Saturday, November 24, 2012

Blind Items Revealed

June 17, 2008

#2 - Speaking of financial messes, this other celebrity couple is in even worse shape. Actually the male half of the couple is a celebrity in the sense that he is married to the female actress who was once at the very top of the world and has slowly, but steadily just about crashed to the bottom. In one more year, people will be "who?" It has got so bad financially with their raging drug habit and his legal problems that they have started making sex tapes which are going to be "stolen." Outrage will follow and then hopefully enough money from the distributor to last until she can find someone willing to pay her what she used to get for acting.

Brittany Murphy


  1. So sad. She was such a talent.

  2. DRUGS is a bitch, how is it ALL these celebrities have a drug habit? Where did they develop it, is it a right of passage in Hollywood?

  3. I think these drug pushers make much more money than the stars

  4. this is horribly sad. i loved her.

  5. she signed her death warrant when she got involved with Simon, he just sucked the life out of her and kept her from getting medical help that would of saved her life. But he didn't want any negative publicity. Her poor mother has to live with that for the rest of her life listening to him.

    Karma justice took care of him, just wish it had been him first and not Brittnay, she really was a talent.

  6. Kinda wish Enty would reveal all of the Brittany blinds at one time or never reveal another one. I don't like how she could *sporadically* appear in the reveals. Either reveal them all & let her rest in peace or don't reveal another one & let her rest in peace. But that's just my opinion.

    1. I agree, the reveals about the dead are just creepy to me. Creepy and sad. :(

  7. She had awful taste in men. Ashton. Em. All treated her like poo.

  8. That is so sad. I really liked her...such a talent. RIP, baby.

  9. She didn't believe in herself.

  10. I don't like these sad blinds. I used to love her :(

  11. I'd love to see her sex tapes. I hope her mom didn't destroy them.

  12. Good use of the word of the day ("sporadically").

  13. @Count Jerkula you really lived up to your name today.

  14. Wow. Is it really necessary to reveal blinds about two people who died? This site is garbage.

  15. Timebob...I second that emotion re: Jerkula. That is such a phuqued up thing to say!! ;(

  16. Could enty please reveal any kindness blinds if Ms. Murphy was involved in any of them? Sporadically or otherwise? Surely she wasnt all about the drugs.

  17. Could enty please reveal any kindness blinds if Ms. Murphy was involved in any of them? Sporadically or otherwise? Surely she wasnt all about the drugs.

  18. Could enty please reveal any kindness blinds if Ms. Murphy was involved in any of them? Sporadically or otherwise? Surely she wasnt all about the drugs.

  19. Could enty please reveal any kindness blinds if Ms. Murphy was involved in any of them? Sporadically or otherwise? Surely she wasnt all about the drugs.

  20. Could enty please reveal any kindness blinds if Ms. Murphy was involved in any of them? Sporadically or otherwise? Surely she wasnt all about the drugs.

  21. I 4th B626. Kindness please!

  22. Jeez, I feel like I'm driving down Sunset Strip!

  23. Just because Brittany was a drugged-out mess doesn't mean she wasn't, at her core, a good and decent person! I don't know iph she was or wasn't...she always seemed such a sensitive soul to me...and speaking phrom experience, the drugs dull the pain oph dealing with such a phuqued up liphe and we all know Hollywood is phull oph users and losers who will suck you dry. Wasn't she also mentally ill or am I conphusing her with another?

    *** I apologize phor still having to improvise in place oph a non-working EPHEPH key: boyphriend got pissy cuz he wanted the "best" keyboard and I said Phuque that! I didn't break I rephused to buy one. =) ***

  24. Anonymous12:28 PM

    I thought she was unable to use hard drugs due to her heart condition?

  25. Kloie, I see what you did there. Good catch. :)

    I loved Brittany, but I have to say that none of the recent BI reveals about her surprise me. When a person reaches that low, there's nothing they won't do. So I'm sad, but not shocked.

  26. LOL @ Robert. Where have ya been lately?

    Clueless is one of my favorite movies. And speaking of Murphy, what happened to ClAsS AlpHA? She/he always placed part of the blame of Brittany's problems on Eminem.

  27. Buh-bye, RF.

    'It took forever,' the best explanation I've heard is that they get such a high being the center of attention on a film set, or at an event, that they can't stand the "lows" that come when they're alone. Also, when drugs are freely available everywhere you go, and there's virtually no social stigma from the people around you, it must be hard to resist.

  28. I'm so glad we keep getting shitty reveals about dead people. leave them alone??? #gross

  29. I agree, can we please get all the Brittany Murphy reveals out of the way?

  30. um, did I miss something? what's with all the "ph" ??? is the letter "f" not cool anymore?

    1. Reese's keyboard is busted so she uses PH as F :)

  31. My ephph key doesn't work, so I'm improvising. ;)

  32. @Mooshki - The main reason this site is garbage is because of people like you who make it unbearable here. It's no wonder so many people don't read or comment here anymore, as people are rude. As for the "Buh-Bye", grow up, I was merely making a statement of opinion. And don't worry, I'm "gone." Obtain some social skills, honey.

  33. Why is everyone blaming the husband? I don't remember any stories about him. He did look a bit creepy. Brittany started losing the weight , and acting differently, around the time 8 Mile came out. I always assumed she started using around then.

  34. Gee whiz Enty, you call these reveals? Every week now, yeeeeaaaars old blinds about people no one cares about any longer or, worse, who are dead. None juicy or fun, all just sad. If this is the best you can do for fear of getting sued for real reveals, then just forget the whole reveal concept entirely.

  35. Goodbye already, RF.

  36. I enjoy all the reveals. I remember reading so many of them years ago. So thanks for doin' what you do Enty.

    As for the drugs thing - 2 items. I saw something on TV about endorphins and folks who do extreme sports and other extreme things. Guys "flying" in those squirrel suits were on as an example. I think some of what BM and other stars go through is similar with regard to endorphins.

    Also, until you get up on stage performing you will never understand what a magnet that is for dealers. You would NOT believe the drugs that come out of the woodwork! You can't imagine!! Drugs are bad, mmmmkay.

  37. My guess for the "why" of drugs for some young stars is the pressure for being thin. Stars with less-angular, more round faces feel overweight even when they are not, and go to extremes from drugs to lose weight to eating disorders (Tracy Gold) Probably someone from a hairstylist, to manager, publicist, photographer or a stylist's assistant. costumer, co-star will mention heroin or cocaine as a way to lose weight quickly for the next role.

    Murphy had a girl-next-door face that made her perfect for roles where she looked realistic. But Hollywood continues to give us horse-faced, long-legged thin stars of over 5'9", to where on TV these days, it's difficult to tell one female star from another on a show if it weren't for hair color or some odd feature here and there. The ones that stand out and shows that catch on feature actors and actresses who look real, like Murphy, Jennifer Lawrence.

  38. What happened to Shzammmmmmmmm whose keyboard was broken and he only typed in all caps. He was funny but that was years ago.

  39. What's with the Bi reveals of dead people? Enough. They're dead, leave them (and their survivors) alone. Classless, Enty, very classless.



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