Thursday, November 15, 2012

Blind Item #5

This actress used to be just about A list. Her name is still A list when it comes to name recognition. A few years ago it was probably even A+. Now, she rarely acts. She is more of a cameo person now. She had been dating a celebrity and she got pregnant. She never told him though. First of all she was not sure it was his, because she also had been dating a couple of other guys which she likes to keep secret, especially from the celebrity. Second, she had a miscarriage. She said to one of her friends that it should have been a horribly sad time, but that she was actually grateful because she had no idea what to do. She has also since split with the celebrity.


  1. Winona Ryder had some famous boufriends ( actors and musicians)

    and i don't see what is the interest of this blind?

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  4. Good guess! I got nothing on this one.

  5. Geez - what is it with all the miscarriage/abortion blinds lately? Sounds like some OB-GYN office has a leak in it.

    1. That should be personal info only, not gossip. Really think these shouldn't be lkstedt

    2. Agreed. This is just sad.

  6. No kidding, SusanB. HIPAA-what?

  7. But Winona didn't date a "celebrity" did she? And she was most definitely a former A# actress and has been doing more than cameos lately.

  8. Cameron Diaz dated Criss Angel a couple years ago.. just figured I'd put that out there..

  9. @danielle, Cameron Diaz does seem to fit

  10. What about Drew Barrymore and Spike Jonze?

  11. So, then, this is a miscarriage blind? Are you kidding me?

  12. This could be a number of people. I don't have a clue. Maybe Drew and Fab?

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  14. I'm not cool on the miscarriage blinds either..It really does sound like a leak from a Dr.'s office.

  15. After Johnny Depp and before Matt Damon, Winona very briefly dated Paul Westerberg (from The Replacements), and then Dave Pirner (From Soul Asylum) for a year or two or three.

  16. @ Sherry I don't think a doctor's office would know the background story, i.e. who the actress was seeing. This sort of blind comes from blabbermouth friends.

  17. High 'ick' factor with this one.

  18. "If the subject matter of a blind bothers you, the best thing you can do is not comment and move on with your day. The more comments a post gets the more likely the blogger is to keep writing similar posts."

    Are we certain? Because I would think it would behoove a blog writer to give his public what they want, and stop writing about the stuff they bitch about. But that's just me. *shrug*

    And add me to the list who thinks that the miscarriage/abortion blinds are a terrible idea.

  19. Jesus, shut up complainers. You thrive on Hollywood gossip sites and yet you somehow see yourself above certain blind subjects? Hypocrites much?

  20. Anonymous1:07 PM

    Mango's right. This isn't Dr. office stuff, which can be punished very severely if it is leaked by them. This is friends or the source itself spilling the dirt. Gives new meaning to the term hangers on. I appreciate the gossip, but to know that these people's loved ones/friends are selling their secrets for a quick buck is sad.

  21. I disagree Karrots, I think if enough people voice their displeasure at a particular kind of blind, there's a possibility Enty may stop doing them. Then again, he's still reporting on the Kartrashians.

    With the sensitive subjects being banded about as blinds its difficult to know where to draw the line. My own preference is to abstain from guessing the ones I feel uncomfortable with, but I can't blame others for being interested in them.

  22. Well I can let this one pass because this a miscarriage that worked out for the actress. And I like Cam for this.

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  24. Winona is working quite a bit, I don't think she's doing cameos.

  25. How about Julia Stiles? Had an affair with Dexter while he was married.

  26. Hi all, - i read this site because I LOVE all celebrity gossip and I have never ever posted and i never thought i would- I find that people get sooo offended at the blinds that have anything to do with abortion or miscarriages - ahhh...there have been blinds about domestic abuse, excessive cheating, drug use, etc..and people do not as overwhelmingly offended as they do with the blinds about miscarriages, person said it in their comment above - hypocrites , much?? YOU ARE ON A SALACIOUS GOSSIP SITE...there are no "rules" or etiquette re : posting about gossip -gossip is gossip - if it is "offensive" - please do not read and then post holier than though comments about how offensive it is - stop reading!

  27. What Karrots and vkut said!

  28. @Karrots - I didn't say I assumed readers have a say in content, that will always lie with Enty. I said there was a possibility Enty may take their concerns onboard. I did counter my own theory with the Kardashian joke.

    My main point is people should be allowed to say they don't like these blinds. Different from being all high moral judgemental, just that they don't like them.

    Enty has build this little corner of the net, we commenters decorated it :) I've said before I come back for the comments, and I'm glad that more often than not respectful discourse is the priority here.

  29. I definitely think that subjects that are complained about will get more play on the blog. Like it was said above, anything that generates hits equals money and it's all that matters it seems.

    I like the Renee Z. guess but is she filming another Bridget Jones movie?

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  31. I vote for no more miscarriage or abortion blinds. they are just too sad and nobody's business.

  32. @annabella, how many of these blinds WOULD actually be considered anyone else's business?? Closeted celebrities, cheating spouses, preferred kinks...none of it is our concern, but it's posted nonetheless, and we still read it.
    Technically, the only blinds that would be considered our business are the ones that involve some sort of crime or abuse against a non-consenting person, but those blinds are NEVER revealed and as such don't really serve a purpose.
    Gossip sites are really just a way to waste some time and be entertained; if someone isn't comfortable with this one, there are always about a bajillion others on the interwebs.

  33. I vote for more abortion/miscarriage blinds, please. Nothing about gossip is anyone's business; it's certainly none of *my* business. That's why it's called "gossip" and not "news." This ain't the UNICEF web site, or hadn't you noticed? The more shocking the blind, the better. More HIV+, closet cases, secret affairs, and crazy kinks, please!

  34. If you're on a gossip site like this one, you think EVERYTHING is your business. I know I'm included in that, and I can live with myself.

  35. But other than Johnny Depp, Matt Damon, Paul Westerberg (from The Replacements) and Dave Pirner, when has she ever dated anybody famous?

    Well here is a quote from Courtney Love: "You're no-one in music until you have feuded with me or until you sleep with Winona".

  36. Enty writes about what interests HIM, not us. It is a formula that seems to have worked. We are readers, not paying customers so he isn't obligated to write what the readers want, it's his hobby. How would you like someone to tell you not to play tennis or knit anymore because they'd rather see you read or play Scrabble instead? I find the complaining about the content offensive and downright childish.

  37. Oh get off the moral high horses, read, comment or dont read and leave . Some days some of these comments brings flashback of Bible club.

  38. What a dull blind item.

    So basically, a woman was dating a few people, got pregnant, had a miscarriage and isn't dating this one celebrity anymore. Sounds like something that happens every single day out in the non-celebrity world. Don't you think you should save your blind items for something kind of...ummmm, interesting?

  39. This is one of the most vague blinds ever. There is absolutely nothing here to pull from. It could literally be any female who was or approaching A list status at one time. How you all came up with Wynona baffles me.

  40. I also wonder why a random name is mentioned while others endorse the idea.

    Here is random for you: Cher, pregnant by random boy toy, while living with David Geffen.

  41. ScarJo. Pregnant to Sean Penn

  42. I agree, too vague!

    And this is gossip, it's not pretty! Don't understand the complaints. Where are the complaints when there's blinds about cheating?

  43. You know what I hate? I hate the do-gooder blinds. If I wanted to read about how wonderful celebrities are I would read People and every other PR press release distributor on the market.

    I come here to read about which C list celebrity likes to take meth suppositories so they can get off faster so they can be on the set on time because they have to keep their A list job on a B list half network because they have to pay for their gay lover's sister's abortion.

  44. Oooh Helen! I want that one revealed!!! :D
    Hilarious post. Well done.

  45. @Helen Lawson, YES, that's the spirit!
    I'm not too keen on those feel good blinds either, why should anyone be ashamed of any of that being public knowledge? Now that is twisted.

  46. Anonymous10:04 PM

    Cameron Diaz an diddy

  47. Cameron and Justin popped in my head, but I'm not really great at guessing so who knows. Not sure when this was supposed to happen.

  48. I agree with karrots and vkut. The high and mightyness of this crowd is getting to be really annoying. Have complaints? Email enty, don't comment. You do realize that by commenting your refusal to guess only draws more commentors, more attention, and more visibility to the blind. The best way to revolt is to ignore.

  49. I like Cameron for this and it reads "celebrity" not actor so I'm going with A-Rod.

  50. Helen i always felt the same way about those goody goody blind item too.

  51. Uh - many years ago Ryder dropped out of The Godfather III due to "illness" (Sofia Coppola took over her role), but it was widely rumored that it was because she'd had a miscarriage.

    The Love quote is well-taken; Ryder had a reputation for dating the frontmen of many, many bands, and for a while, any SNL up-and-comer. However distasteful this blind might be, she's the best fit.

  52. "I agree with karrots and vkut. The high and mightyness of this crowd is getting to be really annoying. Have complaints? Email enty, don't comment. You do realize that by commenting your refusal to guess only draws more commentors, more attention, and more visibility to the blind. The best way to revolt is to ignore."

    Well, okay, I suppose, but those of you complaining about those of us who are see the irony there, right?

  53. I don't think it's in anyone's place to tell someone what to put on their website, bc for every one person that don't like it, 20 will more than likely read it, including the ones that don't like it. I don't like KK stories.....but then again I don't read or comment on them. Thought that was common sense *shrugs*
