Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Brian Austin Green Name Drops Reese Witherspoon - Begs The Public To Notice He Made A Baby With Megan Fox

Remember when the world really paid attention to what Megan Fox did on a daily basis? Yeah, me either, but I do know she used to be way more popular than she is now. Probably has something to do with Brian Austin Green controlling every movement she makes and wanting to be the biggest D lister in the family. When Megan Fox gave birth, no one came calling to offer the couple money for a photoshoot for the baby. Would you buy an issue of a magazine to see Megan Fox's baby knowing BAG was going to be in every one of them? Well, because no one bothered to notice and has not been paying attention to them, Brian decided to call Ryan Seacrest and tell him that Brian and Megan are actually grateful that no one noticed they had their baby and said it was because Reese had her baby two days before.

"We got really lucky. And I've been wanting to send Reese Witherspoon flowers for, like, a month and a half. Because she actually gave birth, I think the day before us in Santa Monica.. We were lucky enough to go in at like 2:30 in the morning to the hospital and nobody knew. We were there for two days ... and we heard Reese was at her place and had a baby, and we got out of the hospital and nobody knew [we were even there]."

And Brian wants all of you to know that. He would also like to send Reese some flowers or a cake, but doesn't have her address. Wants you to think he does though.


  1. Haha he makes it hard to believe that he doesn't want the attention. Those first pictures of them on the beach, pregnant, are the most stages pictures I've ever seen in my life

  2. Megan did the unforgivable in Hollywood, she went too far with her face. The previous three versions of her face weren't too bad, but like Lindsay, she looks older than 25-26 now and has that weird LA face.

  3. Why all the hate on Brian Austen Green? BAG loves his wife and tries to keep some of the pervs Enty writes about on here in blinds from bothering her. I also felt like sending Reese flowers, and when you have a new baby, you feel like celebrating for all people with new babies. I agree with Sarah. Megan went too far with her face, which is a dilemma for casting her. She now has a face that looks too old for the girlfriend-on-arm role but her actual age and acting experience level keep her from getting the meatier roles yet that 30-something actresses receive.

  4. And Reese says, "who?". . .

  5. LOLOL his desperation reeks of Girbaud jeans and cheap hair gel.

  6. I'll never understand why these actresses get all that plastic surgery. Don't they get it? Most women don't walk around with plastic surgery faces, what kind of roles do they think they'll be able to book when they've had all that work done? Certainly not any girl next door roles

  7. ITA Anna. Enty creeps me out with this Hate. Sorta like when straight men get visibly disgusted/revolted when anything to do with gay men comes up in conversation-it's too revealing of their issues-creepy!

  8. Yeah, I was like "uh, BAG, people didn't not bother you because they were distracted by Reese. It's because nobody cares."

  9. "Dee Lurker said...
    ITA Anna. Enty creeps me out with this Hate. Sorta like when straight men get visibly disgusted/revolted when anything to do with gay men comes up in conversation-it's too revealing of their issues-creepy!"

    but you'll be back everyday to read it...then complain about it, then come back again. BTW your post made zero fucking sense.

  10. @ Dee Lurker - You should know by now that Enty's m.o. is to stir the pot. And I'm not saying it's a bad thing, either.

  11. In the past Enty has alluded to the fact that BAG treated Vanessa Marcil terribly, I think that is where this hate is coming from.

  12. @Jax-that was HILARIOUS! I have no words...

    @Mango, Enty doesn't stir me up like I do Jax-I just meant I "give him the side eye" (i've seen that used here a lot) on how much he dislikes BAGS-like he's secretly obsessed and/or in love with him...

  13. Funny Jax is complaining about someone complaining. I have never seen someone consistently spew anger like you do. I read every day, rarely post, but jesus christ woman! Every. single. thing. you write is negative, usually towards another commenter. It is really sad, the superior tone you take. Cheer up!

  14. Does anyone know their "story"? I read tons of sites, but only get small bits and pieces, but don't know why he's such a dick...

  15. Anonymous12:22 PM

    How appropriate that his initials spell BAG being that he's such an incredibly clueless try hard douche.

  16. Anonymous12:28 PM

    At Boobs U: Ha! Love it! Best. Post. Of The DAY! Wow.

    Enty doesn't like BAG because he doesn't like men that use/control/abuse women. He's chivalrous like that. Also because Bag used Vanessa Marcil for alot of money/loans and then when she needed help he didn't take her calls. Enty's 99.9% right about what's going on in celeb lives, so I trust his insider opinion. That's what makes this site so addictive.
