Monday, November 05, 2012

Blind Item #3

Speaking of television shows, this show always was plagued by bad luck and a tall tale for the ages. The history of the show says this A lister was hospitalized for a certain very serious condition. She was hospitalized alright, but it was because she tried to kill herself after losing a baby in a miscarriage to one of the producers of the short lived show.


  1. I have a very strong guess, but I will keep it to myself.

    What is with the miscarriage BI trend on here recently?

  2. Not exactly how I wanted to start my Monday...

    The blinds come in waves; kindness blinds for a few days/weeks, then the adultery blinds, the childhood sexual abuse blinds, the rape blinds, abortion/miscarriages and finally the suicide blinds.

    I'm ready for kindness again.

  3. This is sad. Hope she gets the help n support needed. I don't need to know who this is.

  4. This is sad. Hope she gets the help n support needed. I don't need to know who this is.

  5. Another one I don't need to know.

  6. I am waiting for the MV clues.
    I just hope it doesn't turn out like Timmy/Shimmy. I missed that drama...but I mamaged to waste two hours yesterday slogging through it all.

  7. WTF, this is just so wrong.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Anonymous11:33 AM

    :a short lived t.v show, an A lister who was hospitalized for something very serious, bad luck on the show, tall tale for the ages.....

    Not a big enough t.v fan to be able to figure out this one on my own.

  10. The only shows I can think of are Twin Peaks, My So-Called Life & Freaks & Geeks, all had short life spans. I think Claire Danes would have been too young for this and I don't recall that she was ever hospitalized. Yes, I am showing my age because I don't keep up with the current crap on tv.

  11. Kara Dioguardi, The KARA Project... she's not really an A-lister, though.

  12. Here is a list of some short lived tv shows

  13. Kristin Chenoweth

  14. Didn't Chenowith break her neck or something?

  15. Firefly...Christina Hendricks?

  16. :( This poor woman. I know what the pain is like. It's one of the worst feelings in the world. I feel for her.

  17. This is so not something to blind about. I lived through a miscarriage, and it's a wrecking ball to your psychological well-being. That and the subsequent breakup left me sobbing in fetal position for a long time. I wasn't myself for a year, probably. Let the poor girl alone.

  18. Part of me feels this is not a blind I want to know. I too have lived through this and @ ms snarky, the same thing happened to me except the ex also got someone else pregnant at the same time. I think it took me two years not to look at a baby and break down.

  19. Oh Brea! That was just horrible. Hugs to you and MsSnarky..

    NOT even guessing who lost their baby. Seriously these kinds of blinds can go the hell away.

  20. Totally agree with all of you. Had five unexplainable miscarriages before I had our wonderful twins. Four years that I spent in a fog of hope and pain. No one has the right to discuss this kind of blind. It's not entertainment.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. All above true, its just sad and heartbreaking. My sympathies to all who deal/ dealt with this.

  23. Shortlived recently were Pan Am and The Playboy Club which starred Amber Heard and Jenna Dewan Tatum but they are far from A

  24. If you don't like what Enty posts, then stay off his site.

  25. This could be from 20 or 30 years ago.....

  26. We're all nice friends here, @chewysmama.....
    well, most of us, anyway.

  27. Cheryl Cole and the malaria?

  28. @Chewysmama..I like the site and most the blinds but honestly reveals about miscariages are so sad and my heart breaks for these ladies who have to deal with losing a child. That's definitely NOT entertainment.

  29. I feel like this is from the annals of TV history, not something recent. But I don't care to guess. So heartbreaking to women who have dealt with this pain in their own lives.

    P.S. - Sherry, I'm digging your new avi!

  30. I had a very early mc. It's nothing that belongs in a BI. It was followed by four months of desperately trying and a few shots of Jagermeister one night to ease the pain. I don't want to know who this is. :(

  31. I don't know why, but Moonlighting just popped in there...

  32. @me; d'oh. Read all the posts you missed before commenting next time. >.<

  33. @chewysmama...we've all been here for years and like it....lurking or otherwise and we all have our opinions. If you like ripping people's heads off because of said opinions I advise you to go visit Perez ...I think you would be much happier there....

  34. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Portia de Rossi, with the short-lived show being Arrested Development? I know it's a weird guess but maybe?

  35. :-( ... hon, whomever you are, hope things are better now....

    (for anyone this may have happened to)

  36. @ladida not cheryl cole, she didnt have malaria though, she had a nervous breakdown, guess the clue is in tall tale.

  37. Chewy, don't be a hypocrite. If you dont like what people post in response to the blinds and you cant be compassionate, why dont YOU piss off?

  38. Chewy, don't be a hypocrite. If you dont like what people post in response to the blinds and you cant be compassionate, why dont YOU piss off?

  39. I don't mean any harm, but what kind of blinds ARE appropriate? Almost any blind I can think of involves unhappiness, pain and embarrassment to those involved. Maybe someone can make up a list of subjects that are okay for Enty to post about.

  40. Ladies, it's a gossip site. It's like going to Burger King and complaining about the calories. We all have our struggles. I think these gossip sites remind us that life isn't perfect. No one has it easy despite what the media tells you or your co-workers would have you believe.

  41. Another way to look at it might be that, if we knew who this was, we could send her good thoughts or might think more kindly of her if her reputation was otherwise a bit "off". (Not that such is the case; I honestly have no idea who this is, but this did occur to me on the way home tonight.)

  42. Miscarriages are very common. Any stigma about them should have stopped decades ago. A tremendous amount of pregnancies end in miscarriage - check the records and statistics. It's a natural thing. Most women have this happen. Many never even know. Stigma around this is learned behavior. It's beyond inappropriate. Look at the money involved. Medical profession should be doing education about this instead of burying information and lining their pockets.

    Whew. Maybe that's why we do need these blinds. No reason to feel bad about a miscarriage.

  43. I hate this blind because I went through this recently. I'm still picking up the pieces and have has moments where I thought of going the same route she did. It's common, natural and mentally devastating. I wish her the best regardless of how old this is.

  44. What about the recent story about the actress that had Crohn's Disease and the writers didn't believe it. They thought she was trying to get a raise. So they wouldn't give her any part in the show, but she couldn’t work on another show because she was under contract. enty said something like the actress "hated" the writers. we were all talking about how serious Chrohn's was. Enty named her and there was a picture. Think it was last week.

  45. @__-__ I think what others are expressing is that regardless of when in the pregnancy the child is lost or how common miscarriages occur, it is still a mother loosing the child that she helped create and loved (for most women anyways) and that is an undeniably heartbreaking loss. A loss that a majority of women want to keep private for a multitude of reasons.
    Just because it is early in the pregnancy and/or still a fetus does not negate the fact that it is the sudden death of a child.

    I'm not trying to throw shade or hate, just trying to explain what I think others on here (including myself) are thinking and feeling about this blind material.

    Regardless, it is not right to trivialize another persons pain that neither you, nor I know absolutely nothing about. I try to hold myself to that standard, especially with a lot of these blinds but hey, no one is perfect :/

  46. ^^^ That sounds a little more unfriendly than I intended it to sound, my apologies.

  47. Christina Ricci and Pan Am is who I thought of.

  48. What about Ricci - she was on Pan Am, right?

  49. for those who don't understand the "it's not entertainment" note let me try and explain with a recent example. The poor woman who had just found her two children stabbed to death in New York was photographed being led out of the building completely out of her mind, howling in pain. Those photos ran in one of the papers, can't remember which one. All hell broke lose and they pulled the pictures very quickly. I'm not equating that poor woman's pain with a miscarriage, I'm just saying that the general consensus was that she had a right to privacy in that horrific moment and that for once the public did not have the right to demand documentation. Nothing was gained by seeing that. Similar here. There is nothing to be ashamed about with a miscarriage but the pain is real and intense and the public does not have the right to documentation. It's up to the woman to discuss if and when she is ready. Someone's personal pain with something like this is not entertainment. And VERY different from cheating or driving drunk or whatever.

  50. A recent show plagued by bad luck? It's an easy one: "Luck", the HBO show on horse racing starring Dustin Hoffman that had to be canceled after one too many horses had to be shot down. But the problem is that there weren't any female A-lister in the cast.

    The main actresses were Joan Allen (actually a guest star), Jill Hennessy and Kerry Condon. Hennessy's character actually experienced a miscarriage during season one.

  51. Maybe Enty can make little badges for blind items; there can be one for rape and one for miscarriage; that way the people who come to read selacious gossip as long as its not too selacious will know what not to read.
    You people are a bunch of hypocrites who come here to read about things you'd never want your friends to know about you, so to draw some line because it got too close to the bone is pathetic. You either like gossip or you don't, and if you don't want to guess then please don't comment, there are people who want to use the comments to guess, and plenty who have no interest in your private lives. Come on here, leave you private lives at the door and gossip, or don't.

  52. Maybe Enty can make little badges for blind items; there can be one for rape and one for miscarriage; that way the people who come to read selacious gossip as long as its not too selacious will know what not to read.
    You people are a bunch of hypocrites who come here to read about things you'd never want your friends to know about you, so to draw some line because it got too close to the bone is pathetic. You either like gossip or you don't, and if you don't want to guess then please don't comment, there are people who want to use the comments to guess, and plenty who have no interest in your private lives. Come on here, leave you private lives at the door and gossip, or don't.

  53. A tall tale for the ages is a big clue here. As for the miscarriage issue and whether it's an appropriate subject for a blind item, I think it's no more inappropriate than those about sexual abuse, rape or people committing adultery and devastating their spouses and children. It all sucks. Welcome to reality. It really makes no sense to come to a gossip site and then be arbitrary about which subjects should be taboo while voraciously consuming others which are just as sensitive because you can't personally relate to them. Basically, you're saying, "Yeah, I'll read about this girl getting date-raped and consider it entertainment, but Enty crosses the line at miscarriages because it happened to me and it's too sensitive a subject to exploit. This celebrity has a right to privacy! The rest ... meh."

  54. Anonymous8:16 AM

    Well said, Kathleen! I couldn't have said it better myself (and I was just about to try until I read your post).

  55. Scott & Kathleen, I agree with your sentiments. Enty has made it clear he writes about what interests him, we are along for the ride pretty much. The "tone" has changed due to different people choosing to comment and not being adult enough to handle the material they are reading which many long time readers find annoying/discouraging/upsetting. Complaining in the comments is pointless yet people continue to do so. Enty may very well read the comments but I doubt very much he is going to change his ways, it is what it is, take it or leave it. I'm really not sure what is so difficult to grasp here although I understand there are some that will argue about anything just for something to do.

  56. Getting back to the blind, there are too many short term shows to think about, look how many get cancelled each season - a time range would appreciated. perhaps it might help figuring out a show that ended because the lead actress had to dropout due to a medical condition?

  57. Sorry to upset the long term readers and commenters (altough I am one myself). And I do get some of your points, but I have to say: all gossip is the SAME and needs to be consumed and commented on the same way???? Really? Lindsay Lohan,Who got fired from DWTS,Who got fat, a Kartrashian doing whatever is the SAME as someone getting raped, a miscarriage or other horrendous events? All the same opportunity to blind gossip about? And if you don't agree to treat them the same way you are a "hyprocrite"?? Wow.

  58. @ms snarky and unknown - i feel you pain. i only started to move on after about a year, it was a nightmare up until a few months after the day which was supposed to be the birth date.. be strong x

  59. @L and everyone else who has gone through this: Hang in there. And please don't let anyone minimize your loss. "You're a mother that lost a child". Someone said that to me and it really helped me overcome this. I felt like finally someone acknowledged what happened. Sending ALL of you- and all the readers- love.

  60. It always feels like something is missing. We should be a family of 6 not 4. Thats what pops in my head when ever I see a baby or a pregnant woman. I really can't let myself think about it too much further than that. It's hurts too much.

  61. Sorry but from what people have posted today, if you are being sincere, then many of the blinds are not acceptable for discussion.

    You can monitor yourselves and are entitled to your opinions and choice not to guess this blind but don't knock other people who don't have a problem who think all subject matters are fair game.

    How is talking about sexual assaults, pregnancies that come to term, STDS, divorces, betrayals, incest, sexual dysfunction, sexual deviance, substance abuse and a coterie of other vices or victimizations any less hurtful to the people who are named as blind item parties? Especially when the guesses are WRONG WRONG WRONG. Do any of you lose sleep at night? I doubt it.

  62. Anonymous5:05 PM

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