Monday, November 05, 2012

Blind Item #2

This C+ list celebrity managed to do something no other person in her position was able to do. Get a huge settlement from this A++ list reality star. Every other woman has been forced to keep having sex with him to get anything. It is what he did to her and what she could do to his career in a flash that prompted him to pay out big and quickly. I'm surprised she can still smile.


  1. Simon Cowell and?.....

  2. Are there any other A++ male reality stars? Not that I am disagreeing with SC, I just can't think of anyone else...

  3. Was Simon and Carmen Electra dating for a hot minute?

  4. Simon Cowell is the only A++ male reality star I can think of but isn't he supposedly nice, and very generous to his exes?

  5. So Simon either forced himself on the C-lister and she has it on tape OR he knocked her up and she threatened to keep it?

  6. Sorry, "weren't" they dating...

  7. The other A++ would be Mr. Combover The Donald

  8. Oh, see, I like him for this over SC, only because as @lola said, he is supposedly generous with his exes and is willing to pay up front...doesn't sound like he is forcing anyone?

  9. Ryan Seacrest & the Hough girl

  10. I wonder if the "in a flash" phrase has something to do with incriminating photos?

  11. It can't be Seacrest - no one has to have sex with him - females, that is - for the payola.

    Cowell and Trump both sound good, and I am leaning toward Cowell. I wonder what her smile has to do with it? Did someone knock her teeth out, or is her smile a clue?

  12. Not Simon, he's known for leaving his girlfriends with money. Seacrest maybe?

  13. And this is also a reach, but the "surprised she could still smile" makes me wonder if this A++ celebrity abused the woman (hit in the mouth?) and caused some damage that she then photographed.

  14. @warm island sun
    I think I have become your commenting echo!

  15. What about "I'm surprised she can still smile" ? Did he break a few teeth and she took a picture? Then again, I didn't know there was such a thing as an A++ list reality star ....

  16. Nobody mentions Ramsay?

    1. I thought the same thing too. Wasn't he dating someone from the Coors (or another band)?

  17. Simon bought his gf a house when they broke up, I really can't see him being that cruel, but what do I know.

    1. He also helped Fantasia not long after she left AI because she ran into some sort of trouble.

  18. Would Trump really first be considered a reality star? I would think businessman or some similar description over reality star. And Seacrest is more of a host. I really think this only applies to Simon.

  19. Oh @writeontime...GR is a great guess!

  20. Also, I would not think this is Simon Cowell, not because he is 'nice' but because he seems to be very savvy...seems like a stupid situation to be forcing women when you have enough to pay tem and keep them happy/quiet.

  21. Could it be Trump and someone from the Ms. Universe pageant? The "I'm surprised she can still smile" could be a contestant.

  22. Maybe he is so nice and generous to his exes so they won't spill the beans either.

  23. sounds like trump. and he's such an ass that i can see this being him.

    but, would mario lopez count as A++? he's everywhere these days.

  24. Lily Allen had a hit called "Smile", and she may be down to C+ but she is more a singer than a general celebrity...Maybe something between Slimon Cowell and Lily?

  25. @goes in circles-Yes, supposedly he has some very kinky kinks that he would like to keep quiet so he pays his exes well for their silence. I don't think he fits this blind though.

    Could Trump really be ruined by an ex? Everyone already thinks he's scheevy, and his current exes aren't hurting for a paycheck.

    I like the Gordon Ramsey guess. His business could be hurt by allegations especially after the financial problems he had with his in laws.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. I'm liking the Gordon Ramsey guess but who would the celeb be?

  28. Hugh Hefner & Crystal Harris??

  29. Definitely not Simon. His ex got to keep a $4 million dollar mansion and he regularly helps Terri Seymour get acting work and she got a nice check when they broke up. He might not do it out of the goodness of his heart, more likely he is buying their silence on all of kinky shit he does. But he has a history of being very generous when breaking up. Sea rest has only had one "girlfriend". Maybe Trump? He kind of fucked Ivana over. She didn't get much when all was said and done. Not sure what Marla's settlement was.

  30. GR routinely has "celebrity" diners on HK, doesn't he? The restaurant is based in LA during filming. Plenty of opportunities for GR to play, and it's not as though his temper isn't legendary. Furthermore, "flash", as in "flash in the pan".

  31. To be completely different..flava flav? Lol

  32. Flash could be in reference to flashdance. Julianne was in the remake. But other than that I dont think her and Ryan really fit.
    Cuz I think Ryan is gay for the men.

  33. I take back my Simon remark (maybe). I think it could be January Jones and the father of her baby?? The "I'm surprised she can still smile" makes me think of her. I could be totally off. What about the "in a flash" remark? Could it mean cooking? Wasn't Bobby Flay a possible baby daddy? Not sure he's A++ though.

  34. The fact that there is an A++ reality star makes me feel all sad inside.

  35. Given the CeeLo news the last few days, he's got my vote.

  36. Simon Cowell and Cheryl Cole

  37. Maybe the C lister is Giada and her big fat smile? But even I must admit she's probably above a C.

  38. Bobby Flay hosts "The Next Food Network Star" has 27 shows on food network and yes, in cooking/food circles he's A++

  39. How could Gordon Ramsay possibly be A++? or Bobby Flay either for that matter. I hate 'em both but that's not why I doubt it's either of them. A++ means that the rest of the world has to have heard of them too, and unless you're a huge cooking fan show they aren't on anybody's radar.

  40. COOKING SHOW FAN. Ugh. Still too early!

  41. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Simon Cowell and his on again off again ex fiance who he gave a huge mansion to, even though they're not together anymore. And you always see him on his yacht vacationing together. She's got that cat that ate the canary look about her when she does smile. Simon's got that cold calculating entitled snotty look on his face that makes me think he's capable of anything.

  42. Anonymous1:43 PM

    see them on his yacht

  43. Anonymous1:45 PM

    A cooking show star is not A++ reality star. Sorry guys. Just because someone's a star on the food network, doesn't make them A++.

  44. Simon that's the reason he is sooo nice and giving.

  45. I heard from a reliable source, that the British reality model he dated years ago and took out an injunction on her, was becos she walked in on him having sex with a rent boy.

  46. Which is why I'm saying GR might fit. "Hell's Kitchen" airs on Fox, not Food Network. As for A++, I guess that depends on your crowd, lol

  47. Katie - Ivana did not get screwed in the divorce settlement by the Donald (not that I'm sure he didn't try it). If I remember, they didn't have a pre-nup and he totally got busted cheating. Her famous quote was “Don't get mad. Get everything!” Not sure who this could be - I know he supposedly has lots of girlfriends but I have never gotten a straight vibe from Simon Cowell, not that that leaves him out for this.

  48. sorry, few women are going to refuse Trump or Cowell because of their proximity to money AND fame.

  49. Simon Cowell is Mr. Nice Guy to the ladies.
