Friday, November 16, 2012

Blind Item #3

This barely out of her teens all movie actress is probably B list, but she is fairly anonymous about it. She just seems to mash in with all the others that are exactly her same age and all compete for the same roles. Her name is memorable and opens doors though. That is what makes her stand out. Anyway, she had a fling with an almost A list all movie co-star recently who is well over twice her age. She was madly in love with him. he just wanted the conquest because of what happened a couple of decades ago. Once he had taken her he never spoke to her again except while actually filming.


  1. I was thinking saoirse ronan but she's still a teen.

  2. Emma Roberts and John Cusack. Cusack must have a vendetta against Julia.

    1. Why must he be such a dick and yet so delicious at the same time. No bueno...

    2. Why must he be such a dick and yet so delicious at the same time. No bueno...

  3. OOooh. Like the guess, didi!

  4. Good guess @didi..I was thinking it had to do with a mother/daughter but this fits. Now what's the Cusack/JR story?

  5. I like Lloyd Dobler/ER guess for this one.

  6. America's Sweethearts together...hmm

  7. didi I like your guess and fits all the clues.

    I just have a hard time imagining a PYT like Emma Roberts being "madly in love" with John Cusak, who is a good looking gent, but has seen better days.

    When I was 19-20 anybody over 30 was old and gross..

  8. just throwing this out there...mia wasikowska (she just turned 23)

  9. America's Sweethearts came out only a decade ago, though, so it probably wouldn't be because of something at that time. But who knows.

  10. Anonymous8:47 AM

    This is especially sad for Emma b/c of what has been on this site re: Emma's dad. Eric Roberts, and his supposed abuse/control inapropriate relationship with Emma. He just plays a villain so so well, and that's all he has ever played. I believe in casting according to natural innate personality type. Perhaps that's the case with him.

  11. Maybe Eric Roberts schtupped John's sister a long time ago and broke her heart or something, and THAT'S why John is mad.

  12. I hear you on the "yuck" factor but I can see these young actresses falling for these "legends" from watching their older movies. Plus their movie is called "Adult Content" so....

    1. On IMDB they are calling it "Adult World." I like your title much better. ;)

  13. I am with Didi, I like Cusak for this. It's not likely to be Dwane Johnson.

  14. @CarmeliteLady, I thought the only thing about Eric Roberts was that he let a bunch of bars/clubs know that his daughter was underage and shouldn't serve her alcohol. I think that's good parenting.

  15. whoops....Adult World

  16. 435 days ago @richardmetzer tweeted a link to an Eric Roberts lunchbox (which is amazeballs btw) and John Cusak RTed it and tweeted, "Thank you Richard." so I bet the grudge is with Emma's dad, not Julia...

  17. wait Eric Roberts molested his daughter? first time I heard of this.

  18. Anonymous9:16 AM

    This sounds like a personal vendetta. Eric was with Emma's mom Kelly Cunningham in early 1990s. Cusack was with Gina Gershon for a while during that time. It seems like an affair gone bad. Maybe Eric put the moves on someone Cusack was dating?

  19. I'm going in another direction and say Nick Cage/Lisa Marie Presley/Riley Keough

    1. This is an interesting idea, but the lovers are supposed to be co-stars however and I don't know that Nick and Riley have ever shot anything together.

  20. I will tell you for a fact, that John Cusack is a mega creep. Many of my friends have worked on set with him, including my ex boyfriend. He goes around to all the extra's trying to hit on them. If they reject him, he asks the staff to get rid of the extra. My friend declined him and was fired pretty much immediately.

    I also met a guy whose girlfriend dated him. John Cusack stayed with her for 5 months. She didn't sleep with him until the 5 months, and he worked for it. Once he got her...he dumped her and told her she was just a conquest.

    PIG...Total Pig. At least he never married.

    1. Woah! There's that word again, "conquest."

  21. "Once he had taken her...." Sounds like romance novel-speak.

  22. crila16, I've heard similar stories all over the place online for years. He used to be my pretend BF -- because I thought he was really Lloyd Dobler, natch -- but once I heard rumour after rumour, I figured that that many rumours HAD to be true and I got over my 20-years-plus crush. I can still watch his films, but he's off The List.

    I still think Joan and Ann are probably pretty sweet, though.

    I don't remember any bad-parenting blinds or stories about Eric Roberts at all? Huh?!

  23. I'm totally on board with the Cusack/Roberts guess. I wonder if John lost a girl to Eric?

  24. Anonymous10:17 AM

    What about Chloe Moretz? That is certainly a "memorable" name. Isn't she rumoured to be quite wild?

  25. How old is Chloe though? I think she's still in her teens

    I'm with the Cusack, Emma Roberts guess, he is a creep, too many stories on the Internet about him. And can anyone expand on the Eric Roberts molested his daughter thing? Never heard of this before.

  26. khakirob - "barely out of her teens", Chloe is still IN her teens.

  27. Slightly OT, but Joan Cusack lived in my neighborhood in Chicago (or perhaps I lived in hers?). I ran into her many times over the years alone and with her family. She is AWESOME. Always supernice, just a regular mom/neighbor/friend, only funnier and little more polished. I hung out with John one time at a bar off Rush St. This was when Chris Farley was still alive (yes, I'm old). We drank copious amounts of liquor. He hit on my Jennifer Aniston-Rachel era doppelganger friend all night. There were probably about 8-9 of us total. She did not go home with him and he called her off and on again for a few weeks afterward and then probably gave up and moved on. It was just about a month later that Farley died and I only ran into Cusack once or twice more in town the rest of the time I lived there. I idolized him as Dobler and loved Grosse Point Blank, so it was hard not to want to fawn over him, but I managed to control myself. ;)

  28. That lunchbox does not portray Eric Roberts in the most manly way possible....

  29. @ khakirob,

    Chloe is 15 and has no reputation at all. She still holds her older brother's hand in public, for crying out loud.

    1. She totally has a reputation! To rival Drew Barrymore at that age.

  30. I'm going totally out on a limb here, but clues fit. Dakota Fanning & Peter Faccinelli.

  31. I can't see this being Dakota Fanning. She's been acting for a long time, so I don't think her name opens doors, whereas having Roberts as a last name would get you roles that would otherwise go to other actresses. Dakota also has actual acting ability, imo.

  32. Kraymond19,

    If you are responding to my comment, you couldn't be more wrong. People in BI comment sections throwing names out as guesses does not constitute proof of a reputation.

  33. Cusack and the piv are bros' too.

  34. I liked the Emma Roberts guess but this says all movies. Emma had her own show on Nick for three years.

  35. Emma Roberts and Keifer Sutherland are in "Twelve." Now that's a guy who might have a grudge against her aunt, given that he was almost left at the altar. Three facts go against that theory. 1. Keifer is a narrator and rarely on set in the movie, if ever. 2. She had a TV show, so is not all movies. 3. I can't these two fitting the blind.

  36. I like the guess of John Cusack with Emma Roberts, but not because of history between John and Julia but between Eric and someone John wanted or is related to. I like this guess because it correlates very well to work gossip I just heard:
    The former boss of my former boss had an affair with my co-worker's wife. My co-worker was a little too happy when his friend recently slept with our former boss's boss's daughter, and especially gloated in our former boss's boss's outrage after finding out about it.
    So I can totally see this blind as a "got you back" thing: You sleep with my [whoever], see how you feel when I sleep with your daughter.

  37. Anonymous12:34 AM

    I just hate that emma would cheat on the kid from American Horror Story (if they're still together). He's a cutie lol

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. Rawsterdam,

    She did no such thing. That bullshit was spread starting on this site in comment sections by irresponsible and careless people like yourself. There is absolutely no proof the incident even occurred at all much less that she or Kroes were part of it. Those who toss that crap around as fact, you included, should be ashamed of themselves.

  40. By the way, Rawsterdam, if you're going to attempt to use Enty's fantastical stories to viciously malign an innocent kid, at least get the story straight. The BI said the person "not yet out of her teens" --(interesting way to supposedly label a then 14-year-old)--called the model a "n***r lover". So the target of this fiction was the model, not the husband.

  41. I agree, the only part I get uncomfortable with regarding these blinds is people who guess way off the mark and then that celebrity gets stuck with a stigma of suspicion over something they have no control over, just because they happen to be in the criteria pool for a blind.

  42. Emma Roberts and Kiefer Sutherland. They are in the movie "Twelve" . Back in the day, Julia Roberts was engaged to Kiefer Sutherland and the wedding was planned and close to happening when she disappeared / ran-off with Jason Patric.


  43. The story:

  44. Since the article above shows Kiefer forgave Julia in 2007, I don't know if he's still be out to get her by sleeping with her niece 5 years later. I don't know.

    But what irks me about that article is that it says he has forgiven her for leaving him, which she did after she found out he cheated with a stripper. HE forgives HER? I don't like her, but if a woman leaves because her man has cheated, what right does he have to imply the breakup was her fault but he forgives her? This article makes me like him considerably less. The arrogance! (She's arrogant too, but the article focussed on HIS forgiveness and that just irritates me.)

  45. I agree with you WUWT? but you know he just publicly had to act like he's being cool with it, but Kiefer has always been an immature asswipe and it would be right up his alley to sleep with her for whatever reason. I can't say how, but I knew him back then, and he is definitely just a misguided, immature, alcoholic brat.

    unless he's changed ... ha ha

  46. Ah, Loserly, I was about to be on board with your guess then, since you know/knew him, but I re-read the blind. "All movie." I know we know that doesn't rule out someone who started out in TV, but Kiefer has ended up in TV almost (almost) exclusively in the last decade, and I don't think even enty would call him "all movie" at this point. (Unless he totally forgot about 24 and Touch.)

    So I don't know.

  47. I stand corrected. Now I'm leaning toward the Eric Roberts stupping Joan Cusack and John's revenge boink on his daughter. Kiefer is still a hot-mess but maybe not this hot-mess.

  48. What about Elizabeth Olsen to try someone different?



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