Sunday, November 04, 2012

Blind Item #2

This a-hole reality star from a top rated program was asked if he had given any money to the Sandy relief effort or had any plans to volunteer to help like Ben Stiller did and the reality star said," Why should I help them? Did they help me get to where I am? Everyone needs to stand up for themselves and if you don't have the resources to make it, then, maybe that is not a bad thing."


  1. I will be so happy when all these "reality stars" are back in the gutter, reality tv isn't a career or something to aspire to be on.

  2. I wonder who hiked his leg and pissed on his rainbow?

  3. Why is this a blind? Out this soulless slug.

  4. If it's not Trump, this wouldn't be a Jersey Shore cast member, would it?

  5. I agree scott the dick

  6. Sounds like a friend of Romney's

  7. It better not be a Jersey Shore cast member but I thought of the Situation right away. Hate him all u want but I bet anything that Donald Trump donates a lot.

  8. What the hell are you talking about, Misch? The Romneys are known for donating huge amounts to charity -- in fact, charities are a big GOP thing, they tend to support charity work over the expecting the government to be there.

    1. It's true @amy, "huge amounts"

    2. *Insert eyeroll here*

    3. Fired lots of people too

    4. My eyes is rolling too! Hey, i know, dont screw people over to begin with and then u wont hv to hv charity parties!!

    5. Amy, they do it for tax sheltering purposes. They actually donate very little under the guise of charitable remainder trusts. It's a well known loophole. This is why Romney refuses to show his tax records. I can appreciate you trying to clear the air, but you're leaving out the most important aspect of your GOP defense.

      (sorry for contributing to the tangent, but I had to clarify.)

    6. Said all I wanted to say Mother Campfire

  9. The Situation is the first person to come to mind when I think "asshole reality 'star'," but since Michael Lohan is a New Yorker, I guess he could work for this too.

  10. My first thought was Scott the Dick. As much as we would like to consider the presidential election the ultimate "reality show" uhm, no.

  11. Reveal this one! Not on New Year's but right now, this minute. Reveal it NOW!!!!!

  12. It's been reported that all members of the "Jersey Shore" cast donated money. Vinny has also been vocal in gathering volunteers for Staten Island.

  13. Whatever. $4 million in charity in 2011 (30 percent of his earnings that year) and $3 million in 2010 as per his tax returns (and yes, he's released thousands of pages of tax returns).

    1. That was to the Mormon church I believe, where he was a bishop Sooo I am sure he gets back a nice chunk

    2. That was to the Mormon church I believe, where he was a bishop Sooo I am sure he gets back a nice chunk

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. "I'll take 'Who Reads Too Much Ayn Rand, for $200 Alex,"

  16. Oh fuck off. There is no disputing that one big tenet of the Republican party is to provide assistance through charity -- whether approved personally by you TLex or not -- as opposed to through the government and whoever made that lame-ass flip comment about this blind being one of Romney's friends is just ignorant, an ass, and demonstrably wrong.

    1. Amy. I feel you. I need and you need to just walk away from this post. There is no point arguing with a brick wall. :) try to have a good Sunday.

    2. No need to curse at people, yo

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. You're my hero @smash :)

    2. Thank you Kats. I had to delete that. It makes me mad each side bashing eachother. I am over this and can't wait till Tuesday comes and goes.

  18. The Romneys donate huge amounts to the Mormon church, but it's debatable whether any of that money is used to help the less fortunate rather than going, for example, to oppose marriage equality amendments and establish business connections and control.

    Not quite the same as being motivated to donate to charity out of empathy for your fellow humans who are in need.

    [sorry - typo correction]

  19. @Amy I'd just say "donating to charity" can mean different things in different contexts.

    But didn't mean to ruin your day.

  20. The Situation.

    Romney and family donate huge amounts of money (as tax dodges) to Mormon-approved charities (so don't expect to see anything benefiting women's reproductive health, gay rights, social programs benefiting the poor and children (unless they can be converted to Mormonism), etc.).

  21. One who doesn't share your views on Romney, is not automatically a "brick wall". Can we all just stick to the blinds? I really doubt this has anything to do with a politician.

  22. Donating millions to the Mormon church isn't charity, considering that "church" spent millions trying to defeat Prop 8 in California.

  23. It's no one's business WHAT charity anyone donates to. Some people prefer to give to their church, others to the Red Cross (which to me seems to pay too much in salaries to their top people), or animal charities or the Salvation Army (my preference). And as for what charity the Romneys prefer to give to, what business is it of ours? I see people on this site carry on about charities that I frankly think are a waste of money but I don't criticize them because it's THEIR money to do with as THEY please.

    Also, I was always taught you don't talk about how much you give to charity. That's between you, God and the IRS. Politicians of course have to release tax returns, but they still have the right to donate to the charity of their choice.

    But as my nephew says "haters gonna hate"

    1. U read my mind @susan. It's the persons choice where they donate!

  24. Not Disick--the whole K Klan use Mama Kris's church as a tax write off and donate money there...Trump would be my first guess, with the Tool from Jersey Shore placing a close second.

  25. I don't think Trump would be d

  26. I don't think Trump would be considered a reality star first and foremost, which is why I don't think it is him. Also, how does one delete their comments? I published prior to finishing, and have no clue how to take it down.

    1. @puggle to delete I believe the only way is if u r on your pc, not on your mobile. You will see a little garbage can after your comment

  27. I really doubt this is anyone (!!) from Jersey Shore. They have been very vocal about driving help efforts.

    I go with Scott the Dick.

  28. @Misch thats really false!, i think this is Scott the dick

  29. Anonymous10:50 AM

    I guess Disick for this. Or maybe Joe Francis. Trump's Dad was a developer and taught Trump the ropes.
    I'm with you Susan B! I understand if someone wants to donate their money rather than pay taxes on it. In my humble opinion I think that that's the main debate between republicans and democrats. The dems think that paying taxes is ok because the government needs money to do all sorts of stuff for everyone's benefit. Republicans think that the government is wasting money and doesn't know best how to spend our tax money so therefore they want to pay less taxes and would rather give their money to charities or churches that they agree with. Whatever, let's all just pay a flat tax. We're all Americans, let's leave the fighting up to the politicians. I personally think that dems vs. reps thing is just an evil plot to keep us fighting amongst ourselves and not paying attention to whats really going on. We all care about standing up for the weak, we all care about this country, and we all believe our way is the right way. Let's just agree to disagree and go back to getting along, supporting and helping each other. Isn't that MUCH more constructive? The world has enough fights and misunderstandings, let's not add to the negativity and problems. You're all wonderful, interesting and witty. I respect all of your opinions. And I'm very proud to call all of you my fellow countrywomen and men.

    1. Huge fan of the flat tax too. :)

    2. Oh Carmelite: If only all of our politicians were the voice of reason like you. Yeah let's all stop making these posts a political argument and focus on the jerk who said this.

  30. I was curious. I googled the words "Romney personal hurricane donation" and came up with this link:

    I googled the same words "Obama personal hurricane donation" and came up with nothing. (I checked 4 pages of links) In fairness, he may not be releasing the information that he has donated to a charity for Sandy.

    @CarmaliteLady - check out the Fair Tax - I think that could also be the language, although I could live with the Flat Tax.

    1. Romney wrote a big check to buy things the red cross said they didn't need to stage a photo op..once the people came to support, they gave them the things they bought for the which I say, what is the point? Just write the bigcheck and give it to the red cross

  31. Who ISN'T a fan of the flat tax? Just watch that hysterical episode of Roseanne where they can't understand the "simple" tax filing instructions.

  32. Oh for Christ's sake. Romney released 1200 fricking pages of tax returns which show, btw, that he underdeducted his charitable giving so essentially he paid MORE tax than he needed to. He didn't take a salary when he was government of Massachusetts. If you donate to charity, do you deduct it? Damn right you do. Why shouldn't he and I bet he gives a damn sight more than you haters do. And yes, he gives a lot to his church. So do I. Why? because my church is in a depressed area of the city, we use it for mission and service including after school programs etc. And yes, they use it to further the doctrines of the church. So does the Catholic Church So does the associations for atheists. Do you think the Obama's didn't donate to that left wing church he belonged to prior to getting elected. And do you think that church didn't use it to further political agendas. Grow the hell up.

  33. I can't wait for Wendsday morning... All this crap will be somewhat over.

  34. LMAO at the people in this thread who want to stand on the soapbox about Romney's charitable contributions. When its shown that its predominately to Mormon organizations, suddenly its no one's business. For a group of people who don't want to be judged unfairly because of their way of life they sure do love to judge gay people. Hell, they use their funds to fight to take away their civil rights. Do you also support Romney's views on taking away a woman's right to choose? Do you also support Ryan's stance on "legitimate rape"?

    @SusanB I'm glad he donated, considering he only pays 14% income tax on money that isn't hidden in the Cayman Islands. I guess Obama ACTUALLY going to the devastated regions, working w/ people like Christie, who btw are being ridiculed by their party for ACTUALLY doing their job instead of being petty and following the GOP agenda of demonizing the president just isn't enough. You're right, Obama should be standing in front of a half empty hall in Ohio, posturing for votes instead of meeting with 1st responders and people who have lost everything.

    An American citizen who is concerned about our country's well being, who also happens to be a Democrat (aka "a brick wall")

  35. And, btw, when did it become appropriate for the media to ask those type of questions. The whole purpose, if in fact you haven't donated or volunteered, is either extortion or embarrassment. Has everyone on this board calling the guy out jumped in their car to head for the east coast?

  36. Can we PLEASE just all agree to stick to the blinds here!?!?

    I like Scott the Dick for this, but is his show really top-rated? How about one of the DWTS dancers, or maybe Simon Cowell?

  37. Jazzy, I don't think it's anybody's business if you donate to charity, where you donate to charity, or if you don't donate to charity. It's the Democrats who have made this an issue and then when shown that he and most Republicans donate to charities in significantly greater amounts, suddenly declare that churches "don't count" as charity (a surprise to the IRS I'm sure.) Just because you don't approve of how a charity spends its money doesn't make it an illegitimate donation or deduction.
    And as for Obama, can you say "photo op".

    1. Yeah just like Paul Ryan's photo op washing clean dishes at a homeless shelter? Lmao!!

  38. I'm with you, Jazzy.

  39. Obama went there, pictures were taken, and people are bitching. If he opted out of going, people would bitch over that. Certain people can never be pleased.

  40. People should be able to donate to whatever charities they want without anyone saying jack about it. Duhhh! It's their money.

    And stop hating on Amy. Anytime someone with a conservative viewpoint posts on here there is hell to pay.

  41. @JW are you serious?!?!? You honestly think that Obama going to Jersey was a photo op?! So was it a "photo op" for Christie too? How about Bloomberg, another photo op? I can understand how people can be confused about Obama's behavior, considering Bush never went to New Orleans after Katrina. I suppose that could make you cynical, seeing politicians doing the right thing.

    I agree it isn't anyone's business when you donate to charity. However, when you bring it up and want to use it as a talking point, then it is on the table. I have no problem with people donating to their church. I have a problem with the church using their power to oppress people. I would feel the same no matter what church and/or organization was involved in that.

  42. If I'm the certain people PM, you are wrong. However, Jazzy made it the issue. And BTW, where is Obama today. Campaigning in New Hampshire. Campaigning, just like Romney.

  43. I can see how my opinion touched a nerve, but actually JW, I didn't make it the issue. SusanB's point was that she found records that Romney donated to the Red Cross and couldn't find records for Obama, insinuating that Obama hasn't done enough. My point was that he was actually visiting the devastated areas after the disaster. Which brings me to my next point, now that the storm has passed, FEMA is on the ground working with families, both men should be back on the stump. Funny how during the Rep. primary Romney talked about cutting funds to FEMA and having the states take the brunt of disaster relief. I'm sure he has a new idea now though. He's got more system updates and half the charm of an iPad. Haha!

    Thank god we live in a country where we have the right to express ourselves and can agree to disagree. Now I'm headed back to fig blind items.

  44. I think this is great discourse even though it's a total thread jack.

    My opinion on the charity transparency for politicians is that is allows the public to see what you stand for. For instance, I do cancers, women's health rights and marriage equality. If I was a politician I think it would be instrumental in allowing my constintuents and opponents to know fully how I intend to focus my time outside of office (but more likely what tugs on my heart strings and could lead to legislation while in office). I do agree that this sort of transparency could also shame a candidate if they're not financially contributing but I think board membership s a worthwhile contribution.

    In Romneys case, yes it's his church but the church also works against a minority so this can be viewed in a multitude of ways. So it definitely has its disadvantages.

    1. Oh! And regular volunteering obviously is a contribution too. I forget to address that point.

  45. Out of curiosity, what is the argument against the flat tax?

    As far as this blind goes, it could be anybody with deep pockets and a heart of stone. And trust me, there are lots of those people out there.

  46. @Mother Campfire: I agree

  47. Mother Campfire and Jazzy, appreciate the debate. Have a great Sunday and, as someone said, this will be behind us on Wednesday. Peace.

  48. @Jazzy - please note that I did say it was entirely possible that Obama donated but hasn't released that fact.
    I'm no fan of Obama but I have no problem with his reaction to Sandy re showing up, etc. It's his job. I expect the President to show up (I've heard the president is also "Mourner in Chief" at times like this). I appreciate that he's doing his best to cut red tape.

    I also note that Bloomberg asked Obama NOT to come to NY - that he would be using valuable resources (security, etc) that could be better used elsewhere. I'm much less impressed with Bloomberg especially since that NYC marathon fiasco. And I'm hearing a lot of complaints that FEMA and the Red Cross aren't as present as some feel they should be by now. Check out the articles in the NY Post and the NY Daily News.

    I may criticize Obama, but not on this issue. And Jazzy - I appreciate that you "can agree to disagree" - I feel the same way.

    And as far as I'm concerned, as long as you pay your taxes and pay your bills, I don't give a damn WHAT you do with your money. You can set it on fire for all I care. I just don't think anyone has the right to tell ANYONE what they should do with their own money. And the same goes for charity. It's your own business. It's too bad that some feel they have the right to mind other people's business all in the name of "charity".

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. Flirty Chick, the arguments I have heard on a true flat tax is that 1. eliminating the deductions that people have relied on in their planning is unfair 2. the progressive nature income tax to some extent offsets the regressive nature of sales and property taxes 3. lack of deductions would decrease charitable giving etc. 4. unless the percentage is high, you may not get enough revenue to manage and this may unfairly impact the poor 5. the only countries who have a flat tax now are the previous soviet states and some smaller countries. No industrialized power has done it yet. I personally agree with a flat tax and then we don't have this bs with deductions and moving targets.

  51. I assume it was one of the Jersey Shore dudes, but someone above said they all donated money and are actively helping with the recovery, so I dunno.

    But that cast isn't known to be Mensa members, so......

    This is a gossip site. Please go argue politics on the HuffPo or somewhere else. Cant we all just get along here?

  52. JW: Interesting! For purely selfish reasons, I can see why a flat tax would be beneficial. I hardly have anything to deduct. But for those who do, I can now see why they might not like it.

  53. BTW: I love this site.I love the mix of gossip and intellect. Sets it apart from other sites and makes me want to come back.

  54. new BFF. :)


  55. Mandatory tithing isn't exactly giving to charity. It pays for church upkeep and operations.

    I think this is a Jersey Shore cast member.

  56. Yeah, I don't think donating to your church (which counts as a charitable donation for tax purposes) is the same as DONATING TO CHARITY. So there's that.

    But I'm going to lay off the Romney supporters. They're about to have a pretty tough week.

  57. Jesus. WTF? This dude - whomever he is and what ever party he aligns himself with [although frankly with a world view like that I doubt this prick votes]is a total douchebag. I have no money to spend to speak of and still managed to do what I could to send along $10 to the Red Cross. Asshat.

    As to the political discussion .. let us think long and hard what political party pretty much espouses that kinda of thinking. Not all members of that party, but I would say a vast majority who have the microphone of this certain party and say such things often.

    I am sorry if it offends anyone to see and read that but it is true and you - as a possible member of that party - do have the power to change that. YOU can become the new voice of the party and change that discourse, bring your moderate views back into the fold from which they have been tossed in favor of some pretty hateful rhetoric that runs a pretty true course off the line off this idiots thinking. [By "this idiot" .. I am specifically speaking to the idiot in the blind .. not any particular candidate of this certain party.]

    WE have the power to change this, folks. Republican, Democrat, Independent, [.. probably not Tea Party .. those folks are pretty much nuts! I live in Michelle Bachmann-land and I cannot have a good opinion of them given the lunacy that woman says as their figurehead] we can grab back the reins and move the discourse towards a more civil tone. Just sayin' .. we don't have to continue to see each other as *ssholes because some other *sshole tells us we should.

    Okay .. I came here to avoid this crap this weekend .. mission so entirely not accomplished. : /

  58. Well crap .. I guess if it wouldn't have taken me a collective three hours to write .. I coulda just posted .. What Carmelite Lady said!

  59. Disick... can't see any of the Jersey Shores not get involved, this is their stomping ground, and you can't NOT get involved when it is literally your doorstep...

  60. Doesn't matter, there's no such thing as having too many posts like yours, Wil. :-)

  61. It's a shame how polarized the country has become. I've been posting here for months and really come to like certain commenters for their contributions and wit. Above all, I appreciate that most people are polite and use proper spelling and grammar. It's a big step up from Perez Hilton (although I haven't been there in years; it might have improved.)

    And then I have this horrible gut reaction when I learn that someone I had previously liked is voting Romney, just as they may have that I have already voted for his opponent. I start to dislike them.

    It's completely absurd, but there it is. Don't worry, I'm not taking names and by tomorrow will have forgotten who was (D) and who was (R).

    Let's all keep political comments off this blog as much as possible. There are other sites for that. I admit, I have been an offender in the past and probably will be again.

    I think we were played by Enty. I suspect he just made that quote up for Election Weekend, hoping it would get the # of hits it did.

  62. Romney won't release tax records for more than 2 years because he made donations to the Mormon Church. Is that because he has donated so much to a church that is trying to oppress people or because he has donated so little and doesn't want the church to know? I have no clue, but I do know that I don't want someone with such antiquated views on women's rights to be POTUS.

    It's the Daily Mail so take a salt shaker with you. Oh, and we're not all Americans on this site.

    BI guess: Russell Hantz from Survivor?

  63. Churches aren't a charity? I'll remember that when my church pays rent on an apartment so a family won't be out on the streets or gives them enough food so the kids won't starve.

  64. I voted early. FL ballot is loooonnnngggg so prepare in advance otherwise you 'll need a chair and maybe a recess to get through it. SusanB - SunSentinel endorsed Romney. I fell off the chair when I read that. Literally .

  65. First time poster, long-time lurker. :) I immediately thought of the situation on this one. He really just rubs me the wrong way, and I can totally see him saying something this douchey.

  66. Most people who donate to charity don't issue press releases about it.

    The blind actually sounds more like Paul Ryan than Romney. This is straight out of Ayn Rand, and out of his budget plan.

    Scott Disick is a class-A dick but he's from Long Island and I think he knows better than to say something like that even if he's thinking it. He'd just make up some lame excuse not to help or lie and say he was.

  67. I would like to disagree. Donald Trump is very much a reality star and I can totally see his dickish ugly ass saying this.

    I fear for Wednesday. So many people feel so strongly about their presidential choices. There so much hate, so much misinformation.
    Wednesday is going to bring half a country of very relieved people and half very angry and upset. It seems people are more polarized than ever. Including that jack ass Donald Trump.

  68. Check into the Salvation Army to be really sure they align with your personal values. If you support gay people and equal rights, the SA will fall off your list.

  69. Something happened in 2009 that makes Romney not want to show that return. That is also the year that many many many wealthy people were given the option to take an amnesty on having money in illegal overseas accounts.

    I don't consider churches to be charities and they need to lose their tax-free status.

    Lots of generalization going on here about dems and repubs. On the whole, it has been studied and found that dems give more time than money while repubs tend to give more money and less time. Six of one and half dozen of the other.

    Romney is a jerk and a liar... no matter if he gave ten billion to charity.

    Oh, and this blind definitely has to be about Scott Isadick.

  70. Carmelite Lady
    I always love your comments, but I want to put you up on my shoulders and do a victory lap around my neighborhood for that last post (it would be helpful if you could hold a couple dog leashes or one of my babies while you're up there. I like to multi-task)

  71. @agent fellow floridian and early voter - I was close to having a hand cramp, definitely a long ballot!

  72. @agent fellow floridian and early voter - I was close to having a hand cramp, definitely a long ballot!

  73. NJ Shore resident here. Just got power back. Have no idea who this blind is about, but just want to say the following:

    1. If Jersey Shore castmates have been active in helping with the disaster, I sure haven't heard about it. (And I've been glued to many radio stations--our only source of any info--for the past five days.

    2. As many journalists pointed out when Romney released his 2011 return, he didn't claim all the money he gave to charity as a deduction. He can, however, file an amended return next year to pick up that deduction.

    3. Ben Still volunteered? I didn't know that either...and why would I care? I have a tree on my roof.

    1. Kathy, I looked this up for you. It appears that they are pulling together a fund raising effort collectively via MTV . Addtitionally, online petitions on Facebook and Twitter fans have urged the cast to donate to Sandy relief efforts, with at least one castmember -- Snooki -- revealing that she already has.
      Other castmembers, including JWoww and Sammi, have vowed to do all they can to help in the relief efforts, posting pictures of the destruction and tweeting links to ways fans can donate to the cause. The entire cast released statements to MTV News saying that they were "devastated" to see the wreckage of their hometown.

  74. Hi Wil! I drive through Bachmannland all the time (*sigh*).

    I can't wait for Wednesday to be here too. Either way, I'm drinking.

  75. OMG, STFU with the politics

  76. Carmelite Lady- Well said ! I hope every voter in every party will come together after the election and in unison, call up their Supervisor of Elections and change their voter registration to INDEPENDANT. It will send a loud message to every political party, every politican and the really crappy and creepy media we have posing as journalists . The readers here have more collective knowledge and resources than a lot of politicos that I have had the displeasure of working with over the years.

    Happy Anniversary, Enty ! I think it is 6 years this week that Enty started this blog.

  77. IIRC, Mormons are REQUIRED to tithe in order to be a full member of their church. The church knows EXACTLY how much each member tithes, how often you attend their hours long weekly services, how much time you donate and how many converts you have aquired. IMHO, it is not much different from CO$. Just my own opinion, but I could never vote for someone so involved in a religious institution.

    The whole Jersey Shore cast is my guess.

  78. Anonymous6:58 PM

    I don't want to contribute to this lovely, deteriorating tangent, and yet.......there is some misinformation here.

    I would like to address the idea that giving to LDS charities is funding oppression. Yes, I am LDS and coming out of the Mormon closet here on CDAN. I've very rarely read anything incendiary here, and when i catch some bitterness/mockery--that's ok, I get it. You can think my beliefs are crazy and it doesn't matter to me. We're controversial blah blah.

    But at least understand the logistics. Tithing, which is not mandatory, is 10% of a person's gross income. It's policy not to use this money for political purposes. NO tithing money was put towards Prop 8--the leadership requested its members donate and many did (I did not). It's not entirely charity, either, as a great deal of the money is used to build churches and temples throughout the world.
    The church also has its own welfare system, and takes care of its own. Tithing and something called fast offerings (we fast once a month and donate the money we would have spent on food for our family toward feeding the hungry) go to this purpose. We have storehouses of food that anyone with need can apply to visit. They get a checklist of everything offered and select what they need, all for free. Each congregation has an employment specialist and a "provident living" specialist focused on living within your means and teaching life skills. There's also an educational fund for higher education: grants and low-to-no interest loans.

    Still, by your definition, that would not be considered charity because those served are largely LDS. However, the efforts of the church on a global scale through the LDS Humanitarian charities are undeniably admirable and far-reaching. We collect wheelchairs for people with disabilities on every continent except Antarctica and support production of accessible equipment whenever possible. Our clean water initiatives have served over a million people in 33 countries. We provide food and disaster relief, vision care, free immunizations and teach neonatal resuscitation techniques to community health workers in developing areas.

    Unless Romney donated personally to Prop 8 or similar bills, there is really no reason to accuse him of oppressing or opposing equal rights. And just because someone contributes to one cause you hate doesn't detract from all the good they do in other areas.

    I think the reason most people are so heated about now is the stereotyping. It's irritating for strangers or the kid who cheated off your math test in seventh grade to think they know anything about you based on your political affiliation/religion/race/hometown/whatever. I'm unaffiliated and not a Ryan fan (hey, fun fact, the Mormon church is technically pro-choice because they officially allow abortions in cases of rape, incest, or when either the life of mother or child is compromised), but the far left has me wanting to bitch slap everyone and run around screaming "You don't know my life!"

    This is maybe the third time I've posted in the comments, and I promise to keep them to my guesses from here on out. Yours in trashy gossip and shameless nosiness,

    1. Thank you for your information @The Little Woman. Proof positive all points of view are vital.

  79. LIttle Woman. Thank you for posting. I've had a friend (non Mormon) who was helped by the Mormons when she was homeless so I was aware of the charitable aspects. I was interested to hear that the political funds must come from separate donations. And Lake Union girl, hope you aren't voting for Obama because for 20 years he was wrapped up in the Trinity United Church of Christ. Guess your only safe choice for this election is Roseanne. Oh, wait - Jewish.

  80. Anonymous1:37 AM

    This is so important, I feel it needs to be said again:

    "We're all Americans, let's leave the fighting up to the politicians. I personally think that dems vs. reps thing is just an evil plot to keep us fighting amongst ourselves and not paying attention to whats really going on. We all care about standing up for the weak, we all care about this country, and we all believe our way is the right way. Let's just agree to disagree and go back to getting along, supporting and helping each other. Isn't that MUCH more constructive? The world has enough fights and misunderstandings, let's not add to the negativity and problems. You're all wonderful, interesting and witty. I respect all of your opinions. And I'm very proud to call all of you my fellow countrywomen and men."

    "I hope every voter in every party will come together after the election and in unison, call up their Supervisor of Elections and change their voter registration to INDEPENDANT. It will send a loud message to every political party, every politican and the really crappy and creepy media we have posing as journalists . The readers here have more collective knowledge and resources than a lot of politicos that I have had the displeasure of working with over the years."

    Thank you very much, @CarmeliteLady and @AgentIt. I agree wholeheartedly. For the sake of our community, and the country at large, can we all agree to drop the D and R stuff and focus on debating our differing opinions respectfully? We shouldn't allow ourselves to be so easily divided.

    "A house divided against itself cannot stand."

  81. Anonymous4:04 AM

    Tamara, Bishops are unpaid volunteers and serve the congregation in addition to having a full time job. Again, information is key.

    This does sound like Donald Trump.

  82. @ Little Woman
    "Again, information is key."

    You said that so much more politely than my first instinct which was "get your facts straight, you stupid git."

  83. I will be so glad when it's wednesday....

  84. Anonymous7:37 AM


    "I'll take 'Who Reads Too Much Ayn Rand, for $200 Alex,"

    this made me snort! Thank you!

  85. Romney is required by the Mormon Church to tithe a prescribed amount every month. This is what he is calling his charitable contributions. It is a total scam.

  86. Really tired of hearing about how Mitt Romney gives money to "charity," aka the LDS Church. It's a fact that he's been screwing over both his fellow American citizens and the church for years:

  87. @Sunnyhorse - ITA!!!

  88. Anonymous4:24 PM


    I can't WAIT!!!

  89. Shesellsbythescsea - I think it is Adam Levine. Didn't anyone see that photo of him holding his 8.5 x 11.5 paper sign telling people to text the Red Cross to donate? Way to help out there Adam Levine!! Don't want to pull a muscle helping out too many people at once...
