Sunday, November 11, 2012

Blind Item #3 - Easy Easy

It turns out this B list movie actress is not so much interested in reviving a relationship with her almost A list movie actor boyfriend as it is, trying to salvage her career and getting come positive publicity from a horrible situation she put herself into. She must be a better actress than I thought because she has the actor convinced she wanted to get back together, but it is just until she can break it off in a more traditional manner. She doesn't let him kiss or touch her and has said that she hates it when he tries. She actually still talks to the one who caused it all. That is who she wants to be with.


  1. Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson?

    Fake relationship from day one.

  2. I don't think it's Kstew n Rob. This contradicts so much about the publicity stunt-ness of the fake Kstew cheating, Kstew's lesbian affair with Dakota, and the general contract relationship status regarding Kstew n Rob.

  3. I dont know, @marisol habibi. If it (the affair) was a publicity stunt, it was a sloppy, poorly done.

    Without the letter grades, these clues could definitely fit kstew, rob pat, and dakota/rupert.

  4. I'm on the KStew train with this much as I hate to admit. I can see her being all cunt-ish and stuttering "don't kiss me!" In that God awful brooding face of hers.

  5. Anonymous11:02 AM

    Wow, she's going to Leanne Rimes herself? Smart!

  6. There was a story in the DM yesterday that rob tried to kiss her at a restaurant and she mouthed to him not to kiss her.

  7. Anonymous11:04 AM

    How is Kstew only B and Rpatz almost A? If anything, the status grades should be switched.

  8. Minka Kelly & Chris Evans?

  9. It's supposed to be KStew, but it isn't...she just doesn't like PDA. Never has. Shenanigans, Enty.

  10. B Cooper and Zoe S.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Anonymous11:54 AM

      I think there's definitely something to what you're saying urban. Hollywood culture is pretty sick- I just never can guess to what extent

  12. Is dakota fanning even legal yet?

  13. thanks @urban rosebud. ITA with your post. I can't imagine having to make the morally compromising decisions that these children are faced with, in order to get a job.

  14. I have never heard the "rumours abound" that Jodie Foster molested Kristen for a role. I find that pretty offensive even for this site.

    Kristen is just doing what anybody else would do, try to stay in Hollywood's good graces to keep getting work and convincing the twilight sheep that the romance is real and "never ending"

  15. "Rumours abound"....really??

  16. Also, Kstew is A list, She was the highest paid actress last year! That is NOT B-list.

  17. The reason why Rob may be A is because he was also in HP.

    Too many conflicting blinds and info about her. Didn't Enty say it was all fake? By now I can't remember if that was a reveal.

  18. Kstew/SparkleVamp. They were in NYC the other evening at Graydon Carter's new spot, and when he tried to put his hand on her ass, she pointedly removed it. She also rebuffed several attempts at his kissing her.

  19. Timebob sorry if I offended. You are right. It was just that - a big fat unsubstantiated rumor. No please all take with a grain of salt. I just trust my source. However, even if true, I find you one of the most level-headed and unfazed commenters on this blog & if you yell at me I will go to the corner.

  20. @Urban its all good on my end, just had never heard anything like that and Jodie Foster seems too legit to do something like that to me.

    But it is a gossip site and crazy things get brought out here, just gotta roll with it all. Keep commenting my friend :)

  21. I stand by my original post & believe it to be very very true, based on how the information came to me. Not to mention The Black Dshlia Murders, Jayne Mansfield, Anton LeVay & Sammy Davis Jr. just to name a few. Let's not forget our hollywood history nor take for granted all the things we see with our eyes that line up with the conspiracy. Manchurian Candidates exist. What happened to Britney...where did she go. Why is Miley Cyrus allowed to preach God & Country and get on a stripper pole and gyrate in daisy dukes on the Disney channel at 16???!!! Why all of the undercover dl and crazies who come forward with consistent stories of the craziness they've witnessed only to be discredited or suicided...these are not coincidences. Wake Up people. There is more to this than meets the eye.

    These stars are endorsing billion dollar companies with you think they are going to let these guys out there rogue or do you think there is some serious mind manipulation and control involved. Wake up. I am not a apologist by any means...but there is a lot of molestation and sexual grooming that takes place....use your own do these girls at 13, 14, 15 exude so much sexuality on a global level. Even the fastest 14 year old girl I know is light years behind the sexual energy these girls project on the screen with the clothes, suggestive dancing pouting & sexual strategies. How and why does this happen???!!!
    Lindsay Lohan was made to be the way she is, she didn't just become that way on her own. Paris saw Britney with your own eyes...she tried to get away and they wound up taking her soul...look into her eyes next time you see her on X Factor. No one is home. Sad, sad, sad. Pray for them.

    1. So why did you take down your original post?

    2. So you know many fast 14 year olds?^^)

      I'm sad at society in this day and age for young kids and teens. They're supposed to be children and there's all this pressure to act older etc. why can't kids just be kids?

  22. For your consideration: people who were molested as children are more likely to be molesters as adults. It's passed down and gets concentrated in groups such as institutions, bureaucracies, organizations. A protective barrier forms. (See, e.g., The Church and other churches as well, schools, the entertainment industry.)

    Also, pet peeve re: "list" criteria: Why is Stewart B-list and Pattinson is A-list? They're both famous for the same thing. Do the ladies get an automatic point deduction? Seems sexist. (Can't believe I just said that.)

  23. I think she's still talking to Rupert, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was Dakota. I never got full on lesbian from her on my gaydar, but definitely Bi.

  24. From NY Daily:

  25. Immediately, diners at a nearby table felt a chill in the air. “She just took his hand off her butt!” exclaimed one nearby diner as Stewart held Pattinson’s paw, seemingly to stop it from roaming. Later, Stewart sheepishly turned her head when he moved in for a smooch.

    According to a spy, Stewart said: “Don’t kiss me.”

  26. BCooper and Zoe.

    I don't think either KStew or RPatz are A list. Neither can open a film on their own. RPatz is the better actor though. KStew plays the same can't-be-bothered-by-you snotty female in every movie I've seen her in (which is not many - I stopped wasting my money).

  27. Kristen Stewart was an A lister... Last year.

    Keep in mind, the ratings are mobile per events. I think even revealed blinds from last year had Kristen at A and rob at B.

    However, after the scandal and her losing the Snow White 2 part, I can easily see why her stock has been dropped back down to B.

    Meanwhile, Mr. Sparkles has been doing alot of publicity lately and has a fairly rave performance in Cosmopolis, so his rating may have improved to A.

    The ratings do kind of make sense.

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  29. K-stewart is A list.

    and i think R-Pattz is gay or bisexual

  30. to MrWolf

    You're WRONG...Rob Pattnson is NOT A- LIST!

  31. @Urban Rosebud...I notice you mention Black Dahlia murders...multiple. Please spill. True crime buff here.

  32. I buy RP as A and KS as B. He has headlined movies to decent reviews and is a draw on name alone. She is usually part of an ensemble cast (and billed as such) and her movies have had less than stellar reviews. If I remember correctly, enty's criteria is that you have to be able to open a movie on name alone (or headline your own [successful] TV show).

    The fact that this is labelled "easy, easy, easy" means (to me) it is likely everyone's first instinct...ergo, the answer is most likely KS and RP.

  33. 1)RP is not a A-list

    2)KS is A-list

    3)KS's actually getting good, good reviews for OTR

  34. Robert Pattinson as A list!?!?!? Which alternative universe are you from? Pattinson is B-list.

    Bradley Cooper and Zoe S.

  35. Say what you will, according to enty's criteria (not mine), RP is likely A and KS is likely B.

  36. We can argue until the cows come home as to whether nor not RPat is A or B, but really, who cares? The blind is obviously about them. As stupid as that whole issue is.

  37. who the FUCK started that rumor about Jodie and KStew? What a crock of shit! I have never heard that.

    I happen to know Jodie. That rumor is very offensive, and complete bullshit.

  38. I agree.. Rob is B-list....

    Rob and Kristen are a PR couple. I think Rob may be gay. He seems so very gay.

  39. Actually, if I def think Kstew likes the ladies. RP, not so sure.

  40. this is unfortunately about kstew/rob. just read on perez the whole no-touching thing referring to kstew being cold

  41. I do t know, they weren't exactly touchy feely beforehand. I still think they are mates who have a mutually satisfying completely platonic relationship. He can be a man whore without it really affecting his rep, and she - well I can't get a reading on her. I think she feels more comfortable being less tactile. I'm not sure she a lesbian but almost certain she's at least experimented. I know if I feel on show I don't like being pawed at, even by my love. My defences go up and it's quite disconcerting to have those shields ignored.

    I don't doubt they care about each other, but I never saw them as a couple. I think the Twiapocalypse affair was absolutely staged, the beginning of the end of the OTP. Maybe it was supposed to paint her as a femme fatale, but Miss Piggy pulls that off better.

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  43. I think Enty is right about Rob being almost A-list while Kristen being a B-list. This cheating scandal has drastically affected her reputation and she is currently unemployed right now.Someone said that she got 'good good' reviews for OTR.Well most OTR reviews gave her 2 lines mention and praised for her "bravery" (taking her top off for her scenes)rather than acting,not to mention the film has mostly negative reviews and is destined to fail on US box office.Whereas Rob's 'Cosmopolis' got rave reviews from everyone and he was actually recognized as an actor rather than that sexy vampire from Twilight. He has 6 projects lined up,one of them is again with Cronenberg.Plus he has been mingling with the classy crowd by attending several A-list galas and events so yeah that def makes him almost A-list imo

  44. Also some people need to know where to draw the line.Just because you are safely sitting behind your computer screen doesn't give you the right to spread malicious rumors.Anyone who thinks child molestation tidbit fabricated by a "source" makes good gossip is sick imo.

  45. OK I swear this is my last comment for the day lol but I think I FINALLY figured out how blind gossip items are conjured.Most blind items are based on obscure gossip reports or gossip reports that have submitted to the tabloid but are still in process i.e they have not been approved by the editor yet.Take this one for example,it is based on this article posted on Saturday It was considered as snotty BS by Twihards since its the ONLY gossip report that claims that Rob was there at the OTR NY screening after party.There were no tweets or eye witness accounts of him being there,which never happens when R/K are spotted together so everyone had a good reason to believe that its a smelly piece of BS
    But still CDAN used it for a blind item by putting its own spin on it and adding that she is still contact with Rupert (who is busy going to marriage counseling session with his wife)to make it more juicy.Tada!! there you have it! Most blind items are prepared this way

  46. This "blind" sounds like it written by a teenage girl.

    Urban sounds like the "former criminal prosecutor".

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  48. I call BS on this blind. The fake ones seem fairly obvious. He just recycles things from other gossip sites.

  49. This is a fake blind. Just read the same not blind story on another site; its Kstew and Rpatz. Someone else linked it here already. Booooring.

  50. The Jodi/Stewart sex rumor is one of the most offensive and ridiculous things I've read on CDAN. A very close friend of mine was Jodi's partner for many years. Please stop spreading unsubstantiated, untrue rumors.

  51. Sometimes I wish that Himmmm will come and bring out something about this couple. Many things are unclear in their fake/true/PR relationships

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  53. KCREW has NOT been getting good reveiw for OTR other than "she can dance" you know a reviewer is reaching when that is the best they can write.

    Also, she is KNOWN for treating Bob like shit in public.

  54. You know what really funny, K and R aren't in NY right now, they are in England so how could any of the sighting about her pushing his hand off her butt in NY possible be true? there are dozens of reports of them out and about in the past month that all talk about them hugging and kissing, so one night IF it happened, she is aware of being watched and says don't...and You blow this into a blind and accuse her of still cheating? Y'all need to stop reading twitter gossip!
