Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Brad Pitt - World War Z

Let me know when someone does a mashup of World War Z with Brad Pitt's Chanel commercial. It is all I can think of anyway.


  1. Loved the book. Hope the movie isn't too much of a let down.

  2. Also loved the book, but I'm not a fan of Zombies...
    Max Brooks is a hoot.

  3. Loved the book, love zombie stuff, not a fan of the pit...I hope he is not too distracting.

  4. I don't like zombies, but heard the book is good!

  5. all i can think of when watching this is how pretty Brad was in Legends of the Fall, now not so much.

  6. Anonymous10:27 AM

    I've heard the whole thing had to be retooled. Loved the book, but definitely worried.

  7. Not watching this. Loved the book and I want to see how they screw it up all in one sitting.

  8. They completely changed the format from the book. The original script (written by Michael Straczynski) had to be completely rewritten because it was too long so it was condensed. It was apparently spot on. Too bad.

  9. @err, that makes me sad. I will go see it anyway, but I will just have to lower my expectations.
