Sunday, November 04, 2012

Blind Item #3

What tool of a B- list actor who only does television went way too far when making moves on this D list actress of celebrity offspring. She was drunk and he was not and he took full advantage of that fact. He took her to a corner of the party and let his hands and fingers do the walking. The only reason he didn't take it further is because she ended up getting sick all over the place so he went and found someone else to take home for the night.


  1. Anonymous10:17 AM

    I'm thinking Wilmer and the Eastwood daughter, or one of the Willis girls.

  2. Wilmer or the Piv are the usual suspects all the time, if she was underage i'll say Wilmer.

  3. Wilmer and Rumer Willis

  4. Anonymous10:32 AM

    Wait. Actress of celebrity offspring? So her GRAND parents are celebs?

  5. @Buick ...
    I think "offspring" as child

  6. Piv has done movies. I vote for Wilmer.

  7. Yeah but is Wilmer a B? If so this is just as wrong.

  8. Yep, the pix of Wilmer with his hands all over Rumer in a bikini the other day on DM

  9. HAHAHAHAHA I'm so glad she picked him to throw up on/near. Dickbag.

  10. Wilmer has been in a lot of movies

  11. Yeah "actress of celebrity offspring", unless it's one of Enty's typos, sounds like her grandparents were famous. What about Elvis Presley's granddaughter, the one who was in Magic Mike?

  12. Manny the Toolman, or Time Tooltime Allen?

  13. @Pazazz "From Prada to Nada" was a real blockbuster...

  14. That tool comment makes me think of Handy Manny and Wilmer

  15. I would not consider Wilmer B-. What has he done since 70's show? Yes he is all t.v. but I don't think this fits.

  16. From Prada to Nada is actually the worst movie I've ever seen.

  17. @Buick Mackane I agree with you. I read this blind as saying the Dlister is the Grandchild of the celebrities.

    The only granddaughters of celebrities I can think of offhand are Bridget Fonda and Drew Barrymore; but they are hardly Dlist.

  18. Anonymous1:06 PM

    What about Alia Shawkat? Or... Dree Hemingway doesn't act...does she?

  19. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Or the Chaplin girl from Game of Thrones??

  20. Wilmer does movies, occasionally, he had a Christmas one last year

  21. I came to 2nd the Presley granddaughter from Magic Mike. No clue on the actor.

  22. I think it's just the wrong preposition and it's the young lady whose parents are celebrities.

    Wouldn't be surprised if it was Wilmer, though I just saw him in the Making Of Larry Crowne short on HBO.

    But I think there are plenty of asshats in Hollywood just as likely.

  23. Anonymous6:36 PM

    My guess is Wilmer, but the chick needs to get s clue. NEVER go drinking without your wing woman. Wing women are supposed to prevent this type of thing from happening. A bit of personal responsibility as well. I will just chalk it up to her young age and a lesson learned.
