Saturday, November 10, 2012

Blind Items Revealed

March 31, 2008

#3 - This B list film actress with a nose for paparazzi disappeared off the radar screen for a few days. Public stories professed one thing while in reality our actress spent a few days with a foreign billionaire. You do the math.

Lindsay Lohan


  1. Slightly disappointed. Guess I was hoping for a juicier reveal.

  2. All Lilo reveals all day.Apparently.

  3. what a colossal mess this girl is

  4. So she was whoring in 2008.

  5. Thanks, Enty, for confirming today beyond any shadow of a doubt that there is no hope for this girl.

  6. Have there been any reveals on twitter ? Can't log in

  7. @camcolty he said there will be three reveals today, 2 down 1 to go. That he is skipping a Travolta one and a LeAnn one becuase she felt bad for her ex husband to post it.

    I would like to know how much Lindsay is really worth and how she is hiding all this billionaire prostitution money. Which she is such a sex addict (along with all her other addictions) she enjoys being a whore and being treated as a sexual object, becuase that is all she sees herself as and wants the degredation.

  8. Math is hard. Slut + druggie = sex for drug money

  9. @Timebob - I can't picture Lindsay Lohan enjoying it. And I think the number that was rumoured around the time of this blind was $4,000 an hour.

  10. So what is the difference between Lindsay and a non-streetwalker escort? Most escorts don't have bad drug habits.

  11. @MrWolf thanks, yup that sounds about right.

  12. Linda has nothing to show for this- she sticks the profits up her nose.

  13. Somehow I read the last line as " You do the meth"

  14. Sad, sad life. I think the afterburners are lit on her spiral towards an untimely demise.

  15. Well, this is unsurprising but sad.

  16. It feels weird that we have been watching her downward spiral since 2007 and NOTHING has changed. I keep wanting to feel sorry for her because it is pretty obvious that she has been her own parent since she was a teen, but you would think after almost 10 years of the same shit over and over again, she would actually LEARN something.

  17. Straight bleach or gasoline couldn't wash Lilo off his Johnson. I hope she came with a 'satisfaction guaranteed or double your money back' guarantee. What a waste of money. Hopefully it was counterfeit.

  18. It's gotten to the point where Enty could make up almost anything about Lohan and we would still be bored. She's a one-woman blind vice industry. Unless she shot a man in Reno just to watch him die, I doubt we'd do anything but yawn, assuming she would go to trail and only get community service as a punishment, which she wouldn't show up for in order to fly to Cannes.

    1. Nothing better than a Johnny Cash reference to a LiHo blind. Excellent Anna.

  19. Vik Chatwal for the billionaire?

  20. I'm more shocked Lilo wad considered B list in 2008.

  21. I've always wondered how she could be chronically unemployed yet run around with too many Birkin bags to mention. Mystery solved.

  22. Hope he wore a condom and strapped a 2x4 to his ass.

  23. I worship @Anna's comment.

  24. I'm confused. Is she bi, straight, or a lesbian? Or will she be whatever someone wants for money?

  25. Clutch my pearls. Seriously, she might poach them.
