Sunday, November 04, 2012

Blind Item #4

What C list all movie actor with A list name recognition and a proclivity for getting women pregnant told his latest girlfriend that he had a vasectomy after what happened to him not so long ago so that it was fine for them to have unprotected sex. Considering how many women he has been with she should have run away screaming at the thought of that, but she is naive and very young and he knows she wants to be with him. He has never had a vasectomy either. It will be interesting to see what happens when his half his age girlfriend gets pregnant. He would probably accuse her of cheating. That is what he did with the last one to get pregnant.


  1. Or Jude Law, but I think Ryan

  2. Kevin Federline!!!

  3. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Benicio Del Toro?

  4. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Benicio Del Toro?

  5. Wtf is this dude's problem? Is it REALLY that difficult to use some f'ing birth control? There's more than one option, you know. Sounds like some kind of pathology is at play on his part.

  6. Jude Law for sure

  7. totally Jude Law

  8. I'm going with Colin Farrell too.

  9. No way Jude Law is C list!

  10. got to be Mel Gibson!

  11. James Mardsen or whatever, Cyclops.
    What a douche and a psychotic!

  12. For the c list acting chops: Del Toro
    Jude Law is a so so man but a good actor

  13. Resse witherspoon's ex-husband

  14. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Ryan Phillippe is just douche enough that I would believe that this is him. Benicio did get Kim Stewart pregnant. But Phillippe just has that asshat expression on his face like he lost his sippy cup and there's gonna be hell to pay!!!

  15. I'm totally on the Ryan Phillipe train! Total douche. I met him once and he was a total scumbag, shameless.

  16. I'm totally on the Ryan Phillipe train! Total douche. I met him once and he was a total scumbag, shameless.

  17. Co-sign on Ryan Phillipe.


  19. I know it shouldn't always be up to the women, but if you are sexually active, aren't you on the pill?

    1. No basil bc I can't handle the hormones. I honestly don't know what I'm going to do if I ever get laid again

    2. @katsm SAME! Made me break out horrifically and I got SO sick and nauseus. I know finding the right one helps but no thanks! Never again.

    3. @holly I'm scared of hormones period. I think I'll look into the copper iud but it's a high upfront cost. Sucks!!!!

    4. Yeah, you two could look into IUDs. The copper one has no hormones involved, and the Mirena only has low doses of local hormones. No worries about taking a pill every day. Also, NuvaRing is nice as far as not taking a daily pill and works more locally than systemically because it's inserted vaginally and changed every 21days, but some people don't like how they have to insert and remove it.

    5. Paragard is pretty great.

    6. I have not been on any BC for two years, we use condoms everytime. We found some that work and you can't really tell the difference.

      I think already have a very close romantic relationship helps. It hasn't ever been a problem for us but I have heard a ton of guys complain about condoms.

    7. Mirena is fantastic. AND you won't have periods.

    8. My uterus is inverted so I can't get the IUD. I was on the pill two years ago and had a horrific miscarriage. Wasn't missing pills, never missed a period or had a symptom. (I have 2 kids, I'd know).
      When I miscarried, I had to have been 3 months along, it was terrifying since it was out of the blue. I had debilitating pain for months.
      I discontinued the pill, but my body went through months of changes. I haven't really been the same since, physically.

  20. Count me in on Ryan Phillipe.

  21. 100 percent Phillipe, his girlfriend is soo pretty but she's only 20! She could be his kids older sister.

  22. Toss up between Ryan or Eddie.

    Both are in two of my favourite movies, Cruel Intentions and Trading Places, and they disappoint me :(

    Especially Eddie. Why did such a talent turn into such a shameless wanker? Sadface.

  23. @angie please explain his douchiness...spill! ;) I just don't know why a "sweet" girl like Reese Witherspoon would fall for him...

    1. I was out with my boyfriend and friends on a late night and he had the audacity to tell me I should be waking up next to him. RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY BOYFRIEND.

    2. @angie that is pretty douchy, I have to say...thanks for sharing!!

  24. Yep, Ryan.
    Ladies, try VCF (vaginal contraceptive film) or The Sponge if you can't take hormones. I really liked the VCF when I was off The Pill.

  25. @katsm my friend has the Mirena IUD it is made of plastic and last five years, it cost $1,500 but her insurance covered it, she loves it, no more cramps or periods she says.

  26. This i why I love CDAN's commenters - you can guess the blind items and you can also get useful advice on a variety of issues - it's so good when people do not argue! Yayyy!

  27. My vote is Ryan too. And he will comment here as TT, I believe. He did it the last time he was outed in a blind reveal as the husband who wanted to get back with his wife because he was trying to land a big part - not because he actually wanted to be with her.

  28. Pregnant with an assholes kid aside, why do people not protect themselves from sti?


    here's the blind item revealed post that I believe Ryan posted on at TT.

  30. I was going to say Jude Law (minus the C list status) but I guess everyone's on the Phillipe train.

  31. One vote for Ryan, and another vote for the Mirena IUD.

  32. Hugh Grant fits though I guess he is more A or B list.

  33. Phillipe's new girlfriend is a 20 year old student and he is 38. For sure it's him!

  34. Daily Mail-related Blinds are always total BS!!!!


    gael garcia bernal who got a dna test to his babby mama as he accused her of cheating...

    not sure about the a recognition though

  36. I have Mirena for 2 years now and I am absolutely happy about it. I do not have periods for about 1,5 year. I got so used to not having it that it's hard to remember that I have had it for 15 years before :)

  37. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Also Ladies don't forget about the diaphragm! After the pill, statistically it's the most effective. It's really not difficult to put in correctly. the concept of the way it works is it's like putting a condom over your cervix. Nothing's getting through that puppy! It's not expensive either, thirty bucks, and doesn't have any hormones. I used one for years and had no problems. My Mom also used one for years and had no probs. Just put it in before sex w/ some spermicide and leave it in for 6 hours after sex, then remove, it's not painful, and it works! It doesn't get in the way, the guy can't feel it, you can't feel it, it's freakin awesome.

  38. Anonymous1:42 PM

    That dirty old man sleeping with a 20 year old student! Let her get her degree and start her life as an adult before you ruin it you pervy washed up has been!

  39. I also recommend the Mirena, been using it without issue for 6 years

  40. James Franco and Ashley Benson

  41. Yes the info you can get from this site is great! Thanks ladies :) Now speaking as a woman, I agree that while bc shouldnt be just up to us, I go by the rule that if I dont want to take the chance to end up pregnant or with perhaps more, I will take care of the bc me a control freak if you will :)

  42. @CMiss - there are a shocking number of people who really believe that "nice" people don't carry diseases. My kids will be FULLY educated when the time comes! BTW, the Mirena is beyond awesome.

  43. I also vote for Ryan and the Mirena. Lasts five years, no periods, nothing to think about. Paulina (or whatever Ryans's 20-year-old girltoy's name is)- look into it!

  44. BENICIO DEL TORO; recent event--surprise pregnancy with Kimberly Stweart.

  45. I vote Eddie Murphy, isn't there something about denying the baby is his? Remember how he tried to humiliate Mel B by saying the baby was not his.

  46. I vote Eddie Murphy, isn't there something about denying the baby is his? Remember how he tried to humiliate Mel B by saying the baby was not his.

    1. Yes he did-I remember he demanded a paternity test and said really snarky stuff about her before the results came out. He's a tool.

  47. Sorry, as someone who was sexually active in the late 80's, condoms were the most important protection out there. And I'm also one of the women who cannot use the pills. Been condoms only for decades. No glove, no love. And ewwww, I would never sleep with a celebrity or any other type of man whore without one.

  48. I don't think its Ryan. The blind says all movies and he started out on TV

  49. That was in the early 90's, JJ. Since then, I think it has been only movies

  50. Anonymous5:56 PM

    I may be old fashioned, but to me you don't discuss your birth control on a celebrity gossip blog. I'm appalled at what is happening with this site. It all started going to hell with the Himmmm flutter, and it's been sliding downhill ever since.

    1. You are old fashioned @sycko bc mistakes are happening bc of birth control myths floating around. We are lucky to have this site and the openness to ask things some of us don't have anyone to ask. It NEEDS to be discussed more openly. Besides, what's better gossip than strangers sex lives?

    2. Anonymous7:06 PM

      Thank you, Katsm0711, for misspelling my name. I agree everyone should be informed about birth control. I just don't think it needs to be done here. Ask girlfriends, ask your doctor, ask your mother. Or go to a forum that's for that sort of thing.

    3. If you don't like it, @Syko, then skip over those posts.

    4. Syko-women come here for all kinds of advise. Why do up want to bash women who are trying to take. Charge of their bodies. It is empowering to have others help you even if you don't know them personally. I can not pathom why you would have a problem with this thread.

  51. I like the Eddie Murphy guess because of how he treated Scary Spice when she became pregnant.

  52. i don't think you're old fadhioned at all Syko. i don't come here to discover other people's sexual habits or personal hygiene rituals, go to a medical blog or s&m site if that's what you want to discuss people. Perhaps Enty should add a mefical disclaimer to the legal one already on the bottom of the home page?

  53. Fuck's sake, Jude - wear a fucking condom!

    I still can't believe that there are so many girls who aren't on birth control though - I've been on it since I was 21 and will probably be on it until menopause (unless I'm still getting adult acne at 60 and then I'll keep taking it!)

  54. Himmmm has been around since 2009, maybe earlier. Just sayin'.

  55. This comment has been removed by the author.

  56. I like that we can talk about birth control and stuff here. I don't want to go on a medical blog or a legal blog - I find it more interesting to discuss stuff here amongst people I know and like.

    I've tried about 6 pills and the problem for me was hormones as well. So I'm on Yaz now and it's a lower level of estrogen than most of the others and it's perfect for me. It's a bit more expensive than any of the other ones I've tried but worth it I think. Besides doing what it's meant to, it's really good for my skin and mood as well. I understand if you think it's strange that we're discussing contraception here and I'm sorry if you are uncomfortable - but really, it's not like we're talking about flow or fluid or ... secretions ...

    1. Last week they got into toilet habits. I chose to ignore that conversation and went to one that interested me. Just like when it's a Dancing With the Stars post. Nobody cares what you DONT like. Let people talk and just leave. The conversation turns to certain points bc the majority collectively chose that.

  57. I really don't get why everyone can't just scroll past and ignore comments they're not interested in.
    Personally I couldn't be less interested in posts about people's pets, when they're made - frequently - I just whizz past them and ignore. More time to focus on DVD fun stuff, less tension in the comments.

  58. No idea how that DVD crept in. I mean they're fun but I'm not that into them :-)

  59. Mirena has the same hormones as the Depo Provera, so if anyone has had issues with the shot, avoid the Mirena. I have the copper IUD and LOVE IT.

  60. I read this site for the comments and the twists and turns they take. I suspect even those who kvetch do as well except when they don't likE it.

  61. Aside from the guesses (and Eddie was on snl, does that count? Still leaning toward him), I've had the worst effing luck on birth control, to the point where I've just had the contraceptive implant out as my doctor pinpointed it as the reason I've gained 5 stone (that's around 70lbs) in 2 years although I'm otherwise healthy and active. My only other option is the Minerva, which as a local hormone thing shouldn't affect the rest of my body. I've been told though, they can cause issues for people who haven't given birth... Any opinions?

    This is TMI, isn't it?

    1. Sorry everyone and @miz but all hormones are bad. I know it's convenient but if it was completely safe then they wouldn't come with a list of potential side effects and there wouldn't be lawsuits because nobody mentioned to the first guinea pigs that it will harm your unborn child. Don't even eat tofu or soy anything bc it makes your body produce more estrogen. I'm really glad this thread turned here bc a few of you gave me ideas I never realized were still around (bc everyone I know reaches for the easy Pill!)

    2. So, condoms or abstin.... Nope, not even gonna entertain that ;)

      I'm back on the mini pill til I decide what to do, which I'm not happy about because they exacerbate migraines in me, but hey ho! The things you do to stay childless!

    3. I'm on my second Mirena and I love it.

  62. But katsm0711 you can say that about pretty much everything. Everything is linked to or causes cancer; eating processed food can make you infertile, eating chicken can accelerate adolescent development in children, listening to loud music can make you go deaf, masturbating can make you go blind ...

    Everything sucks.

    IUDs have risks associated with them as well - they can cause scarring, the copper ones can rust. The implant can destroy a sex drive and cause a lot of bleeding.

    If I was bumping it with someone new I would use a condom, absolutely, the pill/implant/IUD/diaphragm only stops one of the bad things, but I've been with my boyfriend for 7 years and about two years into the relationship I went on the pill. I'll be on it forever. It may the convenient option but until something else is available that stops babies, makes my monthly time almost pain-free and predictable, or doesn't turn me into a weeping rage monster with a face covered in pimples. I know what the side-effects are and what to look out for, there's not much else I can do.

    Ryan Phillippe is gross - he was hot in Cruel Intentions but now he is gross - I trust you told him to fuck off, Angie.

  63. I like reading about everyone's sex stuff. It's kind

  64. @Syko: Are you really talking about what's polite and proper on a GOSSIP site?

    Take a look at life.

    1. Anonymous6:16 AM

      Look, it's one thing to talk about the sex lives of celebrities, but I really don't want to hear about yours. This isn't a girly forum where everyone can discuss their menstrual flow and size of their lovers' penises, it's a celebrity gossip site. As for taking a look at life, hotchacha, I've seen more life than you can even think about.

      I'm so sick of all the off-topic conversations and the argumentative attitudes on this site any more, I'm close to leaving for good.

    2. You realize you're doing exactly what it is you're "tired of", right?

  65. JUDE LAW is NOT c-list.

    Benecio DEL TORO is NOT c-list.

    Jude is A- or B+ - how many times has he been nominated for an oscar, and how many awards has he won? He's a great actor, despite his real life (lack of) character; Benecio has an Oscar, so he's B at minimum.

    James Franco, c-list? Slimy, yes, but c-list? No. He's been nominated and is in high, high demand. Besides, he got his start in soaps and even famously went back to soaps as a favor in the last couple years.

    Ryan Phillipe seems to fit, but it's very well-known he got his start on soap operas, particularly in one instance when playing a young homosexual (Santa Barbara?). Maybe Entry is throwing off the trail, by saying he's all movie since his start on soaps.

    James Marsden fits, as he has several kids and then knocked up some model in a one-nighter last year, while supposedly separated from his wife, though I don't agree he has A-name recognition ...

    Maybe it's Lil' Wayne, who c-list acted his way through his depos ?! (I kid.)

    My guess is that Enty wants us to think it's Phillippe, and somehow he knows whether or not the guy had a vasectomy. Maybe he did, Enty ?! Why would either he or Marsden (my close second guess) want more children to support and not see?! They aren't rollin' in it anymore...

  66. I have to stand up for my crush, Gael Garcia-Bernal. If only for the fact that he is NOT all movies. He started out on television in Mexico. He's not on my laminate 5, though, so I don't have THAT much invested it...

    Personally, I can't do any hormonal birth control because it makes me suicidal and I'm allergic to spermicide. I had a copper IUD inserted in Feb. 2009. In late May of this year we found out I was pregnant. I had an appointment for the removal of the IUD, I miscarried father's day weekend (just a few days before the IUD removal appt which also carried a risk of miscarriage) and we discovered that the IUD had become embedded in my uterus. They had to perform a hysteroscopy to cut the iud in 3 pieces to remove it. So... now Mr. Disco is going to get the snip snip because I am DONE. lol I have never carried a full term pregnancy which is most likely why I had the issue I did, so I wouldn't really recommend them for anyone who hasn't carried to term.

    That being said, when single - WRAP THAT SHIT UP. You don't know where those things have been!

  67. Man, I don't do other online communities, but I am sure glad I lurked here for months before I ever threw my 2 cents in. If you just show up and starting bitching without taking the time to familarize yourself with the nuances of this site-you will come off sounding like an idiot-case in point.

    One thing is FOR SURE-anything and everything is up for discussion here whether or not you like what people have to say. It is very much as if the gossip is just a jumping off point to discuss life. And that's why I love it!

    Lol @ Katsm-I will also figure out the bc stuff if and IF (and when) I should have the chance to get laid again...sigh...

  68. Personally I stopped taking the pill because it gave me terrible side effects like migraines and persistent anal leakage. The IUD my friend used had to be surgically removed from her daughter after it accidentally failed. Frankly, I'm much happier now that I've solved the problem of hemorrhaging at any moment from the grapefruit sized fibroids I grew (after my 10th abortion) by finally having that hysterectomy I've always wanted.

  69. @Syko: Look, if you want to get your knickers all in a twist over such a trivial matter as comments on a gossip blog that you can fully scroll past or ignore, that's a choice you can make. And if you're close to leaving for good and want to just take your ball and go home, that's up to you as well. Whatever pops your corn.

    I'm just saying that tangents happen. If you want to get all upset about it, that's totally fine. You're in charge of how you want to feel.

    1. Anonymous7:45 AM

      Oh, honey, my knickers haven't even begun to get into a snit.

  70. Good. I hope it means you can have a rock star kind of day.

  71. @Miz - I'm sorry the mini-pill makes your migraines worse. I'm a lucky one, because the mini-pill makes mine better for whatever reason. I also started taking magnesium supplements a few months ago and I can tell a difference! Have you ever tried magnesium?

  72. Rickatoo, thank heavens we have a place to share our most personal of medical issues. When I started my monthlies at the age of 8 it just went downhill from there, imagine a young girl bleeding like a stuck pig every month? And it lasted for about 2 weeks so it seemed like I was bleeding ALL the time!
    When I got older I suffered horrendous migraines from BC pills, I never had anal leakage though, so I stopped taking them. My employer did not appreciate I had to be hospitalized with demerol every month for the migraines. They didn't appreciate me hemorroraging in my desk chair either. One time
    I was just sitting there and I discovered I was sitting in a pool of blood, bright scarlet red blood. It was so weird. But the doctors said I was too young to have a hysterectomy so I had to put up and shut up. I just stocked up on super maxi pads and tampons, using the overnight ones during the daytime because I just bled so much.

  73. So you stopped taking the pills because you didn't get the anal leakage, Black Cat? I can understand that, I found it an easy way to lose weight, and, as an anorexic, I considered it a bonus.

    Since I waited until I was around 10 to become extremely sexually active (thanks to all my male relatives, if you know what I mean) and I was abandoned by my mother as soon as she realized I wanted to breast feed my way thru infancy, I originally thought my men were so big that I couldn't handle them without discomfort. It was such a relief 25 years later that it was merely a life threatening allergy to latex that had my vagina so inflamed all the time that I couldn't even sit in a chair at work.

  74. Rickatoo, sexually active at 10? I was wondering how you managed to have so many abortions. Hope that didn't come off as being too judgemental?
    Were they done in a clinic or the home made kind that Mitt Romney would like to see become popular again?
    Your latex allergy sounds, umm, uncomfortable.

  75. @Syko, i dont understand. You've made you feelings known, seen we are continuing the discussion anyway, and yet you keep coming back to wag your finger at us? I get it, you don't like it, it's fine, so why seek it out? There's plenty of other blinds to comment on. Spoiler alert, I talk about birth control right after this paragraph. Feel free to ignore it but I'm not apologising for having a mature, fun discussion on a very human issue. That's all.

    @AKM, no actually, I haven't. I'll speak to my doctor about it for now, but its looking more likely my love will be getting the snip. He's 37 and never wanted kids, and I can't carry to term anyway. I've been asking to be sterilised since I was 17 (now 28) and my doctors won't entertain it because I've not had kids. D'uh, that's the point! I think they think I'll at least want to harvest eggs go down the surrogacy route or something, especially as my sister has been a surrogate (she was even on tv for it! She's awesome :D) but seeing her journey makes me doubly sure I won't change my mind. I'm an awesome aunty with fabulous shoes, not a mother. Anyway, my love is sick of my constant battle with b/c and wants to remove the issue himself. Even so, its not something we're entering into lightly.

  76. @Rickatoo- WOW! and I thought I was late at jumping on the old hobby horse at 91/2 years old...glad to see that I'm completely normal!


  77. I thought it was best if you have given birth before you use an IUD. I don't think they'll give one to you unless you have given birth.

  78. Did you stop your little foot when you made that post, Syko?

    Seriously, get over it,who cares.


  79. @jax--Probably not, but I'm sure she was thumbing her little nose up at the computer and shaking her first in the air as she was typing. God, what a bunch of self-righteous, holier-than-thou responses from you bunch.

  80. @Black Cat, the first few were in "clinics", but that shit gets expensive and it's just as easy to DIY once you get the hang of it, thanks for asking.
    @Lori - it's not like I had much choice, they were all so much bigger than me anyway, and they gave me candy. How 'bout you?

  81. I love this site.

  82. I used to wonder why douchehoe Ryan Phillipe was able to marry an old fashioned girl like Reese, but then I remembered that she too got pregnant with him. It was just unfortunate that she ended up marrying him before realizing what he was like.

  83. @Rickatoo- I did get candy! I felt that it was a mutually beneficial exchange. I hear ya on the DIYs, lady! Tell ya what they dont accept at the clinic for payment...candy! I was rollin' in the sweet stuff but couldnt get them to take it... Thank god my sister is handy with a hanger and a friendly little "help" down the stairs.

  84. Ha ha ha! My sides are splitting from all these hilarious back-and-forths about abortion and incestual molestation. Thanks for the laughs ladies! Have a great day!!!

  85. It's nice to finally have someplace to discuss the most intimate and private issues in my life, with people that truly care about me and are my bestest friends in the whole wide world. I mean, sure, people come her to find out who Pyan Phillipe knocked up now, but if I can educate one poor young soul to the horrors of everyday life, then why not. Oh, did I mention I was born a man?

  86. I'm going to go have a glass of wine

    The Dolphins suck btw :)

  87. @Rickatoo: I probably shouldn't say this but I died laughing. :-)

    That being said, I'm sure I will one day post stuff about myself and ask intimate questions too. Hey, everyone's just trying to help each other out.

    Still though, that was funny.

  88. @Rickatoo- who's better at validating you than your bestest friends in the world on the interwebs?

  89. @Lori - you're the best babe :)

  90. Hey A, R and L
    While you guys are over there congratulating yourself, I hope you realize that everyone (but me apparently) has either left the thread or just decided to let you step in your own shit. You have shown your lack of character and severe lack of empathy toward other human beings. I would be absolutely ashamed to call you a friend.

    And btw, I seem to remember you R sharing a while back that you lost a loved one. I'm very sorry for that. I can't imagine what it will be like when one of my parents pass. But please note the hypocrisy of the situation, and also the grotesque examples you used to "teach all of us a lesson". If you find joking about children being raped by their relatives to be appropriate in this situation, I can only pray you 3 didn't reproduce.

    Good night ladies

  91. FTR, when I did comment about my uncle's suicide, it was in context with a post, it didn't, nor was it intended to, throw the conversation off on a wild tangent.

    I hope to "GOD" that anyone I do call a friend has the good sense to seek actual expert advice for medical issues. My very well raised child/ren know what is appropriate conversation for a public forum, a gossip blog or a professional's office.

  92. Sunny, while we value your opinions and encourage you to express them they do not represent everyone else's here.
    Lack of character is a very subjective thing because I see it everyday in far too many comments, these people demonstrate lack of empathy toward anyone who disagrees with them. This is wrong and will to be tolerated any longer. If threads are killed so be it.

  93. Lolllll "appropriate conversation" on a gossip blog

  94. Ladies,
    Thank you for letting me express myself without completely bitch slapping me. I finally realized today I am too sensitive to participate in forums such as these. I can take rantings about politics, religion and most other things, but I really take it to heart when I feel people go out of their way to be condescending or rude to another individual.
    When I first started commenting on CDaN, I thought I found a nice place to have adult conversation when I was at home with my 2 little ones. I have found I've become more angry and bitchy since I've arrived, so I bid you farewell :)

    1. @sunny you're one of my favs here I'm sorry you're going. I know when I'm on the Internet too much I get angry and I give myself time outs. I hope u come back soon and can still have nice conversations while ignoring the snotty people trying to ruin other people's fun.

  95. @Sunny, when you (and many of us) initially started commenting on CDaN it WAS a nice place to have an adult conversation on celebs and their silly lives. If their lives overlapped something in ours, so be it, it was that much more fun, but MANY long time posters are frustrated with the hijacking of our beloved site by people that not only have little interest in the spirit of the blog, but their own agendas as well. If you leave, you are bringing up the rear of a long line of old timers that are also on our way out the door.

  96. Sunny, very interesting you say that because until recently there was no bitch slapping going on at all on this forum. And that is how we liked it. Sure, people disagreed but we were for the most part a mature group and people got over it but always let the other person speak without fear of being jumped on. That is why I wanted to be part of the group, I didn't have much to say in the beginning but when I did people listened.
    All I can say is there is a very angry group who have had enough of their beloved blog ruined by children. There is no malice towards you, far from it, and hopefully you will stick around. The commenters do not feel they are part of an exclusive club or anything, we do expect a certain level of maturity and manners I guess that has been sadly lacking. I don't recall ever seeing trolls or troll like behaviour until recently either so there is a lot of negativity going on that is not appreciated.
    But, we are up for it. We have had enough.

  97. Thanks katsm for proving everything Black Cat and I have said about the current level of maturity and attitudes of the "newbies". We were a blog with mature, accomplished, friendly readers, many going back yo 06. Now we're "snotty".

    1. @rick you're snotty for making fun of other people.

  98. Yes Rickatoo, you are acting as if you are covered in mucus. How dare you!!! Its so messy.

  99. OMG, so glad someone has brought that up, it's one of those things I've always wanted to say but never did.
    Thankfully katsm711 is here to slurp it up. And what a big slurper! Admirable. Speaking of children, and I shouldn't generalize because for all we know katsm711 is severely brain damaged and it wouldn't be nice to bring that up but thankfully we don't have to because the behaviour is quite evident there is something not quite right there.
    Reminds me of the ancient Egyptians and how they inserted a hook up the nose to remove the brain when preparing a body to be embalmed. If the body was still alive I imagine the end result to be katsm711.
    Please continue. Your never ending blabber keeps our spirits up

  100. Well I was, RCB, but I think I finally got it all wiped off, it was hard to keep myself from slipping off the couch.

    I was unaware that pointing out the obvious actions of people has somehow become "making fun of them". If I were a medical professional I might advise you, katsm, to seek assistance for your self esteem issues, but I'm just an adult with life experience and an interest in celebrity gossip, so who am I to give you any advice whatsoever?

  101. @katsm0711 - katsm, come and play in other threads!

    "Let us not speak of them, but look, and pass" - Dante Alighieri
