Monday, November 12, 2012

Blind Item #3 - Easy Easy

What A list reality star who I wish would go away yelled at a production assistant yesterday because he dared bring the star sparkling water when she asked for still. "How did you even get this f**king job?" Yeah, she is a real joy. Probably because other people very close to her are passing her in popularity which really makes her mad.


  1. Hahahaha she's jealous of Khloe on X Factor. Who, BTW, did a great job last week after she got the first week jitters out of the way.

  2. I have never watched anything Kardashian related but just based on stories on sites like this, I would love to see Kourtney and Khloe surpass her in popularity...right before they all dropped off the face of the earth.

  3. I'll go for the obvious guess. Kim K.

  4. Have you seen the Apples to Apples commercial with Bigfoot. You can't tell me he doesn't look like Khloe Kuntrashian.

  5. Aww kimmy's older sister king kong getting attention. That make kimmy mad!

  6. Off topic BUT....Peaches Geldorf is 3.5 mos pregnant again.

    **I had been hoping that blind the other day wasn't about her. Still am.

  7. @OMAMA - I hope the blind from the other day isn't about ANYONE. :/ And holy smokes does he look like Nick Cave!

  8. I could see this being Kim Kardashian.

    1. This is a silly irrelevant question regarding your screen name, but r u a wannabe health nut or wannabe mum?

    2. I was wondering the same thing :)

  9. Definitely Kim Kardashian - but am I the only person here who HATES sparkling water?

  10. She's fooled herself that she's on the same level of fame as Kanye, so she's behaving like him. Khloe got a real job and is the only one people can tolerate. Add that to Kanye not proposing on her birthday as Pimp Mama Kris put in their faux relationship contract. Maybe next year Mario will go full diva and insist on being a solo host (a la Seacrest). Then hopefully, they can all be flushed down the drain.

  11. Italians always used to push sparkling water on me (to drink, not to do a Britney) and I sometimes drank it. With some Italian food it's okay. As a thing by itself, though, no thanks.

  12. Anonymous8:53 AM

    Supposedly, Kanye introduced Khloe to Anna Wintour, something he hasn't done with Kim. That would chap her silicon a$$ for sure, if true.

  13. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Oh, and I LOVE sparkling water. I drink it quite a bit.

  14. When he asked how he even got the job, he should have smiled politely and said:

    "In a more respectable way than you got yours, Ms. Kardashian."

    Than walk away and let it hang in the air.

  15. @Jazzy - Slater is INSUFFERABLE on X Factor! If Simon keeps him around for next season I will be shocked. I can't imagine he can stand being around him.

    I looooove sparkling water, especially when I'm super thirsty. Sometimes still water doesn't help, and i need the fizz to feel like I'm actually drinking something.

  16. I'm sorry - I just think sparkling water tastes like ass. Maybe it's because the look of it makes me expect something sweet like sprite, but every time i drink it, i'm always disappointed by the bitter taste - and because it tastes bitter, i can never drink enough to quench my thirst the way real water can.

    1. If it's bitter, maybe you're drinking Perrier? It's gross, IMO. Has quinine in it, hence the bitter taste. Like tonic water.

  17. I love sparkling water too. It's quite refreshing and with a nice squeeze of lemon juice it's perfect.

    Oh please oh please oh please let this be KK so that her demise is a glorious flameout.

  18. Love sparkling water! Especially Lacroix. I gave up Diet Coke, discovered Lacroix, which is way better.

  19. Love sparkling water! Especially Lacroix. I gave up Diet Coke, discovered Lacroix, which is way better.

  20. gonna agree with the kim k. guesses.

    i like sparkling water. i like anything with caffeine better, though.

  21. Anonymous9:16 AM

    To paraphase Dan Akroyd: " Kim you ignorant slut" This is disgraceful.
    There is never any reason to treat anyone this way. I love it when spoiled snotty people are revealed for the cretins they are. Money can't buy class.

  22. Thanks for the water tips ladies! I'm addicted to diet soda. It's seriously time for an intervention!!!

    Lacroix. Any other brands people recommend?

    Oh ya - Kim can suck it! I love Khloe! I hope that Cinderella stomps the small ones (well just Kim).

    1. Pellegrino and Voss both make really nice ones. Love them both!

  23. Oh, not that anyone is disagreeing, but Kim K also has documented precedent on her own show for having horrific tantrums. And I THINK all of the ones I've seen have been directed at Khloe, with exception to maybe the one where they all went on the ski vacation but that may have even involved Khloe as well. She's a friggin' brat.

  24. No this is not KK---it's Christina Aguilera. She's the one who has for years specified certain kind of water in her tour riders. Plus the other stars in her show are surpassing her in fame, for sure.

  25. And I also meant to add that Xtina is known for behaving this way.

  26. I don't think this is Xtina - she actually has talent, so I don't think Enty wishes she would go away (though we all wish she would sober up). Also, she would be described as a Singer/reality star or entertainer/reality star.

  27. omg this is soo shocking! Kim always seemed like such a kind and generous soul!

    Enty, why is this blind? This should be an article, so that more blogs can pick up on it, so she can be exposed for the disgusting pig that she is. I can't wait for her to be less relevant than paris hilton

  28. @amber, yea, on her early episodes, she's either throwing a tantrum, hitting khloe or punching someone else. why don't people out her for what a beast she is???

  29. No, singer/reality star would give it away ... So I can imagine him avoiding that.

  30. Plus, how can KK be considered an"entertainer" in any sense of the word? And Enty definitely has shown no love for Xtina. I'm sticking to my guess...I think y'all have all gone down the wrong garden path. ;)

  31. One more thing...who on KK's show is getting more popular? I can't think of anyone. However, on the Voice, you can argue that all of them are more popular...esp Blake Shelton, who's been all over the place lately.

  32. It sounds like Kim.
    @dia, I love sparkling water, I also gave up diet cola by drinking *Clear
    American*, it comes in a dozen excellent flavors, has zero calories, sodium, sugar, or caffeine.
    I buy it at Wat-Mart the cheapest place for about 67 cents for a little over a quart. It tastes great!

  33. "Oh, I'm sorry, I'll fix that!"

    Take bottle, shake-shake-shake, aim toward her and open.

    "There, all the carbonation is gone now. Enjoy."

    Sure, you'd get fired, but that's a job worth losing.

  34. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Ozarka has put out some sparkling water, lemon and orange flavored. I bought two bottles. Hopefully, they'll be good.

  35. why is that pissy face kuntrashian even considered A-list? her boyfriend is a queen and they both should be dropped kick into the "300" pit!!

  36. @ Omama - What blind?

    I love sparkling water, especially with a twist of lime.

  37. Fake sugar and diet soda actually makes you fat because the chemicals are stored in your fat cells because your body sees it and does not recognize it because it is a chemical structure.

    The dirty secret the soda companies don't want you to know. Google it.

  38. @Cathy = "Definitely Kim Kardashian - but am I the only person here who HATES sparkling water?"

    No, apparently Kim LardAssian does too...

  39. Kimmie all the way. Khloe is a lot more popular these days. Ill admit I'm a sucker for the show and Kim has always been my least favourite. She has always come across such a spoilt bitch - the others not so much.

  40. I Love that someone is really defending KK. It's obviously KK, please...

  41. Pelligrino blood orange, nothing can beat that!

  42. I would just like to state that I was not defending KK - I was just saying that I hate sparkling water too; doesn't mean I'd yell at someone for bringing it to me though.

  43. "That Armenia girl with the big tuchus."

  44. Kim Kardouche-ian fo' sho'

  45. Anonymous7:46 PM

    @Del Riser, I love Clear American! I buy them by the case. I'm not really a fan of regular water, and it was so refreshing during the summer heat! Much healthier than pop, and it tastes better than regular water. I drink 1.5 bottles a day!
