Thursday, November 22, 2012

Blind Item #4

This A list all movie actor with the occasional foray into television was taking some classes at a college. While he was there during a summer, the actor would choose one camper to work with each week, and by work, I mean what you think I mean. One of the campers complained about being stalked and harassed by the actor and the faculty at the college initiated grievance proceedings against him.


  1. yea who else is in college.... and camper? whats that?

  2. I heard he was only into inflatable dolls, though.

  3. Ha ha! Awww. Franky knock it off.

  4. or his Japanese body-pillow, Kimiko :)

  5. I would let James Franco work with me, I mean what you think I mean.

  6. yup first thought Franco

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. But was the student a female or male? Happy thanksgiving!

  9. not even a discussion here. Franco all the way...

  10. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Franco is such a weirdo nowadays! Anyone else notice that he's gotten oddly pale/greyish complected, with purple shadows under his eyes and a strange wild eyed look about him? I'm thinking maybe the effects of meth on an already unstable mind? Whatever the case, get it together man! Good question Supapimp, was it a male or a female student? Interesting that they didn't specify gender.

  11. Is Freaks & Geeks considered an occasional foray into TV? He did 18 episodes? I would think foray means guest role or SNL.

  12. Could someone explain this ``camper`` thing to meÉ

  13. Franco has also guest-starred on one of the daytime soaps. What happened to this guy? Is he styling himself as some kind of Svengali?

    "I played the Green Goblin and wrote a book of poetry. You may touch me if you wish"

  14. One time I was punch in the face b james Franco and it was Awesome!

  15. James Franco even I got this one and I suck at blinds

  16. Some Colleges have summer "camps" for students at other schools. Like language camps.

  17. For some reason Kevin Spacey popped into my mind for this.

  18. He also appeared on Nick@Nite's somewhat obscure soap "Hollywood Heights".

  19. In addition to the aforementioned "General Hospital"...

  20. Shit, I wish I was that lucky camper.

  21. Oh, that silly Franco and his shenanigans!!

  22. James Franco! Since he is getting his PhD via osmosis, I'm sure he didn't understand what the practicum part of his PhD meant.

  23. Franco guested on 30 Rock - as @Gabby knew!

    @Henrinette: PhD by osmosis...LOL.

  24. James is such a weirdo but I'd work with him at camp & you know what I mean, jelly bean!

  25. Universities sponsor music, art, writing and drama camps for high school students. Unless he was "working with" a counselor, or the camp was for grad student or continuing education adult students, then it's likely the camper was underage.

    Don't be too quick to assume it's James Franco. Lots of actors, screenwriters, novelists, artists and musicians offer classes or give seminars at academic camps.

  26. Franco used to be so hot...:(

  27. I'm sure the camper was under age, but James Franco is the only actor who wants everyone to know he is going to college.

  28. Franco is hot and he guest lectured at the college I graduated from. And my sibling knew him from NYU. I don't think it's him though. JTT was going to Columbia within the last few years, I can't help but wonder if this could be him.

  29. Franco is hot and he guest lectured at the college I graduated from. And my sibling knew him from NYU. I don't think it's him though. JTT was going to Columbia within the last few years, I can't help but wonder if this could be him.

  30. Granted, Franco is annoying, but I just can't see someone complaining about him stalking them - unless it was a guy who was not into that kind of thing.

  31. There are some girls out there that are not attracted to James Franco... (me being one of them) so if he kept trying to pull one and she wasn't interested, hence the stalking compliant. Totally plausible.

    And I agree, Franco all the way.

  32. Franco, A? Really?!

  33. No way Franco is Alist.

  34. I fucked him,,gave him a c...hep c.

  35. What do campers and colleges now have in common? I'm totally lost.

  36. I assume the person he was stalking was a guy. The term "Camp" is a British slang for "Gay"
