of respect for Rivers. I'm glad Rivers called her out on Howard Stern.

    Carpets in the bathroom seem weird. Don't they get moldy?

  25. Chelsea said on Howard Stern the problem with her and Andre is the bi coastal issue, he won't leave New York becuase that is where his kids are, and she gets exhausted flying back and forth, doing her shows and stand up and seeing him.

    I think she really does love him and he is just a private person, he never comments on anyone in his life, he is a hotelier not a fame whore, its refreshing actually.

  26. I don't think he's a fameho either but his tendency to date Hollywood blonds makes him shallow.

    The fact that he wants to stay near his kids makes him a good dad, though.

    I don't hate Chelsea, but damn, she seems like a mean girl.

  27. I did like Chelsea at the beginning but as someone said above she's gotten meaner the more famous and not funny mean but just mean. Her digs at Joan Rivers were too much.

  28. Didn't Uma have his baby or am I confusing him with some other mogul?

  29. He is handsome in a classic way.

  30. I refuse to believe I am the same age as Chelsea. Maybe keeping a few (ok 20) extra pounds on me has helped me out after all ... my face isn't nearly that wrinkly & old looking. Who needs fillers when chub works just as well? And cheaper too.

  31. I think he's sorta handsome and I like Chelsea fine. I like her show and think she's a helluva lot funnier than Sarah Silverman. How did SHE get famous?

    1. Sarah Silverman is a disgusting pig. Her humor doesn't even try to be clever, yes she says poop and abortion and it is sooooo shocking, you guys! Pffft.

  32. Damn, I must look like an old jack o' lantern. I thought she looked pretty good in this picture. But what I really want to know is: don't these guys realize these women aren't really blonde?

  33. Uma Thurman had a baby with Arpad Busson, Elle McPherson's ex.

  34. To all who commented that she looks old, WTF??? She has an attractive face. I'd rather have her face than a round, fat moon face with a double chin. Ugh.

  35. I can't believe there is so much hate for Chelsea on here...I adore Chelsea and find her to be hilarious. Plus I respect her as a woman who had big goals and has met and surpassed them...comedy tours, best selling books, television show, movies...Go girl!

  36. I can't believe there is so much hate for Chelsea on here...I adore Chelsea and find her to be hilarious. Plus I respect her as a woman who had big goals and has met and surpassed them...comedy tours, best selling books, television show, movies...Go girl!

  37. sometimes you just haveto go back. aw, Chelsea, this prob won't end well for you my dear.
