Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Blind Item #3

For the third time out of her past five boyfriends this B+ list all movie actress from some of the biggest films of all time has discovered that her boyfriend prefers men to women. She was complaining to a friend the other day that she doesn't know what draws gay or bi men to her, and they never bother telling her until after they are in bed and they confess and hope they can still go out because they do love her and blah blah blah and our actress says she has given up. She is sticking with her current boyfriend as friends until she finds someone who can prove to her they like women more than men.


  1. I thought Zoe too. Who has she dated besides Bradley Cooper?

  2. Zoe had long term bf before B Coop.
    Someone who's had alot of boyfriends lately?

  3. Oh the sadness. If only Enty had said 'celebrity' other than 'actress'. I really wanted to guess Taylor Swift. Sigh... :) But I do find rejected's KiKi guess very interesting... Biggest movies should narrow it down but never seems to.

  4. If it wasn't an all-movie actress, I'd say Carrie Fisher.

  5. I knew a woman like that. Kept getting relationshios with bi or gay men. They shodnt lie or screw with peoples heads. She finally met a good hetero guy.

  6. Renee Z? Bridget Jones were big movies.

  7. ashley greene? B+ is probably generous but she's been doing a shitload of press as of late and has beard'd a few times...?

  8. Sounds like Emma Watson. Enty says films so it has to be more than one.

  9. i guess ScarJo is A list or A+ list,Cameron Diaz is A list....

  10. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Amanda Seyfried?? She seems to have really bad luck with guys.

  11. Totally thought of poor Renee Z. The Bridget Jones films, Jerry Maguire, Cold Mountain. But is she currently seeing someone?

  12. Sounds like Renee Z, but who's she currently dating?

  13. Please lord Jesus don't let it be Kiki. I usually DGAF but I just can't think of Garrett Hedlund with a man.

  14. Just keep looking, honey. There's usually one true hetero horndog in your average cast. He'll be the one whose shirts aren't perfectly pressed and is sneaking looks at your ass during costume fittings. Ask _that_ guy for a backrub and you'll get what you're looking for.

    Ah, the joys of being the rare straight guy in a gay man's profession!

  15. I like women more than men, I'm available, and I don't mind women taller than my 5'4". OTOH, I probably look like the dad of kids in college, which I am.

  16. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Keira Knightly for the win!

  17. Anonymous12:32 PM

    I was thinking Emma Watson, it doesnt mention any of the past BFs also being in the industry and Emma always date non-famous people

  18. I agree with Michelle's guess of Amanda Seyfried...she seems to have had a lot of boyfriends within the past 2 years!
    But actually - has she been in some of the biggest films of all time? Mean Girls I'd say yes, she will be in Les Mis in December which will be big, but the rest of her movies I don't think were that popular...

  19. I so want this to be Selena!

  20. @BitterBlondin: Enty said gay not Lesbian.

  21. I feel like this is Taylor Swift with the Enty fudging that she's an actress because Celebrity or Singer would have been too easy.
